Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

He came to fulfill the prophets promises that a Savior Messiah would be born and give the final atonement because of the fall of Adam. A way to remove the stain of sins we commit every day of our life
How many of you are there? And what kind of salvation are talking about if you still sin every day? I never sin. Sin is disobedience to the law. The consequence for sin is death. This is irrefutable.

At least according to the Bible, and the pure shit that oozes out of ding like a foul and smelly pus every single time I squeeze his defiled and contaminated religiously addled decomposing head.

The only way that Jesus can save anyone from sin is if they listen to his teaching about how to correctly understand the figurative words and hidden subject of the Law, which is not about diet fashion or sex, and act on it which would require you to stop sinning by praying to a counterfeit Jesus that was crucified to atone for your sins and a trinity that diddled a virgin but never existed.

What you think is sin is not and what you think is being a devoted believer is sin. So stop feeling guilty about being human. My God didn't create humans only to condemn them for being human.

You have been deceived by an actor and lying fraud, a devil, misrepresenting both Jesus and God

Is that really too hard for you to believe? You make the same mistake Adam made in the fairy tale every time you go to church and pray to a trinity hoping to be the god of your own planet one day.

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How many of you are there? And what kind of salvation are talking about if you still sin every day? I never sin. Sin is disobedience to the law. The consequence for sin is death. This is irrefutable.

At least according to the Bible, and the shit that oozes out of ding like a foul and smell pus every single time I squeeze his defiled and contaminated religiously addled decomposing head.

The only way that Jesus can save anyone from sin is if they listen to his teaching about how to correctly understand the figurative words and hidden subject of the Law, which is not about diet fashion or sex, and act on it which would require you to stop sinning by praying to a counterfeit Jesus that was crucified to atone for your sins and a trinity that diddled a virgin but never existed.

What you think is sin is not and what you think is being a devoted believer is sin. So stop feeling guilty about being human. My God didn't create humans only to condemn them for being human.

You have been deceived by an actor and lying fraud, a devil, misrepresenting both Jesus and God

Is that really too hard for you to believe? You make the same mistake Adam made in the fairy tale every time you go to church and pray to a trinity hoping to be the god of your own planet one day.

Man, you are really delusional.
Trump isn't a Fascist the dems are.
Sure, the dems stormed the capitol for trump because he isn't the epitome of a fascist, a talking serpent con man, who doesn't give a shit about the truth, liberty, justice, or anyone but himself.

But I won't be voting anyway.
Thats probably a good thing since you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Dems? Seriously? You have been brainwashed by Fox News. Its written all over your dark soul. Defending Trump isn't going to look so good for you when you are standing before the Judge.
Not voting really isn't a viable alibi, man. Choose a side already you pusillanimous lily white cur.
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