Zone1 Mary's sinlessness

I guess forgiving the sins.


Religion works like this -

Like what?

- you invent a dangerous condition, namely sin, for which only you has the remedy.

Hitler officially never broke any law, isn't it? So why did he do what he did do? Because "sin" is an invention? ... By the way: Did Putin break any law of Russia? ... But who for heavens sake is able to forgive them their sins? May it be your ideas about "sin" is a little naive? Imagine Stalin: he suffered paranoia and the more people he murdered the more he suffered paranoia. And he murdered dozens of millions of the own people. I often say his paranoia was no sickness - his paranoia was a real sane consequence of his deeds. Hitler, Stalin and Putin had been / are unbelievable mighty people - but they had been / are not free people.
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Like what?

Hitler officially never broke any law, isn't it? So why did he do what he did do? Because "sin" is an invention? ... By the way: Did Putin break any law of Russia? ... But who for heavens sake is able to forgive them their sins? May it be your ideas about "sin" is a little naive? Imagine Stalin: he suffered paranoia and the more people he murdered the more he sufferred paranoia. And he murdered dozens of millions of the own people. I often say his paranoia was no sickness - his paranoia was a real sane consequence of his deeds. Hitler, Stalin and Putin had been / are unbelievable mighty people - but they had been / are not free people.
Sin is a religious term for a transgression against a divine law and there is really only one that counts in Christianity - not believing.
Sin is a religious term for a transgression against a divine law and there is really only one that counts in Christianity - not believing.

What's your religion? Atheism? In this case you call "divine laws" "natural laws".
Yup. Secular humanist actually.

Most humanists had been Christians. So humanism explains nothing. And the root of secularism is enlightenment. But the idea that rationality is a main element follows also a Christian revelation, namely the revelation of the creator god. "In the beginning was the logos, and the logos was with god, and the logos was god. He was in the beginning with god. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Do you believe in natural laws? Such as the right of equality for example? If so - why do you believe in such natural laws? And in general: If you believe in equality - what are for you the people who do not believe in equality? Sinners or idiots or opponents or enemies or criminals or ...?
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