Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

This post makes no sense whatsoever. Of course the Cradians are going to support those who support the Ukraine.

Trump withheld weapons from the Ukraine and promoted the idea that they should “settle with Putin”.

Trump wants to save Russian lives. If Trump wants to save Russian lives, the quickest way possible would be for Russia to withdraw all of its troops from the Ukraine. Problem solved.

You should stop posting in threads where a modicum intellect is required.
Thank you for posting Russian propaganda yet again, Hawk. Every day, in every way, you support those who hate the USA and you promote the lies they tell.

Why is that Hawk?
I post the truth, regardless of whose feelings it hurts.

Russian “propaganda”? Is the EU shilling for Russia? Are they lying about how many Ukrainians fled Ukraine?

If you don’t know that ethnic Russians have lived in eastern “Ukraine” for centuries, I suggest you look up maps of Europe from a hundred or even two hundred years ago.



If actual history is “inconvenient” for your anti-Russian narrative, then it is you who are buying into propaganda.

I could care less about Russia or Ukraine. I just look at the historical facts and see that a lot of dumb decisions were made in recent years that have led to this war. Like keeping the Bolshevik created borders for the Ukraine SSR. Like supporting the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014 which led to a civil war. Like telling Ukraine they could join NATO when we had previously promised we would never do because we knew it would lead to a war with Russia. All things designed to destabilize and create war. All pushed by the US State Department.
That doesnt answer the question "why should voters in the US give a shit what Ukraine thinks about Harris or Trump"? I get that Ukraine still wants the barrels of money the US has been sending them. If everything about Trump and Harris were exactly the same but they swapped their take on the Ukraine/Russia war who do you think Ukraine be supporting?

Voters in the USA had better think long and hard about how people in other countries view your presidential elections.

We are fully prepared to stop buying American products and services the moment Trump slaps tariffs on incoming imports.

The rest of the world is tired of Republican presidents, crashing the US economy and dragging our economies down with you. We didn’t vote for this shit and we don’t want anything to do with it.

For generations, people have considered the President of the United States to be the “leader of the free world”. That ceased when Donald Trump was elected.

No one in the world, respected him or by his bull sit and lies. NATO leader openly laughed at him when he said they owed NATO billions because it wasn’t true.

The entire UN General assembly laughed in his face when he said he was the greatest president ever.

Americans at debate watch party so sweet laughed out loud when he said immigrants were eating cats and dogs.

Trump is generally considered to be the world’s biggest idiot. And anyone who is voting for him, is even dumber than Trump.

The world thinks that Trump and his ridiculous cult are the dumbest people on the face of the Earth. We are not wrong.
You should stop posting in threads where a modicum intellect is required.

Pure projection on your part. If you have nothing to refute the post, you’ve proven everything I’ve said to be absolutely correct, and true.

Better to say nothing and let people think you’re stupid than to post and remove all doubt.
Voters in the USA had better think long and hard about how people in other countries view your presidential elections.
Why? If the US elects Trump or Harris or Bozo the Clown why should I as an American voter care what you think about that person? If that person serves the US that's all that matters. Whether or not Canada or Ukraine's interests are served shouldnt matter unless those interests align with those of the US.
We are fully prepared to stop buying American products and services the moment Trump slaps tariffs on incoming imports.

Ok. And when the US Navy stops policing international waters except for US shipping you let me know how that works out for you. Oh and you can fully fund your own defense. Where are you going to get all your food from BTW?
The rest of the world is tired of Republican presidents, crashing the US economy and dragging our economies down with you. We didn’t vote for this shit and we don’t want anything to do with it.
Dont care what the rest of the world is tired of.
For generations, people have considered the President of the United States to be the “leader of the free world”. That ceased when Donald Trump was elected.
No one in the world, respected him or by his bull sit and lies. NATO leader openly laughed at him when he said they owed NATO billions because it wasn’t true.
Ok again why should I care what you think in Canada. Do you care what I think about the clown you elected? You shouldnt.
The entire UN General assembly laughed in his face when he said he was the greatest president ever.
OH NOES!!!!!
Americans at debate watch party so sweet laughed out loud when he said immigrants were eating cats and dogs.

Trump is generally considered to be the world’s biggest idiot. And anyone who is voting for him, is even dumber than Trump.

The world thinks that Trump and his ridiculous cult are the dumbest people on the face of the Earth. We are not wrong.

You arent answering the question why should the US voter care what anyone outside the US thinks about who we elect President. You can list all the things you dont like about whatever candidate you dont like, that doesnt explain why anyone in the US should give a shit about your opinion on the matter.
Thank you for posting Russian propaganda yet again, Hawk. Every day, in every way, you support those who hate the USA and you promote the lies they tell.

Why is that Hawk?
Facts aren’t propaganda except to fools.
Again I get that Ukraine wants the weapons and money and I understand why they want those things. I dont understand why you think people in the US should give a shit what the Ukrainians want.

Well then maybe you should listen closer to what Kamala explained to you.

Teritorial integrity is the foremost cornerstone of international law and order. Failure to support these principles, failure to put a heavy cost on flagrant violators by the international community will invariably lead to more armed conflicts, more instability and more volatility that will extend to us.

Nothing will be better for long term stability and peace than Russia losing their imperialist land-grab war of choice, just as Germany losing did back in the day.
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If you don’t know that ethnic Russians have lived in eastern “Ukraine” for centuries

Ethnic Mexicans lived in US and ethnic Russians lived in Alaska, so fucking what?

It's suddenly ok if Mexico or Russia invades to annex America's lands?
Well then maybe you should listen closer to what Kamala explained to you.

Teritorial integrity is the foremost cornerstone of international law and order. Failure to support these principles, failure to put a heavy cost on flagrant violators by the international community will invariably lead to more armed conflicts, more instability and more volatility that will extend to us.

Nothing will be better for long term stability and peace than Russia losing their imperialist land-grab war of choice, just as Germany losing did back in the day.
Are you retarded or something? Ukraine maintaining its borders can be in the interests of the US at the same time as the US voter not giving a shit about what Ukrainians think about our Presidential candidates. Harris is correct in that maintaining international borders is important. The problem is Ukraine can't win this war. All we are funding is more dead people. In the end the boundary line between Ukraine and Russia will likely be somewhere close to where it is currently. All funneling weapons and money into that war will do is move the death toll upward it won't move that boundary east.

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