Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Swearing obedience isn’t marrying anyone. You are making up the rest. And, show where the priest is swearing allegiance to the Pope.
Priesthood is open only to men; women are excluded. Obedience is so important that during an ordination Mass, the promise of obedience to the bishop and his successors is the final promise a man moments before the sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred.

"The evangelical counsel of obedience, undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ who was obedient even unto death requires a submission of the will to legitimate superiors, who stand in the place of God. And on top stands the Pope as the ultimate superior.


Note this.
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Excuse me dingbot, but your brain seems to be experiencing a system wide malfunction.

You need to say your prayers. Even though you never got one response maybe this time you will?

Eat a matzo, lie in the name of God, and ritually desecrate the teachings of Jesus. Keep the faith!


God will be waiting for you with a glorious crown and many wonderful heavenly presents! But only when your physical body dies..... after living like a religiously addled schnook for your entire life.

At least thats what I heard.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
Priesthood is open only to men; women are excluded. Obedience is so important that during an ordination Mass, the promise of obedience to the bishop and his successors is the final promise a man moments before the sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred.

"The evangelical counsel of obedience, undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ who was obedient even unto death requires a submission of the will to legitimate superiors, who stand in the place of God.

View attachment 1009847

Note this.
Can you find something doctrinal from the Roman Catholic Church? I’m not defending it. But lying and making stuff up isn’t right either.

The concept of men holding the Priesthood has no bearing on marriage of any kind. So, let me help you here. The correct term is “Order of the Priesthood. The Order after Melchizedek or Aaron as written in the Book of Hebrews. There is an order in the universe. The Priesthood is God’s power and authority that made the heavens and the earth. The Priesthood of God is given to man to do his work in an orderly manner. After Jesus was crucified, the keys of the Priesthood were given to the Apostles with one Apostle having the full authority of decision making for the entire Church. The other Apostles holding the keys were under the authority of Peter and the others had keys of authority for their missions for the Church. But still subject to Peter’s authority. The RCC claims succession from Peter and all priests are subject to the authority of their Pope. Not married to. It’s like you subject to your boss at your job who has the keys of the business.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes the Priesthood was lost in the apostasy Paul said was coming after John died. The priesthood and keys of the Bishops were no longer able to work on the doors of authority of God. A restoration of the Priesthood and Church was needed. Not a fixing up of a broken church. The Prophet called to do this was Joseph Smith. He received the priesthood orders of Aaron and Melchizedek from John the Baptist and Peter, James and John who returned resurrected by the laying on of hands. The President of the Church holds the authority of all the Church. The Apostles today hold keys for their missions as do Elder Quorum Prsidents, bishops and stake presidents. But they all are subject to the decisions of the President of the Church. We are not married to the President.

Where do you people get this stuff. You are worse than the politicians who make stuff up just to get elected. Do you do this for fame and fortune?
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.

When I say something as simple, irrefutable, and as obvious as the fact that at mass everyone kneels before and prays to a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life and you feel anger and hatred its because your own conscience condemns you.
Where do you people get this stuff. You are worse than the politicians who make stuff up just to get elected. Do you do this for fame and fortune?
Oh sure. there is a ton of money waiting to be made by pissing off billions of religious kooks. I do it simply because its the right thing to do, the neighbor thing to do, come hell or high water. For your edification. Example: Mithraism on which Catholicism and most of Christianity is based was the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military which originated in Babylon and "mysteriously" disappeared in the 4th century when Catholicism took over and set out to conquer the world, under the sign of the Mithran cross, in the name of the antichrist, a false counterfeit substitute Jesus, a triune god made man made matzo made by human hands...

* Mithra was born on December 25th. Called "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun", and people who celebrated his birth "made merry and exchanged gifts". it was incorporated into the church in the 4th century AD as the birthday of Christ. Although Jesus was born in October, christians today celebrate Mithra' birthday, believing it was Jesus' birthday.

* Mithra' birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi (wise men) who brought gifts to his sacred birth-cave of the Rock

* He was considered a great travelling teacher and master.

* He had 12 companions or disciples, which in Mithraism were represented by the 12 astrological signs.

* He performed miracles.

* He was buried in a tomb.

* After three days he rose again, but with no witnesses to the event

* His triumph over death and ascension to heaven were celebrated at the Mithran's most important festival, Easter, held at the spring equinox when the sun rises toward its apogee

* Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."

* He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

* In the cult's rituals, Mithra was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

* His sacred day was Sunday, and was called "the Lord's Day" hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.

* Mithraism had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper" in which bread was eaten as a symbol of Mithra' body, and wine was drunk as a symbol of the blood shed when Mithra overpowered and killed the bull

* Mithra performed many miracles, including raising the dead, healing the sick, making the blind see and the lame walk, casting out devils.

* Mithra was said to carry keys to the kingdom of heaven.

* Mithra was called the god of light and truth, the god of mediation between god and man. He was to his worshippers The creator of life; The Mediator between man and the higher gods; The God of light; The All-seeing one; The Guardian of oaths (covenants); The Protector of the righteous in this world and also in the next.

* A trinity godhead comprised of Mithra (divine god of truth), Rashnu (divine god of justice, judgement and righteousness), Vohu Manah (divine spirit of enlightenment). These three persons were separate yet they were one.

Before returning to heaven, Mithra was said to have celebrated a Last Supper with followers, who represented the twelve signs of the zodiac. In memory of this, his worshippers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with the Mithran cross of light. (see below) This was one of the seven Mithraic sacraments, believed to be the models for the Christians' seven sacraments, which follow them identically. It was called mizd, latin missa, in other words, in English, mass. Mithra' image was buried in a rock tomb, the same sacred cave that represented his mother's womb. He was withdrawn from it and said to live again.

Mithraism was an ascetic anti female religion whose priesthood consisted of celibate men only.
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Can you find something doctrinal from the Roman Catholic Church?
The evangelical counsel of obedience, undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ who was obedient even unto death requires a submission of the will to legitimate superiors, who stand in the place of God. (At the top stands the Pope as the ultimate superior.)

The President of the Church holds the authority of all the Church. The Apostles today hold keys for their missions as do Elder Quorum Prsidents, bishops and stake presidents. But they all are subject to the decisions of the President of the Church.

Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Episcopalian, Latter day saints. Seriously, whats the difference?
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When I say something as simple, irrefutable, and as obvious as the fact that at mass everyone kneels before and prays to a lifeless matzo made by human hands that you worship and eat for spiritual life and you feel anger and hatred its because your own conscience condemns you.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.
You know nothing about me but you can tell yourself that for all eternity if it makes you feel better.


Its would be much easier for you to just admit the obvious. You fell for an ancient Roman scam.

As if that was too hard for someone who professes to 'just believe' that Jesus, an innocent man, died for your silly sins so that you can sin with impunity for life, as long as you worship a matzo.

You know nothing about me but you can tell yourself that for all eternity if it makes you feel better.


Its would be much easier for you to just admit the obvious. You fell for an ancient Roman scam.

As if that was too hard for someone who professes to 'just believe' that Jesus, an innocent man, died for your silly sins so that you can sin with impunity for life, as long as you worship a matzo.

You are an angry Jewish atheist gay male. You have created an alternate reality to justify your lifestyle. You are angry and full of hate. I feel sorry for you. You have no peace.

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