The majority of states who receive more goverment funds than they pay through taxes are red states.

The analysis is on revenue received from the Federal Government compared to taxes paid to the Federal Government.

I'm pretty sure they're counting money received by the people, not just dollars given to the states. In either case, fiscally responsible states should have smaller deficits and lower debt.

Post the lists.

The states that take more money from the federal government than they pay in are a majority red states. I provided data.

States don't "pay in" to the federal government, the people pay.
Social Security payments received by the people are not money that the "state takes".
elmer thinks we are an organization like NATO....not a country,he has a hard time seeing that.....
The location of those states and the huge lead time they had as the center of money and the industrial revolution does not hurt. The money sent to the red states ended up making many major cities Prog.
Red states are red states.
and that organization makes us a country not an organization like NATO.....i know this is hard for you to understand elmer.....
You cannot see any similarities to nations paying into a central organization they belong and states paying into a centralized government they are part of.
Red states are red states.

You cannot see any similarities to nations paying into a central organization they belong and states paying into a centralized government they are part of.
we pay the taxes elmer not the nato you have countries all chipping in for America we the people,the tax payers in ALL the states,WE are the it the rancher in Wyomings fault that California has more economic clout?....learn the difference elmer....
The majority of states who receive more goverment funds than they pay in taxes are red states. They ar getting more from the government than they are paying.
NY and CA pay more in federal taxes than they receive in government funds.

I say we treat states like Trump wants to treat NATO nations. If a state does not pay in equal or more in taxes than they receive from the federal goverment we kick themout of the USA. It would balance the budget.

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I say fuck it, why stop at the state level, let’s break it down by city. We both know cities full of your treasured dark people are responsible for dragging the state into the shitter.
we pay the taxes elmer not the nato you have countries all chipping in for America we the people,the tax payers in ALL the states,WE are the it the rancher in Wyomings fault that California has more economic clout?....learn the difference elmer....
We hear about all of the homeless and welfare receipients in California and New York. You would think they are sucking the US Treasury dry. No, both states give more than they get.
The majority of states who receive more goverment funds than they pay in taxes are red states. They ar getting more from the government than they are paying.
NY and CA pay more in federal taxes than they receive in government funds.

I say we treat states like Trump wants to treat NATO nations. If a state does not pay in equal or more in taxes than they receive from the federal goverment we kick themout of the USA. It would balance the budget.

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Not this shit again

So break off with the red states hate the people anyway why not peacefully secede and build Uber democratic socialist paradise ?
The majority of states who receive more goverment funds than they pay in taxes are red states. They ar getting more from the government than they are paying.
NY and CA pay more in federal taxes than they receive in government funds.

I say we treat states like Trump wants to treat NATO nations. If a state does not pay in equal or more in taxes than they receive from the federal goverment we kick themout of the USA. It would balance the budget.

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This topic has come up repeatedly over the years and one of the main reasons for this is because of all the military installations and contractors that are in the southern states. That aside, you people continuously vote for politicians who redistribute all of this money to these states so why do you keep crying about it?

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