JD Vance Wants Abused Women Not To Be Allowed To Get A Divorce

I lived through the 50s as kid. Lots of alcoholism and unhappy people. I'd never want to go back to anything about them.

So you think everyone lived the same experience that you did? It's not about you, that's one major thing wrong with this culture, it's all about self.
The problem here, which JD Vance didn’t properly explain is that there is a difference between Discipline and Abuse when it comes to both wives and children. Far too often what is actually necessary discipline comes across to outsiders as abuse.
The problem here, which JD Vance didn’t properly explain is that there is a difference between Discipline and Abuse when it comes to both wives and children. Far too often what is actually necessary discipline comes across to outsiders as abuse.

Do you often find you have to discipline your wife?
Do you often find you have to discipline your wife?
On occasion, but it’s been probably 5-6 years since it reached the point of needing to be physical discipline.

She has a bad habit of using “house” money for things that “her” money is supposed to be used for without getting permission first.
On occasion, but it’s been probably 5-6 years since it reached the point of needing to be physical discipline.

She has a bad habit of using “house” money for things that “her” money is supposed to be used for without getting permission first.

You're a miserable SOB, guess there's someone for everyone, she sounds like a foolish woman. :dunno:
"Vice" video out of Canada two years ago? Lefties seem to be addicted to spin these days. It beats talking about Camila.
You're a miserable SOB, guess there's someone for everyone, she sounds like a foolish woman. :dunno:
Our marriage is far more of a business partnership than anything else. We both learned the folly of love and how badly one can be hurt very early in life. She provides things in the remotest I can’t and vice versa. It’s worked for 10+ years now.
A stable genius wouldn't have picked such a weirdo as VP. Vance is only causing problems for Trump.
Vance paid his dues in life. Snakes like Joe never did. He has an "R" next to his name, so he is terrible.
So you think everyone lived the same experience that you did? It's not about you, that's one major thing wrong with this culture, it's all about self.
Trouble is, any of us start talking about a culture that cares about the community, the right starts screaming and wailing about socialism.

Remember in the 90s when Clinton published “it takes a village”?
Our marriage is far more of a business partnership than anything else. We both learned the folly of love and how badly one can be hurt very early in life. She provides things in the remotest I can’t and vice versa. It’s worked for 10+ years now.
Some here will judge you because of the business partnership thing. I say if it's working all the power to you. Marriage really begins when the lovey dovey and newness wears off.
This is the direct quote:

Vance was responding to a moderator who referenced his grandparents’ relationship before asking, “What’s causing one generation to give up on fatherhood when the other one was so doggedly determined to stick it out, even in tough times?” And those comments came immediately after he brought up his grandparents’ relationship and how it differed from his parents’ generation. He described their marriage as “violent” in his best-selling book “Hillbilly Elegy,” though they’d reconciled by the time he came along and helped raise him, giving him a sense of safety and stability his mother was unable to provide.

You are so desperate it's funny
G is the biggest fraud on the site.
Again, I have to ask, Are you Lefties stupid or subversive. I know you are evil, but the stupidity question remains relevant.

Vance never said or implied what the OP states.

Stupid or what?

Evil liars who will do anything for power.
Just remember who men follow in hard times. Progs blew their wad on all of the legend creating of their candidates.
You don't know what a man is. Go and fluff your Trumpy
You don't know what a man is. Go and fluff your Trumpy
As the globalists expand their power, you will be egging for the men to show up. And many who could, will remember how they were treated in this insane time. In fac they may even work for the globalists as a huge percentage of Prog citizens will not be happy of what they fought for in a reduced economic time and will take care of what dictatorships do to rabble rousing citizens.
As the globalists expand their power, you will be egging for the men to show up. And many who could, will remember how they were treated in this insane time. In fac they may even work for the globalists as a huge percentage of Prog citizens will not be happy of what they fought for in a reduced economic time and will take care of what dictatorships do to rabble rousing citizens.
You bore me.
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