America’s Princess Taylor Swift has spoken


If Swift had surprised everyone and endorsed Trump, there’d be twenty times as many treads about it here and you all’d be singing her praises
Republicans do not have the near whole globalist system backing up their entertainers. If Swift endorsed Trump, her career may be in mothballs.
LOL, Swift simple stated she is voting for Harris, she didn't endorse Harris by encouraging people to vote for her, but instead told people to do their own research and make their own choice on who to vote for.
What a crock of shit, legs McGee, Taylor was a staunch senile old fart Bribem supporter. So now the dizzy broad is voting for the colored vagina, i guess to be with the first. When Taylor gets her income taxed because the vagina wants to punish successful people, it will be too late to turn back now.

Ms Swift was backing Trump from the summer onwards. Trump himself said so.
Im guessing it was his progressive policies on abortion that did it.
Now he has flip flopped she has wallked away.
As you would expect from a bitch whore slag.

Trump himself said she would live to regret her treachery.
Ms Swift was backing Trump from the summer onwards. Trump himself said so.
Im guessing it was his progressive policies on abortion that did it.
Now he has flip flopped she has wallked away.
As you would expect from a bitch whore slag.

Trump himself said she would live to regret her treachery.
Yeah, any women who wants to murder their babies, isnt worth the flesh that hides their EVIL.
You are an absolutely incredible hack.

Laughable to the max.

Projection at its finest. A poster who can’t discuss policy or facts and spends all of her time insulting others is the very definition of a “hack”.

Even Trumps family aren’t campaigning for him or endorsing his campaign. None of the Republican leadership, none of his administration officials. No celebrities, other than those with some form of mental illness, like RFK Jr., or sex traffickers like Ted Nugent.

Trump surrounds himself with pervert and criminals. Birds of a feather. All he has left is his Cult.
Ms Swift was backing Trump from the summer onwards. Trump himself said so.
Im guessing it was his progressive policies on abortion that did it.
Now he has flip flopped she has wallked away.
As you would expect from a bitch whore slag.

Trump himself said she would live to regret her treachery.

Taylor Swift was never backing Donald Trump, and her endorsement of Harris was in part due to Trump lies and use of AI photos to promote this lie.

Swift voted for Biden last time and has never wavered in her support.
Projection at its finest. A poster who can’t discuss policy or facts and spends all of her time insulting others is the very definition of a “hack”.

Even Trumps family aren’t campaigning for him or endorsing his campaign. None of the Republican leadership, none of his administration officials. No celebrities, other than those with some form of mental illness, like RFK Jr., or sex traffickers like Ted Nugent.

Trump surrounds himself with pervert and criminals. Birds of a feather. All he has left is his Cult.
You discuss nothing, you ignorant rancid twat. You bloviate exclusively.

Get bent, bitch.
While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45.

Have you ever voted based on the endorsement of your favorite band ?

I can't ever recall needing singers to show me how to vote.
Have you ever voted based on the endorsement of your favorite band ?

I can't ever recall needing singers to show me how to vote.

Of course not.

But not all Americans are as into politics as we on this forum are.

I suspect if Swift has an impact it will be on getting those that may not have bothered to vote at all out to vote.

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