Zone1 This is Probably Biggest Difference of all Between Catholic and Protestant Bibles

Protestant Bibles have St Luke 13:3 speaking of repentance. The Catholic Bible uses the term doing penance. In the most reliable version of the Bible, the Douay Rheims, Jesus says

"Unless you do penance, you will all perish [in Hell]"

The Protestant Bibles just says "Unless you repent..."

So we see how it DOES make a big difference whether you are Catholic or Protestant.

Repenting is just the first step toward getting to Heaven. Doing penance means doing things that make up for the bad you've done.. and accepting sufferings as chastisement for sins.. you hit your thumb on a hammer.. you can offer that up to God in expiation of your serious sins. Someone on the internet is rude to you, ditto.. you can offer it to God in atonement for your sins.. (you will have no end of penances there!).. car breaks down.. ditto.

Then once you exhaust (or think you've exhausted) the list of your own sins, you can tackle the sins of others. The Virgin Mary appeared @ Fatima 1917 and told the children (and all of us) to offer sufferings for souls in mortal sin--on their way to Hell-- so that they will repent and not end up there.
Well….Protestants do have a way of rewriting history…
Neither one is the final authority.

For the time being the "final authority" is indeed God's holy word as found in the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
English Standard Version
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Well….Protestants do have a way of rewriting history…
That's what heretics do. If one remains an obstinate heretic until he leaves Earth, he ends up in Hell. People don't like that truth.. Some want to believe that virtually all people go to heaven but Jesus said just the opposite. And saints have said that very, very few make it. Even if one does not believe this (yet Jesus said it..), if I were outside Christ's Church as most are, and heard this, I would be scared and act on it, straighten out my crooked ways, seek to find that Original Church (it's not in the Vatican anymore), and etc.. But I guess people don't care about their souls much these days... just materialism and the things of this world
For the time being the "final authority" is indeed God's holy word as found in the Bible.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
English Standard Version
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Being profitable is not the same as being a Final Authority (with Scripture being interpreted as you wish). Most people believe they are capable of interpreting EVERY scripture passage in the Bible infallibly.

I pray God disabuses them of THAT nonsense in a hurry (and He will if they let Him)
That's what heretics do. If one remains an obstinate heretic until he leaves Earth, he ends up in Hell. People don't like that truth.. Some want to believe that virtually all people go to heaven but Jesus said just the opposite. And saints have said that very, very few make it. Even if one does not believe this (yet Jesus said it..), if I were outside Christ's Church as most are, and heard this, I would be scared and act on it, straighten out my crooked ways, seek to find that Original Church (it's not in the Vatican anymore), and etc.. But I guess people don't care about their souls much these days... just materialism and the things of this world
It’s not the Vatican anymore?


Then what is the correct church?
Being profitable is not the same as being a Final Authority (with Scripture being interpreted as you wish). Most people believe they are capable of interpreting EVERY scripture passage in the Bible infallibly.

I pray God disabuses them of THAT nonsense in a hurry (and He will if they let Him)

Seek humility.

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