Harris is Kicking His Ass

Caught a little in the car on the way to work.

Harris owns the blob.

Too bad he’s worthless.

Carving that turkey up like a roast.
social media is already getting flooded on how the mods constantly fact checked Trump but did fact check Harris ... she didn't come off as genuine .. but in the eyes of millions of uninformed voters she may have edged out Trump in the debate .. and her campaign has already agreed to a second debate .. I doubt she will get such soft biased treatment in the possible upcoming fox debate ..
social media is already getting flooded on how the mods constantly fact checked Trump but did fact check Harris ... she didn't come off as genuine .. but in the eyes of millions of uninformed voters she may have edged out Trump in the debate .. and her campaign has already agreed to a second debate .. I doubt she will get such soft biased treatment in the possible upcoming fox debate ..
She wasn't in power. Joe Biden was and still is in power. Vice-Presidents support the President's policies. They don't go rogue with their own policies.

Also, she has no power as VP. None. Look it up.
She had enough to knife him in the back and steal the nomination. Also had enough power as border czar to completely fuck that up. Cast the final vote for the green new deal that caused all of this inflation.

If she’s that fucking bad with limited power why the hell would we ever want her in charge of anything?

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