Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris for president

Liz and Dick are still conservatives, still adherents of failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma

And now they're supporting Kamala and her failed, wrongheaded dogma.
Being childish and ridiculous is to be a Trump supporter; Trump is childish and ridiculous.

Trump voters tend to be ill-informed, immature, and willfully ignorant – we see proof of this daily on this very forum, along with whining and lying about Dick and Liz being 'RINOs.'

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

I don't think we Real Americans could have asked for a better gift than seeing Kamala Kultists licking Dick Cheney's boots. Christmas came early!
Being childish and ridiculous is to be a Trump supporter; Trump is childish and ridiculous.

Trump voters tend to be ill-informed, immature, and willfully ignorant – we see proof of this daily on this very forum, along with whining and lying about Dick and Liz being 'RINOs.'
On the other hand, we see jut how dishonest the Harris groupies are. Harris spent years playing up Ole' Stumblebum is fine despite the fact that she was a position to see the cognitive and physical decline. The Harris groupies tend to be far-left freaks willing to be lied to and willing to promote lies and fraud.
Is Dick Cheney not a NeoCon? Does Harris not support all the wars?
It’s true – military leaders were aware of the fact that Trump was dangerous and unfit to be president.

‘After Lafayette Square, Gates told both Milley and Esper that, given Trump’s increasingly erratic and dangerous behavior, they needed to stay in the Pentagon as long as they could. “If you resign, it’s a one-day story,” Gates told them. “If you’re fired, it makes it clear you were standing up for the right thing.” Gates advised Milley that he had another important card and urged him to play it: “Keep the chiefs on board with you and make it clear to the White House that if you go they all go, so that the White House knows this isn’t just about firing Mark Milley. This is about the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff quitting in response.”’

She supports them and without the US involvement they aren't happening. That's the bottom line.
You think the Zionists would have sat on their hands after Oct 7th if the US didn't support them? You think the Ukrainians would have just rolled over and died when Putin invaded them?

You dont get to just blame the last guy in office for every bad thing that happens during your admin. I know that's really convenient but that's not how the world works. That op didnt happen 3 days after they were in office it happened half a year later if the planned op was bad they should have changed it.

Actually, that's exactly how the world works if you have a fucking brain.

Trump is the guy who signed an agreement with the Taliban that excluded our allies.
Trump is the guy who reduced the force down to 2500 troops.
Trump is the guy who left no plan in place to remove them by the original April date.

So Trump left Biden a flaming bag of shit on his doorstep... actually many flaming bags of dogshit.

LOL. Ok.

I DONT LIKE TRUMP YOU FUCKING MORON. That doesn't change why Cheney is supporting Harris.
Because he sees Trump as a dangerous lunatic.

So do most Republicans. They are just too cowardly to say so out loud.
What? Which war does Kamala not support? It isnt the one in Ukraine and it isnt the one in Gaza. Is there some other war the US is participating in only you are aware of that Harris doesnt support?

Even if that's the case YES. How much more can you fuck up than getting the US involved in a war? Oh wait 2 wars. Oh and fucking up the extraction from another. There are a ton of things I dont like about Trump. He's not a good candidate, I've never said he was. But the reason behind Cheney's vote for Harris is quite obvious to everyone other than people in the Blue MAGA cult.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Harris supports war??? Or does she support the USA honouring its commitments to its allies, and those it has pledged to protect????

Trump has a history of tearing up US Defence and Arms Limitation Treaties, with disastrous results. Iran is now on the brink of having nuclear weapons, if they don't have the capability already, because Trump tore up the their Treaty, and murdered their Defense Minister.

Trump abandoned the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turkish forces and Syria. As a result, the ISIS fighters the Kurds were holding prisoner escaped, and teamed up with HAMAS for the October 7th Massacre.

Trump abandoned the Afghan Government when he surrendered to the Taliban, the the government soldiers cut and ran. Trump reduced American forces to 2500 military personnel. The Taliban overran the country in weeks. And then Trump blamed Biden for the chaotic withdrawal.

Trump has pledged to abandon the Ukraine to Russia. Putin has started making moves on Poland in anticipation of a Trump Presidency.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that Harris supports war??? Or does she support the USA honouring its commitments to its allies, and those it has pledged to protect????
Yeah her support to continue funding it. Same with the war in Gaza. Not sure how much more evidence you want. You can spin this any way you want but at the end of the day she supports the war in Ukraine and Gaza.
Trump has a history of tearing up US Defence and Arms Limitation Treaties, with disastrous results. Iran is now on the brink of having nuclear weapons, if they don't have the capability already, because Trump tore up the their Treaty, and murdered their Defense Minister.

Not sure what this has to do with the subject at hand.

Trump abandoned the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turkish forces and Syria. As a result, the ISIS fighters the Kurds were holding prisoner escaped, and teamed up with HAMAS for the October 7th Massacre.
Again, not sure what this has to do with why Cheney is supporting Harris. BTW do you have any clue how many times the US has "betrayed the Kurds"?
Trump abandoned the Afghan Government when he surrendered to the Taliban, the the government soldiers cut and ran. Trump reduced American forces to 2500 military personnel. The Taliban overran the country in weeks. And then Trump blamed Biden for the chaotic withdrawal.
See above. This has zero to do with the thread topic.
Trump has pledged to abandon the Ukraine to Russia. Putin has started making moves on Poland in anticipation of a Trump Presidency.

Actually he's pledged to broker a peace. The fantasy that Ukraine is getting all their land back only exists in the minds of people not paying attention.
Yeah her support to continue funding it. Same with the war in Gaza. Not sure how much more evidence you want. You can spin this any way you want but at the end of the day she supports the war in Ukraine and Gaza.

Trump has also vowed to give Bibi anything he wants. If anything, Harris and Biden are pushing for a cease-fire.

Again, not sure what this has to do with why Cheney is supporting Harris. BTW do you have any clue how many times the US has "betrayed the Kurds"?

So it's okay that Trump betrayed the Kurds because past presidents have?

Actually he's pledged to broker a peace. The fantasy that Ukraine is getting all their land back only exists in the minds of people not paying attention.
You mean he's going to sell out Ukraine to his Lord and Master, Putin.

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