Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris for president

Reversing it would have meant starting up the war again, when no one really wanted to.

Stop drinking the bleach.

He didn't have to start up the war again, he could have just made a safe and logical exit.

Instead rushing to leave by September 11th, like a huge fucking twat.
Well, there's a huge difference, Harris will push for a fair settlement for the Palestinians, something the world knows needs to happen at some point.
Will she? How do we know that?
Except Cheney admits that was a mistake now. Trump wouldn't admit a mistake if his fake hair was on fire.
Oh so it's ok then.. LOL. Is that why it happened again when he was VP?
Russia isn't winning the war, either, and at some point, the Russian people are going to start asking questions why.
You'll notice I didnt say they were.
It took 10 years of fighting in Afghanistan before the USSR withdrew and fell.
Different war. They arent even fighting the same type of war. Are you really this ignorant?
Unless Trump sells out Ukraine, which he's inclined to do because Putin still has that Pee tape.

Back to the Russia Russia Russia hoax so soon?
How naive are you? Get rid of guys like Cheney and there will never be another war? Get real! Both parties love war.
Where did I say that? You're doing the same thing JoeB is doing. It's just as stupid when you do it as it is when he does it.
Different war. They arent even fighting the same type of war. Are you really this ignorant?

War is war, buddy. The fact is, the same thing that brought down the USSR will bring down Russia now. People are going to start asking why their sons had to die for the Donbas... and Putin can't come up with a good reason.

Back to the Russia Russia Russia hoax so soon?
Russia seems awfully invested in Trump. do you ever wonder why?

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

Russia seems awfully invested in Trump. do you ever wonder why?

‘Russia backs Kamala Harris’: Putin’s history of US election ‘endorsements’​

For two decades, Russian President Putin has stirred the US election pot, including by signalling support for candidates.
6 Sep 2024

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