Any Conservatives Interested in Moving to Russia?

What a stupid question.


Russia is even building them their onw little village to live in.

My very rightwing brother told me had he not sunk all his resources into the land he is on he would move there.

You get away from all the "wokeness" in the US.
Would I go? No, I love my country.

But I'll admit the love and pride Russian citizens have in their country is sorely lacking in americans. Not to mention the lack illegals, Muslims, protestors, blacks, gays constantly running their mouths, woke pussy ass bitches and so on is quite attractive.
The irony is that the Democratic Party is moving to the Soviet Union style of government. We are slowly becoming the Russia with the hammer and sickle. The good news is that we will not have to move.
So, you lika the pootin.
Would I go? No, I love my country.

But I'll admit the love and pride Russian citizens have in their country is sorely lacking in americans. Not to mention the lack illegals, Muslims, protestors, blacks, gays constantly running their mouths, woke pussy ass bitches and so on is quite attractive.
Move there now fuckup
So, you lika the pootin.
I dislike the foreign entanglement in Ukraine. Which is a natural Russian sphere of influence nation. We are having problems moving out of middle east nations with trillions and trillions of wasted dollars and the deaths and disabilities of men coming home from wars that we won not much from. You saw Joe check his watch as the caskets on the airfield tarmac was passing him. That is the way he and many in D.C. think of the peasants. From George Sr., W. and on we went to major wars without a draft. And without a draft means people cannot complain as much. Whatever one thinks does not mean you treat your military like something to put up with and use as your slaves. Joe's dementia has told us a lot of truths. Including the cheating Progs do. And he said a few years ago.
I dislike the foreign entanglement in Ukraine. Which is a natural Russian sphere of influence nation. We are having problems moving out of middle east nations with trillions and trillions of wasted dollars and the deaths and disabilities of men coming home from wars that we won not much from. You saw Joe check his watch as the caskets on the airfield tarmac was passing him. That is the way he and many in D.C. think of the peasants. From George Sr., W. and on we went to major wars without a draft. And without a draft means people cannot complain as much. Whatever one thinks does not mean you treat your military like something to put up with and use as your slaves. Joe's dementia has told us a lot of truths. Including the cheating Progs do. And he said a few years ago.
So, you really lika the pootin.

When did you turn your back on Democracy and freedom in favor of authoritarianism? Just since Fat Elvis made it okay to show your desire for it?
Conservatives moving to Russia would not cleans the United States of democrats. Russia coming here to do clean up would be better.
Putin is offering a really sweet deal to any conservatives who are tired of America and European progressive policies. He is offering a chance to move and live in Russia. I was wondering if any conservatives on the forum have given it much thought?

Some possible drawbacks I see though...
... Russia's economy is collapsing due to war
...Would you be able to have same job and level of income that you have here, probably not is currently being bombed
....possible nuclear war outbreak
Commie land? Nah, communism is a democrat thing. :cuckoo:

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