To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

You remain a trolling idiot. We all know white supremacists are republicans in this day and age. Trump is , Vance is , and the KKK is. That's totally verified , no dispute about that. Already a proven fact.

The Origins of White Supremacy​

Did redemption truly come to North Carolina in 1877? In 1870, Congress ratified the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which stated that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.” Regardless of Democratic control over the State government, this amendment still stood as the law of the land, and blacks, by this time making up a significant portion of the Republican Party, still held voting rights, continued to express those rights, and held office positions (Hahn 2003, 219-230). To circumvent the power of the Republican vote at the state level, in 1872 Democrats gerrymandered the Congressional districts, concentrating the black vote into the Second Congressional District. (Item #551) By doing so, Democrats effectively monopolized state power after 1877. Despite the efforts to circumvent black power, however, blacks could still vote. (Other methods of restricting black power are discussed in the section on “negro domination.”) It was not until the rise of populism in 1890 when disgruntled white farmers left the Democrats and the successful fusion of the Populists with the Republicans in 1894 that Democrats realized the dangers of allowing for any vote by African Americans. The 1898 Democratic campaign expressed that realization and determined to officially Redeem North Carolina through disfranchisement.

The White Supremacy Campaign

While the campaign of 1898 played host to many issues such as silver, education, debt and railroad regulation, the platform upon which the Democrats oriented all of the issues was white supremacy. “This is a white man’s country,” the Democrats claimed in their official Party Handbook, “and white men must control and govern it.” (Item #382, 38). White supremacy was a reactionary strategy wielded by Democrats following the successful takeover of state government by the Republicans and Populists on a fusion ticket in 1894. Recoiling from the loss of their one-party dominated state, Democrats set out to frame the election of 1898 as one of restoration. Race and partisan politics both play large roles in how the Democrats remembered North Carolina reconstruction politics, and how they envisioned the future.

Don't let the facts get in your way, Stann.

The Origins of White Supremacy​

Did redemption truly come to North Carolina in 1877? In 1870, Congress ratified the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which stated that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude.” Regardless of Democratic control over the State government, this amendment still stood as the law of the land, and blacks, by this time making up a significant portion of the Republican Party, still held voting rights, continued to express those rights, and held office positions (Hahn 2003, 219-230). To circumvent the power of the Republican vote at the state level, in 1872 Democrats gerrymandered the Congressional districts, concentrating the black vote into the Second Congressional District. (Item #551) By doing so, Democrats effectively monopolized state power after 1877. Despite the efforts to circumvent black power, however, blacks could still vote. (Other methods of restricting black power are discussed in the section on “negro domination.”) It was not until the rise of populism in 1890 when disgruntled white farmers left the Democrats and the successful fusion of the Populists with the Republicans in 1894 that Democrats realized the dangers of allowing for any vote by African Americans. The 1898 Democratic campaign expressed that realization and determined to officially Redeem North Carolina through disfranchisement.

The White Supremacy Campaign

While the campaign of 1898 played host to many issues such as silver, education, debt and railroad regulation, the platform upon which the Democrats oriented all of the issues was white supremacy. “This is a white man’s country,” the Democrats claimed in their official Party Handbook, “and white men must control and govern it.” (Item #382, 38). White supremacy was a reactionary strategy wielded by Democrats following the successful takeover of state government by the Republicans and Populists on a fusion ticket in 1894. Recoiling from the loss of their one-party dominated state, Democrats set out to frame the election of 1898 as one of restoration. Race and partisan politics both play large roles in how the Democrats remembered North Carolina reconstruction politics, and how they envisioned the future.

Don't let the facts get in your way, Stann.
Once again , I don't live in 1898. I live now. Things change in a physical world. You must be living in an alternate universe of some kind. Good luck with that.
Once again , I don't live in 1898. I live now. Things change in a physical world. You must be living in an alternate universe of some kind. Good luck with that.
White supremacy, created and founded by counter the republicans................... :auiqs.jpg:
Thank God there are no racist white democrats.
I'm sure there still are some but the republicans are a majority white supremacists. Vance running for Vice President is one of the most outspoken. Why would trump align himself with that BS can only mean he is the same BS.
I'm sure there still are some but the republicans are a majority white supremacists. Vance running for Vice President is one of the most outspoken. Why would trump align himself with that BS can only mean he is the same BS.
Maybe explain your claims against Vance and back it up with facts instead of conjecture.

Like that will ever happen.
Maybe explain your claims against Vance and back it up with facts instead of conjecture.

Like that will ever happen.
Look it up for yourself everyone else seems to know it don't know why you don't or just want to be ignorant.
Common Knowledge.
Perhaps you don't remember or perhaps you just like being an asshole. But I cannot post links with this phone. There were 38 different entries when I looked up Vance's white supremacy connections. You should have no trouble finding 1 . Not that you'll accept it. He could be hiding under a white cone and sheets carrying a Confederate flag and carrying the Bible and your'd probably still say " there are good people on both sides. Generally true but not when pure hatred is involved.

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