Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only humans can be baptized?

That reminds me of that joke about Terrible Tommy, the kid who was always starting shit. His parents were afraid of anything he did. One day he asked his mom if he could play with the cat. She asked him what he was going to do, he is capable of anything. He told her they were going to play church, and she thought that might be ok, and him and the cat left. About 20 minutes later she heard the cat screaming for it's life in the bathroom. Tommy was holding the cat's head under water in the toilet. She grabbed it and told Tommy that kitty doesn't like water. He said she should have thought about that shit when she joined this friggin' church.
What say you? A person who follows the great Commandment loves God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their mind. If all is directed towards God, what would keep him/her from an eternity with God?

I asked because some Catholics claim that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church.
I don't know very much about the bible but I've been told by those who do know say that animals cannot go to heaven.

There will definitely be animals in heaven. In fact, it seems that most Christians wrongly assume that humans have some sort of advantage over animals in that regard. We don't, as it says in Ecclesiastes 3:19.
God says, ...and man become a living soul. Process that, as no animal can ever be a living soul.

those are the words of the crucifiers - not the 1st century ...

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the truth for all life being equal as taught by jesus and those that gave their lives for the heavenly religion of antiquity made known from the very beginning.
When did the Catholic Church stop teaching that salvation is only available through them?
When did they start? It was when Jesus asked them to spread the Good News of Salvation as far as they could. The Church/catholic Assembly taught the way of salvation as they had learned it from Christ, the Word of God, the Son of God. They had no authority to teach it any other way.

Fifteen hundred years later, division occurred. The Church continued to teach the only way of salvation they had been given authority to teach. No matter how many ways to salvation are taught today, the Church stands firm in teaching what from the beginning they were told by Christ and the Apostles to teach.

If Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Muslims, Jews have authority to teach another way, so be it. Catholic Church teaches only the way to salvation that Christ gave her the authority to teach: Repentance for the forgiveness of sins; that he is the Son of God; his way is truth and life; follow his way and his teachings into salvation. Note, that one of Jesus' final prayers was that his followers remain one.

Interesting and ironic, is it not: Other Christian denominations broke away, ignoring Jesus' prayer, but have the confidence they can still teach all that Christ taught. But then, since the first sin, we have been a broken people and God still manages to work with us. Yet another break on his people's part does not weaken God in any way. His determination to draw people to himself never wanes and is never thwarted. The Catholic faith recognizes this--that broken as God's people are, we all still remain in the hands of a merciful and loving God. And always have been.
That Bible I know from beginning to end. I've been doing in-depth Bible study for many years.

God says, ...and man become a living soul. Process that, as no animal can ever be a living soul.

no animal can confess with its mouth that... and believe in your heart that God...
It seems like you know very little and interject stuff that isn't there with respect to that scripture. All it says is man became a living soul. How do you get from that to somehow animals aren't living souls? Do animals not breathe and need air? Are they not living? Heck, a tree needs air as well or Mars would be loaded with trees and life. Anyone who has had a pet, even a goldfish know they are living and they have a soul. Now, does that mean they are under the same laws and commandments as human beings, children of Adam and Eve? No. Are they under any laws and commandments? The Bible gives no information about that to answer. I'm going to guess that they are to multiply and replenish the earth as they have and that homosexual behavior is against their laws and commandments as well. But, that's just my opinion as there is no information from past and present prophets of God.

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