reports are already coming out about ABCs moderators aiding Harris in the debate !

You can't give what you don't have, asswipe.

You even knowing how to spell ignorance is almost a violation of some planetary law.

You seem always happy. I am glad for you. In fact I admire someone who can be as screwed up as you are and still be happy.

Must be the meds. Right, asswipe ?
If by meds you mean Marijuana then sure. The weed does increase my amusement with this site and the inanity and fantasy that comes spewing out of you people like a neverending fountain of youth, if you belive laughter and wonder keeps you young. :lol:
quoting batshit Facebook posts as if they were legit news sources is idiotic.

You realize that's how the Chinese Lab Leak started right? And we were all chastised for believing it, to the point we "couldn't say that"

Whatever little trust you have left in our institutions, it's obviously much more than I have.
You realize that's how the Chinese Lab Leak started right? And we were all chastised for believing it, to the point we "couldn't say that"

Whatever little trust you have left in our institutions, it's obviously much more than I have.
The Chinese lab thing and the “we need to be scairt because imgrints are eating our dogs” thing aren’t even in the same universe.
True. That is one of the few questions he didn't answer and that could be calculated considering the hostile environment he was in. I don't know. He did use his time to explain why it needs to happen.
Hostile environment my ass. He knew he would be asked about deportation and he blew it off.
1. is valid, we'll see if it tracks though

2. immaterial. Her audience was going to vote for her anyway and, if they were not, it's because they're hurting economically.

Not true on #2.

Many would have, but many more will now. I have kids in their 20's. They were not going to vote in this election because they don't like Trump and they were upset with Biden for not delivering on forgiving their student loans. My daughter is a huge Taylor Swift fan and I have no doubt she'll be voting for Harris.
If by meds you mean Marijuana then sure.
You bet....
The weed does increase my amusement with this site and the inanity and fantasy that comes spewing out of you people like a neverending fountain of youth, if you belive laughter and wonder keeps you young. :lol:

I am sure you wake up from your time on weed....a legend in your own mind.

I can only guess it's a little disappointing to find you are the same asswipe afterwards that you were before.
And I actually do think that saying she spent more time baiting and provoking Trump than discussing actual policy is valid criticism against her.

But this is politics. She achieved her goal.

And we all know that Trump’s team warned him she’d do this and that they begged him on bended knees not to take the bait.

I’m sure there was literally hair being pulled out in frustration in the Trump team as they watched the debate las night

Only until videos like this go all over, the VA gov saying they will kill the baby after a botched abortion

Seriously though, was there ever even a shred of speculation that Swift would endorse Trump?

I don’t get how this is a big deal?
Videos all over Twitter/X now of the former VA gov saying if a baby was born alive after an abortion, the baby would be "kept comfortable" while the family "decides what to do"
This is 1984. If you they don't acknowledge it, they don't have to deal with the dissonance it creates.

Drugs help a great deal.
Not true on #2.

Many would have, but many more will now. I have kids in their 20's. They were not going to vote in this election because they don't like Trump and they were upset with Biden for not delivering on forgiving their student loans. My daughter is a huge Taylor Swift fan and I have no doubt she'll be voting for Harris.

My daughter is also a TS fan but can barely afford to live, and so will be voting Trump. Honestly, if you're a whole adult and you will vote based on the words of a singer, I guess you don't support yourself
it was a draw, but Trump would have won if the mods weren't also debating him

Nah, Trump still would not have won. IMO, it was pretty much a tie. She failed to show policies and he looked like a grumpy old man.
It's all a matter of opinion.

The fact that she wasn't black, blue and bleeding at the end means Trump lost. There was so much to smash her with.

Her lies were about stupid stuff....and the whole immigrants eating cats....

Health care (and her desire to remove private insurance)

I don't think you could get all that in in 90 minutes if you were doing it right.

That is why you prepare.

And this is not a you know.

He had things to say....he should have broadsided her and been ready to skewer her when she started making excuses.
Again he had no way to know what even the topics would be, much less the questions. He knows his stuff and was confident that he knows his stuff. Again, the very best in that kind of stressful situation, especially when the moderators were deliberately protecting and helping her and making it toxic for him--and she was in constant attack mode--you just don't have time to come up with the perfect zinger in all circumstances. Nobody is that good.

The moderators phrased the questions to keep him on the defensive while not doing that to her at all. The only sort of question she would be expected to defend herself on was the fracking question and all she did to answer that was her position had not changed. And the moderators, knowing that was a bald faced lie, did not challenge her on it as they did Trump several times.

The debate was specifically run to keep him on the defensive and make her look good.
My daughter is also a TS fan but can barely afford to live, and so will be voting Trump. Honestly, if you're a whole adult and you will vote based on the words of a singer, I guess you don't support yourself

All my kids support themselves. That's not a reason to vote for Trump.
My daughter is also a TS fan but can barely afford to live, and so will be voting Trump. Honestly, if you're a whole adult and you will vote based on the words of a singer, I guess you don't support yourself
I'm genuinely curious to know what policies of Trump's your struggling daughter imagines will help improve her life.
Seriously though, was there ever even a shred of speculation that Swift would endorse Trump?

I don’t get how this is a big deal?

She's one of the biggest stars and has many followers. I think getting Swift's endorsement was the biggest win for Kamala tonight.

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