Trump takes MASSIVE lead in the Polls. Kamala continues to Blow Off Media...

So your plan is to support Biden who enabled a genocide.


1. Biden does not support genocide and is the one demanding cease fire. peace deal, two state solution. This while Trump criticizes peace cease fire deal and has always supported Natanyahu's rejection of two state solution in rhetoric and policy.

2. You are out of your mind, don't know up from down.
1. Biden does not support genocide and is the one demanding cease fire. peace deal, two state solution. This while Trump criticizes peace cease fire deal and has always supported Natanyahu's rejection of two state solution in rhetoric and policy.

2. You are out of your mind, don't know up from down.
When did Biden demand a cease fire?

Why do you serve a politician who has enabled a genocide? Are you sick in the head? Do you enjoy the mass murder of helpless civilians? Do you have stock in Raytheon? When did you become a neocolonialist stooge?
When did Biden demand a cease fire?

And here is Trump talking shit about cease fire demands:

From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel’s hand behind its back, demanding an immediate ceasefire, always demanding ceasefire,” - TRUMP

This idea that Trump won't support Natanyahu is just another ignorant fantasy in your head, he gives way less shit about palastinians than just about anyone.
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1. Biden does not support genocide and is the one demanding cease fire. peace deal, two state solution. This while Trump criticizes peace cease fire deal and has always supported Natanyahu's rejection of two state solution in rhetoric and policy.

2. You are out of your mind, don't know up from down.
There is no chance for peace with islamic terrorists. A cease fire is a terrible idea.

Hamas wants a Hudna. An opportunity to re-arm. It's a tactic used by the inventor of islamism. Those who know their koranology and Muhammud's concept of Hudna know that a tactic of Islamic gee-had Involves a temporary halt to hostilities in order to rearm before resuming the gee-had
There is no chance for peace with islamic terrorists. A cease fire is a terrible idea.

Hamas wants a Hudna. An opportunity to re-arm. It's a tactic used by the inventor of islamism. Those who know their koranology and Muhammud's concept of Hudna know that a tactic of Islamic gee-had Involves a temporary halt to hostilities in order to rearm before resuming the gee-had

Why are you replying to me and not the Trumptard idiot above that thinks Kamala is too much of a Natanyahu fan and is too tough on palestenians?
Why are you replying to me and not the Trumpard idiot that thinks Kamala is too much of a Natanyahu fan?
Your post included the silly " genocide" slogan. That's usually a slogan used by the islamic terrorist huggers/ leftist Biden- Harris groupies.

And here is Trump talking shit about cease fire demands:

From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel’s hand behind its back, demanding an immediate ceasefire, always demanding ceasefire,” - TRUMP

O a proposal wow. That’s not a demand. Admit you were wrong.

I know you are dumb, but can you understand that Biden has already enabled a genocide? Ten of thousands of civilians have died. Biden supplied weapons for the slaughter.

The American president can tell Israel what to do. We are Israel’s only strong ally. Yet Biden has not restrained Netanyahu. Biden has only talked about restraining Israel.

Do you see how stupid you are trusting the words of a politician?
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And here is Trump talking shit about cease fire demands:

From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel’s hand behind its back, demanding an immediate ceasefire, always demanding ceasefire,” - TRUMP

This idea that Trump won't support Natanyahu is just another ignorant fantasy in your head, he gives way less shit about palastinians than just about anyone.

I wonder why Biden is so subservient to Netanyahu.


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