America’s Princess Taylor Swift has spoken

Republicans do not have the near whole globalist system backing up their entertainers. If Swift endorsed Trump, her career may be in mothballs.

The GOP used to have dozens and dozens of the biggest stars in Hollywood supporting their candidates. Clint Eastwood famously spoke at a recent GOP convention and famously talked to an empty chair. Charlton Heston was a huge supporter of the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan was President and had one of the most star studded Inaugurations in history.

Sadly for Republicans, Donald Trump is a well-known quantity in the entertainment business. Trump has launched multiple lawsuits and personal attacks on anyone who criticized him including Rosie O’Donnell and Bill Maher, among others.

People within the industry have known that Trump has been crazy for decades. They also know he is a racist and a misogynist. These people wouldn’t work for him, and many of them are people who have worked with him. None of them would ever vote for him.

The Republican Party started losing support among celebrities and Hollywood when they lied their way into the Iraq War. The Party lost Hollywood completely when Trump became the Party’s candidate.

Everything Donald Trump, touches, dies.
The GOP used to have dozens and dozens of the biggest stars in Hollywood supporting their candidates. Clint Eastwood famously spoke at a recent GOP convention and famously talked to an empty chair. Charlton Heston was a huge supporter of the Republican Party. Ronald Reagan was President and had one of the most star studded Inaugurations in history.

Sadly for Republicans, Donald Trump is a well-known quantity in the entertainment business. Trump has launched multiple lawsuits and personal attacks on anyone who criticized him including Rosie O’Donnell and Bill Maher, among others.

People within the industry have known that Trump has been crazy for decades. They also know he is a racist and a misogynist. These people wouldn’t work for him, and many of them are people who have worked with him. None of them would ever vote for him.

The Republican Party started losing support among celebrities and Hollywood when they lied their way into the Iraq War. The Party lost Hollywood completely when Trump became the Party’s candidate.

Everything Donald Trump, touches, dies.
I would think there are many Republicans in Hollywood. Too few of them speak up because it is dangerous to be one in that industry today. The empty chair that Eastwood spoke about meant that President Obama just mailed it in as he took his marching orders from the elites. The only question is how much of the move left he would do. And he did a lot. He had no idea how to work the congress. Trump with all of his flaws worked the congress. The unfortunate thing for him was the Progs do nothing without their agendas included and some of the Republicans were/are shills. He learned lessons from what he called the swamp. In his next administration he will not be a dictator like Progs say. He was not then. He will have more people in his administration who are not swampers and due to experience has more knowledge on what to do. He was an outsider in 2016 without having the system behind him. He did very good with that considering people like Obama and Clinton and Joe and Kamala will have and have had their marching orders every morning printed up for them.
I doubt that she had planned to endorse anyone. She got baited in by the trump campaign's AI; Taylor for trump pictures. I'm just happy that she waited until Kamala destroyed him in a debate, to drop the cherry on top.
I doubt that she had planned to endorse anyone.
She was all Biden last election.

Now look at her:

Here is what is even more funny.....

From Taylor WhatsHerName:

“Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight,” Swift wrote. “If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.”

Now how does madam bonehead expect people to do that ? Harris has not given any policy information of substance in recent weeks.

I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for [Kamala Harris] because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate [Tim Walz], who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

Oh really........

And the only one she can cite is from the Great Walz of China.

Yep...that's quite an endorsement (of why not to listen to singers). Maybe Cooper should have said "It's because we don't know what the hell we are talking about".
Taylor Swift came out last night supporting Kamala Harris and urging young people to vote

Republicans don’t seem to care

What would happen if Swift started giving concerts in swing states where the price of admission is a Voter Registration Card?
Taylor Swift came out last night supporting Kamala Harris and urging young people to vote

Republicans don’t seem to care

What would happen if Swift started giving concerts in swing states where the price of admission is a Voter Registration Card?
If you read her statement, she didn’t seem that enthusiastic.

She basically told everyone to do their own research and vote for who they want. It sounded like she was begrudgingly voting for Kamel toe.
In terms of the campaign, this certainly is no downer.
Yes, I do know it has impact. It just seems an indicator of the shallowness of those it actually does impact. If that is actually important to a swath of actual voter, it just seems like a sad commentary on the voting public.
Taylor Swift drives more than 330,000 visitors to U.S. voter information site

“It looks like the pop mega-star may have pulled off another voter registration coup after encouraging her more than 283 million followers to make sure they are ready to vote in the Nov. 5 presidential election.

While the conventional wisdom has long been that celebrity endorsements of political candidates don’t matter, Taylor Swift has demonstrated success in encouraging her army of fans to become civilly engaged and to register to vote.

It looks like Swift may have pulled off another voter registration coup when she went on Instagram Tuesday night, following the combative presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. The pop mega-star let her 283 million followers known that she was endorsing Democrat Harris for president and her running mate, Tim Walz, for vice president. She also encouraged her followers to make sure they are registered to vote in the Nov. 5 presidential election.


Over the next half day, more than 337,000 visitors landed on the site, directed there by the URL that was shared by Swift, according to a spokesperson with the General Services Administration.”

Very thoughtful post about how she feels she needs to be transparent about her vote after seeing Trump abuse her image. The youth could make a difference in a tight election.

She’s for Harris in case you were curious.

Yes. Kamala now has the troubled-15-year-old-girl-vote locked up
Taylor Swift came out last night supporting Kamala Harris and urging young people to vote

Republicans don’t seem to care

What would happen if Swift started giving concerts in swing states where the price of admission is a Voter Registration Card?


The more brainless bimbos out there for brainless bimbo Kamala, the better!!!

Great name for them too

Brainless Bimbos Backing Brainless Bimbo Kamala

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