Fact Checking Kamala Harris

Been a conservative longer than you have been alive. I didn't abandon the GOP, it abandoned me.

Read this to see what a real Republican is all about

1956 Democratic Party Platform

I read you've been full of BS longer than I've been alive. In context, the only statement worse than a leftist declaring they're "non-partisan" is a leftist declaring they're conservative. Read my signature, it's accurate.

And try using your head instead. The Demonicrats controlled both houses in 1956, yet blame their short-comings on a POTUS. Leftists do that often, somehow they missed their Govt. and logic classes.
Don't hold your breath.

Take the 2025 statement.

It's one of the few things they hold to. Even though it's utter bulls**t. They have little else to talk about.

"We are not going back" Right....inflation is still increasing.
There is no LIE Democrats won't tell to steal an election. No LIE Democrats won't tell the American people. Dems are possibly the most dishonest party that's ever existed.
Kamala Harris, 09/10/2024 Debate – Fact Check

Qualifying Criterions: Kamala’s response is a lie, dishonest, intellectually dishonest, and/or refused to respond to a clear question. Please advise if anything missed, this is intended to be complete.

  • In response to the question of which economy was better, four years under Trump, or that under Biden/Kamala’s term.
  • 1A. Kamala spoke for two minutes narrating what she was going to do, but failed to answer a direct question.
  • 1B. Kamala said Trump’s plan is a 20% tax on imports. FACTS: The tariffs are already in effect and the percentages charged on imports vary. More importantly, the Biden/Kamala administration did not remove “Trump’s tariffs”, and some tariffs have increased under the Biden/Kamala administration.
  • 1C. Kamala said Trump left us the highest unemployment rate since the great depression. FACTS: The unemployment rate in December 2020 was on the decrease, at 6.7%. Which was the highest unemployment rate since the Obama administration. By comparison, the country has recovered from COVID, yet unemployment is on the increase, currently 4.2%.
  • 1D. Kamala said Trump left us the worst pandemic in a century. FACTS: Did he leave the same throughout the world too?
  • 1E. Kamala said Trump’s attack on our democracy was the worst since the Civil War. FACTS: Unproven, but incidentally, Kamala was installed into the general election without one.
  • 1F. Kamala was asked why the Biden/Kamala administration didn’t remove “Trump’s tariffs”. She did not respond to a direct question.
  • 1G. Kamala said Trump sold our chips to China to improve their military. FACTS: This statement is unsupported.
  • 1H. Kamala said, “What you’re going to hear tonight is a detailed and dangerous plan called Project 2025 that the former president intends on implementing if he were elected again”. FACTS: Unsupported, Trump is not associated with 2025, and has openly rejected 2025.
  • In response to the question of abortion:
  • 2A. Note the moderators piped in to say that no State allows for abortions into the ninth month. FACTS: Trump didn’t say they did. He said some Democrats have said they support it.
  • 2B. Kamala said Trump will outlaw abortion nationally, under “2025”. FACTS: Unsupported. Trump’s not affiliated with “2025”, and abortion laws reside at the State level.
  • 2C. Kamala said Trump does not support IVF. FACTS: Trump’s stated multiple times he supports IVF, including “Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is vowing to force health insurance companies or the federal government to pay for IVF”.
  • In response to the question of justice:
  • 3A. Kamala said Pence called for defunding federal law enforcement 45,000 agents. FACTS: This statement is unsupported.
  • 3B. Kamala said Trump will terminate the Constitution of the United States. FACTS: This statement is unsupported.
  • In response to the accusation Kamala changed her position on fracking:
  • 4A. Kamala said she’s always supported fracking. FACTS: Kamala opposed fracking advocating for a ban during her 2019 presidential bid.
  • 4B. Kamala said under Biden/Kamala, domestic oil production has seen the largest increase in history. FACTS: Baloney. U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)
  • In response to January 6th:
  • 5A. Kamala said Trump incited a violent mob to attack the nation’s Capitol. FACTS: Repetitive false narration, and in fact, Trump called for peace before and during the event.
  • 5B. Kamala said Trump said there were fine people on both sides of the Charlottesville incident, selling a racist narrative. FACTS: Trump said “You also had some very fine people on both sides”.
  • 5C. Kamala said Trump said there will be a bloodbath if the outcome of the election is not to his liking. FACTS: Trump said there will be a bloodbath if Biden is reelected, referring to energy industries.
  • In response to the question of the Israeli conflicts:
  • 6A. Kamala said it’s well known Trump is weak and wrong on foreign affairs. FACTS: Unsupported. The facts show Trump demonstrated the opposite.
  • 6B. Kamala said it’s well known Trump has love affairs with dictators. FACTS: Unsupported.
  • 6C. Kamala said Trump said he’d become a dictator on day one. FACTS: Trump’s statement is being taken out of context. Trump talks a lot of smack, this is called an exaggeration, it’s not a declaration as Kamala presents it.
  • 6D. Kamala said Trump said Putin can do whatever he wants. Partially true, but again, taken out of context. Once again Trump was talking smack, he’s an entertainer. “NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said at a rally in Conway, South Carolina. “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.”
  • 6E. Kamala said it’s well-known Trump and “the little rocket-man☺” exchange love letters. FACTS: Unsupported.
  • 6F. Kamala said it’s very well-known all these dictators are supporting Trump. FACTS: Unsupported. Trump was the only POTUS to visit little rocket’s country, perhaps he supports Trump? wars aren’t fun. Putin has stated he supports the Democrats.
  • 6G. Kamala said dictators manipulate Trump. FACTS: Unsupported.
  • In response to the question of Harris’ race:
  • 7A. Kamala said it’s a tragedy Trump wants to be POTUS, as he has made it a career to consistently use race to divide the American people. FACTS: Aint that rich?
  • 7B. Kamala said Trump is lying, she’s not supporting taking anyone’s guns away,. FACTS:

