reports are already coming out about ABCs moderators aiding Harris in the debate !

I'm not here to educate you Clown. In fact laughing at your abject ignorance is sort if the point and I'm always happy when you sad Soys give me confirmation. :lmao:
You can't give what you don't have, asswipe.

You even knowing how to spell ignorance is almost a violation of some planetary law.

You seem always happy. I am glad for you. In fact I admire someone who can be as screwed up as you are and still be happy.

Must be the meds. Right, asswipe ?
I didn't watch it.

I knew he'd go off.....he did in 2016 and 2020 and against Joe (Joe was just to gone to do anything about it).

He stated himself he does not prepare....and my friends said it showed. One of them said there at least a dozen time he saw a chance for Trump to bludgeon Harris and he whiffed.

Why does he do this to us. He should respect his supporters more.
Your friend is exaggerating the 'dozen times.' Definitely Trump missed a few opportunities to get in some real zingers but only a few. He was pretty spot on in his rebuttal to her lie after lie after lie. I do wish he hadn't gotten into the Haitians eating dogs and cats thing as that does appear to be strictly an internet rumor and of course the media will focus long and loud on that. They'll ignore or skim over the whoppers she said.

As for the missed opportunities, again until you've been in that situation and you don't know for sure what is going to come at you, and you have very limited time to organize and express thoughts, that is going to happen. As an old debater and debate coach I eventually learned you can't beat yourself up over what you didn't think to say quickly enough.
No. She just knew the answers, trump positions, trump actions and statements, and was prepared, having studied what he has said, at rallies, and has the much quicker mind of younger prosecutor, prepared for their opponent. Of course, he is old, could not come up with anything to handle her, and he was foolish enough to bite on every bit of bait, she put out in front of him, to show himself as crazed, as he has proven to be. Plus, for a TV personality, he showed little understanding of how he was presenting himself.
She had advance warning of the questions. That is clear. And the ear buds are likewise getting more support.

But, when the moderators help her lie, it's pretty obvious.

But you go girl!
Why do you whine when you get accused of being a supporter of Democrats?
Oh robbie,
I'm Voting for Harris.

Give me your top reason to change my mind.

It ^^^^ better mention a trump POLICY.

I think he was prepared and planned to focus mostly on the border disaster and inflation which he did. There weren't any questions about either but he got them in.

I am also pretty much sure that she had the debate questions ahead of time or at least the topics they intended to bring up. Otherwise she wouldn't have been so ready with her obviously memorized spiels.

But given how unethical ABC has been and how very much in bed with the Democrats they are, I expected that.
He planned to focus mostly on the border? Trump was asked how the mass deportation of illegals would go down and he didn't answer.
So the Mods were Unfair? Was this Unfair to Trump?

Trump Q: "So, just to be clear, you don't have a plan"?

Trump A: "I have concepts of a Plan."


Good Lord.
Honesty is beyond you fucktards, isn't it.
I'm 50/50 on the dogs. Lately a LOT of "conspiracy theories" are later proven true.

"Chinese lab virus", anyone?
Why are you 50/50?

You heard it on the internet and trump said so.
Hell, you should be 100%, because trump never lies.

Dear Lord, and YOU teach Children.
Dear Lord Help Us from SweetSue92
Again, no major news organization is going to lie about a simple, factual measurement of time. That would be suicide.

Either he spoke more than her or he didn’t. Any idiot with a stopwatch could measure that.
Most major news organizations these days are nothing more than dishonest partisan propaganda machines and they have no shame. And there are no consequences for them.
Ah, the sweet sound of sore-loser blubbering from the demoralized Trump cultists.

Such lame and stupid excuses. They sound nearly as dementia-ridden as Trump.

It was a draw.

She has no cure for inflation and she looked terrible on the border.
And I actually do think that saying she spent more time baiting and provoking Trump than discussing actual policy is valid criticism against her.

But this is politics. She achieved her goal.

And we all know that Trump’s team warned him she’d do this and that they begged him on bended knees not to take the bait.

I’m sure there was literally hair being pulled out in frustration in the Trump team as they watched the debate las night
Your friend is exaggerating the 'dozen times.' Definitely Trump missed a few opportunities to get in some real zingers but only a few.
It's all a matter of opinion.

The fact that she wasn't black, blue and bleeding at the end means Trump lost. There was so much to smash her with.
He was pretty spot on in his rebuttal to her lie after lie after lie

Her lies were about stupid stuff....and the whole immigrants eating cats....

Health care (and her desire to remove private insurance)

I don't think you could get all that in in 90 minutes if you were doing it right.
As an older debater and debate coach I learned you can't beat yourself up over what you didn't think to say quickly enough.

That is why you prepare.

And this is not a you know.

He had things to say....he should have broadsided her and been ready to skewer her when she started making excuses.
He planned to focus mostly on the border? Trump was asked how the mass deportation of illegals would go down and he didn't answer.
True. That is one of the few questions he didn't answer and that could be calculated considering the hostile environment he was in. I don't know. He did use his time to explain why it needs to happen.
She was prepared, while he was not. Some people do not study or plan. Not a good trait for a president, but, he will not be president again. He was, simply a mess on stage tonight, for all the country to see.

No. Biden was a mess. Trump talked too much. There's a YUGE difference

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