Think about this: Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney both endorse Kamala Harris


Leo, please, stop with your senseless nonsense.... I just can't be fooled by that kind of ridiculous crap....

In Helsinki, Putin and Trump's press conference, Putin admitted that he wanted Trump to win in 2016, and he told all of his men, to do what they could to support Trump in his election bid. There is video of it.....(Russia, Russia, Russia 2016 election interference)

Putin is Trump's mentor.... Trump has goo goo eyes, with mushy praise for him, when ever he speaks about Putin.... Trump is Putin's useful idiot...or plays like he is...imo.
Putin doesn't worry about either of the candidates, he likes to cause.havok. I'm sure he does worry about both Establishments though. For certain, Russia and in particular China are well embedded in the Democrat Party,.especially in California and New York. If one is looking strictly at the risk of foreign influences, the GOP are infiltrated to a much lower degree I would bet. Far less activity (and far more difficult) in the suburbs in Utah, Alaska or Alabama than ithere is infiltratation efforts in large urban centers of California or New York.

Leo, please, stop with your senseless nonsense.... I just can't be fooled by that kind of ridiculous crap....

In Helsinki, Putin and Trump's press conference, Putin admitted that he wanted Trump to win in 2016, and he told all of his men, to do what they could to support Trump in his election bid. There is video of it.....(Russia, Russia, Russia 2016 election interference)

Putin is Trump's mentor.... Trump has goo goo eyes, with mushy praise for him, when ever he speaks about Putin.... Trump is Putin's useful idiot...or plays like he is...imo.
Yet Putin just endorsed Kamala. To say anything else is 'senseless nonsense.' Your post has old information. Things change and Putin sees a chance at world domination if Kamala gets elected. Oh yes, if Trump gets elected he'll start pandering to him. I think it's funny how lefties are in denial when Putin endorses their candidate but are all on board when Putin endorses Trump.

Come to Canada if you have it so bad. You can't take your Constituion with you though.
Canada is a dictatorship, I would not want to live there. I did not say I have it so bad either, at least not yet. If Kamala gets elected things will be bad in America.
Canada is a dictatorship, I would not want to live there. I did not say I have it so bad either, at least not yet. If Kamala gets elected things will be bad in America.
I hear ya. Find the Ontario Police Service Act and read about how much they can and do get away with. It's frightening how easily police states emerge to the point that not even expensive P.R campaigns are able to convince the world differently. Quebec and Ontario are a hotbed for foreign spies too, generally looking to hit the ground running until they head to the U.S, their primary target. Again, see the police state, it keeps the apparatus unaccountable, lazy, well fed and flabby and they are only effective when they create artificial threats, not in preventing real ones.
What was retarded? That Putin supports Trump with millions of dollars paid to Trump Influencers on the net? Why would you call that fact, retarded???

There are no "paid Trump-influencers" on the net and if there were, they would have virtually no sway over the way anyone votes. Do you really think someone would actually decide to change their vote from Harris to Trump, because of some propaganda read on the internet? That doesn't say much about the intelligence of Democrats, does it? I mean I know how Democrats are cult-like and easily-manipulated, but to actually be influenced by some Russians to the point of deciding to vote for Trump instead? You don't see how retarded that concept is?

Besides, Putin has already endorsed Kamala Harris. Did you miss that or something?

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