With a username like IDIOCRACY, one might expect crap posts. HOWEVER, this happens to be a terrific OP.

FACTS SCARE-away our liberals.

"Former President Donald Trump is pledging to supercharge one of his signature trade policies — tariffs — if he's re-elected this November, by imposing 10% across-the-board levies on all products imported into the U.S. from overseas. "

"Trump has proposed a 10% tariff (and at least once said up to 20%) on all nondomestic goods sold in the U.S., along with a 60% tariff on Chinese goods. "

"Trump's vow of 100% tariffs on nations that snub the dollar is a lose-lose for China and U.S., economist says"

So, he's said a lot of things about tariffs.

How much are tariffs now? Depends on the country, depends on the product etc.

That Trump is attacking China is kind of funny because Biden put a 100% tariff (actually a little more) on Chinese electric cars, but Trump was very inconsistent with his China policy during his time. The first two years he was pro-China, then became anti-China, all the while people wondering when he'd change his stance on things.

Trump wants to put tariffs on goods with the EU, for example. He had a steel tariff war with the EU the first time around. All this does is make the US have less friends at a time when it needs more.

Really Trump is shouting "tariffs" like he wants to increase tariffs. If he says he wants 10% tariffs on everything, then what does this actually mean to anyone? Who would suffer?

The US has 20 countries in a duty free system.


With which countries does the United States have an FTA?

There are 14 U.S. free trade agreements in force with 20 countries: Australia, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Jordan, Korea, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Peru, Singapore; DR-CAFTA (Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, & Nicaragua); and NAFTA (Canada & Mexico)"

Which means he'd just stick tariffs on these countries, and what would the impact be? With Canada it'd be a huge problem, and with Mexico too.

But we all know Trump shouts something he thinks will sound good. Then he'll get into government and he won't do it.

Like his "Muslim ban" designed to protect the US, but did NOT include a single country that was represented by the 9/11 attackers... hmmm....
People will purchase the reliable vehicle at the most economical price. The American Auto Industry has had many loyal people who purchased their vehicles, and they ended up giving them the finger over the years. The men who like trucks keep the American industry alive.

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