QM and General Relativity may have finally been merged

Stop being a quivering pussy. View it for a few moments. Really. It’s not difficult.
Hmm, I think the sissy is the one who can't sum up a point from it in his own big boy words.

Of course, we have different standards, in educated circles.

Why shouldn't they have dropped the second term in the Einstein field equation?

For example.
Hmm, I think the sissy is the one who can't sum up a point from it in his own big boy words.

No. Just click a link and listen. So simple even a moron like you can do it. You sissy.
Of course, we have different standards, in educated circles.

Right. I’m educated and you’re not and you’re a sissy. 👍
Why shouldn't they have dropped the second term in the Einstein field equation?

For example.
You are ok with the multiple uses of a one symbol representing different mathematical concepts?
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Why? I couldn't care less if you don't. If you want to believe garbage science that's totally your choice.
I don't believe the paper's claims. It's one paper.

That kind of faith -- just believing one wild document that makes lofty claims -- is for religious peope like you.
She offered her opposition ... somebody has to ... others are busy confirming the math ... it's better than mGR ... it's about time lazy physicists finally started work on this ... talk about milking the clock ...
First of all this paper is garbage science. Mass creates curvature so curvature must create mass? Really? That's not obviously flawed science? She said so many garbage science papers are getting published that the community has pretty much given up on fighting them.
I don't believe the paper's claims. It's one paper.

That kind of faith -- just believing one wild document that makes lofty claims -- is for religious peope like you.
Ironically it was a person of faith (me) that set you straight on this scientific paper. Given that this has been a common occurrence, I would have thought you would have shown a little more humility.

That you think my faith precludes my understanding of complex subjects is your mistake to make. The reality is that my belief that God is Truth is what turns on all the learning centers of my mind. So what you perceive as a weakness is an incredible strength that will always defeat your ignorance and arrogance.
Ironically it was a person of faith (me) that set you straight on this scientific paper.
Set me straight? Uh, what? Ding, you post like a jilted 7th grader. Settle down. I didn't write or gobble up the other paper.

That you think my faith precludes my understanding of complex subjects
I don't think that about anyone. I have never stated or even implied it. Ding, you're flailing and swinging at flies that don't exist.
Set me straight? Uh, what? Ding, you post like a jilted 7th grader. Settle down. I didn't write or gobble up the other paper.

I don't think that about anyone. I have never stated or even implied it. Ding, you're flailing and swinging at flies that don't exist.
Yep, set you straight and others as well.

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