Zone1 Mary--An Amazing Young Mother. Also All Of Us.

If you one more imply that what anyone on here is saying is that pedophilia is okay, I'm reporting you. Stop being a troll.
Im not trolling a bit. I am discussing. You just cant handle what I have to say, because you cant logically have this discussion. You never can have a logical discussion when discussing the abrahamic god.
And there is all kinds of people on this site that defend, deflect and gaslight for pedos. And out there in the world. I was talking about SOCIETY, not people in this thread and god impregnating a child. Try context sometime. Its great.
Well, the Catholic church teaches a lot of things that are not in the Bible, so there's that.
The Bible does note that the world cannot contain all there was to write about Jesus. Early Christians--before parts of the Bible were even written--set forth traditions that Catholics/Orthodox still honor and respect.
But then sometimes they change their minds, so there's that too.
In regards to?
Yes, you just made that part up because you got backed into a corner and had no way out.
"he knows how it will turn out" so they psychopath created Mao knowing he would kill tens of millions lolz
Nice consistency BTW
If I "made it up" I made it up decades ago, not just now. I have had experiences of God. Tiny ones. And each time I do not expand any of it to cover other material. For example, while I believe God created the world, I don't know that he did through my own experiences.

I get that you believe that God knows all even hundreds of years before it happens. Therefore you believe he should do something about criminals and stop them from even being conceived/born. My position on that (again developed decades ago) is that no matter what the evil, God can bring good from it.
God not only knows the future, He gave His prophets very specific directions on what to tell others about the future.

then they did not know w/ certainty ... as would alter what would occur otherwise - fact is there is no knowing by anyone what lies in the future - except makebelieve christianity.
So , one of the Watchers ( fallen Angels ) took an Earth woman and she was with child .

Normal form for the Nephilim we are informed .
And as an Enforcer ( Arch Angel) Gabriel could not be opposed ,.
Im not trolling a bit. I am discussing. You just cant handle what I have to say, because you cant logically have this discussion. You never can have a logical discussion when discussing the abrahamic god.
And there is all kinds of people on this site that defend, deflect and gaslight for pedos. And out there in the world. I was talking about SOCIETY, not people in this thread and god impregnating a child. Try context sometime. Its great.

Not one thing you have said bothers me or presents anything I haven't read a thousand times before. My bother level is zero, believe that.

Also, I have logically countered many times and you just go off on a hyperbolic rant.
What sin do you believe produced Mary?

Original sin, the one we all have.

If you believe that Mary was and remained sinless, then how did she come from her parents with Original sin? In the case of Jesus, it took a miracle of the Holy Spirit. Are you making up an entire story that somehow that Spirit also conceived Mary, so that she was sinless?
If you believe that Mary was and remained sinless, then how did she come from her parents with Original sin? In the case of Jesus, it took a miracle of the Holy Spirit. Are you making up an entire story that somehow that Spirit also conceived Mary, so that she was sinless?
I am making up nothing. I am merely presenting what early Christians believed. They saw Jesus as the new Adam; Mary as the new Eve. Just as Adam and Eve were created without sin, so was Jesus without sin, and Mary as well. She was filled with grace--not by her own doing, but by God, our savior.

I understand fifteen hundred years later, some Christians decided to eschew early Christian traditions and beliefs. Early Christians--many of whom had a Jewish background--saw the Old Testament as a foreshadowing of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Combined, It is the story of salvation. This may be why Catholic/Orthodox churches, all down through the ages read and present both Old and New Testaments equally.

Yes, some later Christians have brushed this all aside. There is nothing wrong with deciding it is not important. Some people think the same of The Lord of the Rings--that The Hobbit isn't all that necessary to the trilogy. The story of our fall and our salvation fascinates me--every bit of it--not just the main event.
Original sin, the one we all have.

If you believe that Mary was and remained sinless, then how did she come from her parents with Original sin? In the case of Jesus, it took a miracle of the Holy Spirit. Are you making up an entire story that somehow that Spirit also conceived Mary, so that she was sinless?
that made by the liar moses for whoever believe anyone does not make the sins they are guilty of.

the christian believes they are born in sin - than are sinners, in their case born as a sinner would explain their desire to include everyone in their shameful belief.
Not one thing you have said bothers me or presents anything I haven't read a thousand times before. My bother level is zero, believe that.

Also, I have logically countered many times and you just go off on a hyperbolic rant.
No you havent.

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