Plans are being made for Taylor Swift's Biden endorsement.

I have no idea what might be involved in planning the events of a superstar and a president. Do you?
Nothing. I seen TONS of endorsements from celebrities for both sides that involved nothing more than a social media blast or video.
I suspect Bidens team fears they are so far behind they need some extravagant set up where they can waste millions of dollars.
You need a source and a link or else you made this up and it doesn't go in Politics.

You made this up, right?
Since I'm not at liberty to divulge my source, you are certainly allowed to believe or not believe anything you choose. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I've read much of what you say you believe. I'm not too impressed with the accuracy of what you believe.
Nothing. I seen TONS of endorsements from celebrities for both sides that involved nothing more than a social media blast or video.
I suspect Bidens team fears they are so far behind they need some extravagant set up where they can waste millions of dollars.
Sure, but you believe lots of bullshit.
No one is desperate for Tsylor Swift's endorsement. It would be amusing to see a star like Swift whose audience is primarily young people endorse an old guy who shits himself. Even down ballot democrats avoid him.
Can't divulge where I heard this, but it was from someone who is intimately involved in her scheduling.
Taylor Swift is a Biden supporter, but she is also a very busy woman. Right now, she is concentrating on her record-breaking worldwide tour. That's why she is taking the entire month of September off to rest and take care of non-concert issues. Things are just in the planning stages right now and nothing is chiseled in stone yet, but they are talking about her making her endorsement at her last concert before the break, and then appearing at one or two Biden rallies during the month. There is even talk about her writing a song for Biden, or perhaps changing some of the words of one of her existing songs to sing his praises. It's all just in the planning stages right now, so don't expect any kind of public announcement until it happens, but this will organize her Swifties into a formidable voting block what will have an unexpected effect on vote totals. Before long, I might become a swifty too.

You realize all her people are made to sign NDAs right? Which is why you almost never hear 'leaks' about Taylor Swift?

This is hilarious. I reread it and especially enjoy the fantasy of her showing up at the Demented Ones "rallies" in which 10 people appear. Good stuff.
Can't divulge where I heard this, but it was from someone who is intimately involved in her scheduling.
Taylor Swift is a Biden supporter, but she is also a very busy woman. Right now, she is concentrating on her record-breaking worldwide tour. That's why she is taking the entire month of September off to rest and take care of non-concert issues. Things are just in the planning stages right now and nothing is chiseled in stone yet, but they are talking about her making her endorsement at her last concert before the break, and then appearing at one or two Biden rallies during the month. There is even talk about her writing a song for Biden, or perhaps changing some of the words of one of her existing songs to sing his praises. It's all just in the planning stages right now, so don't expect any kind of public announcement until it happens, but this will organize her Swifties into a formidable voting block what will have an unexpected effect on vote totals. Before long, I might become a swifty too.

Bulldog thinks TS is gonna show up at a "rally" like this:


When she is packing stadiums like THIS:



That's why they're valuable.


She's been popular since she was like 14 to 17, so her first fans are now in their 20's; lots of Swifties old enough to vote these days, she's 27 now. Whether they will vote just because she tells them to is another issue. I liked Jerry Garcia and Neil Young, but I would never vote the way they liked.
lol yeah it takes weeks just to say 'vote for Biden'!!! lol what a hoot.

The statement Bulldog pulled out of his butt just gets better and better and better tbh.

Her security team is bigger than any organic Joe Biden "rally". She is at the peak of her career and on top of being a genius songwriter, is a savvy business woman. There is NO WAY she is going to sully her career by writing a song for that crooked old man. Whut. I'm literally laughing.
She's been popular since she was like 14 to 17, so her first fans are now in their 20's; lots of Swifties old enough to vote these days, she's 27 now. Whether they will vote just because she tells them to is another issue. I liked Jerry Garcia and Neil Young, but I would never vote the way they liked.

She's actually 34.

As I have said repeatedly, the most misogynistic men are liberal/Leftist men. They are the ones who think women can't think for themselves; if we like a good pop song we MUST vote Democrat. Really, it's because that's how they see the world. Very simple, very black-and-white. Taylor Swift has crappy political views and I will NEVER take her advice on politics, though I admire her musicianship.

IMAGINE THAT Lefties lol
She's actually 34.

As I have said repeatedly, the most misogynistic men are liberal/Leftist men. They are the ones who think women can't think for themselves; if we like a good pop song we MUST vote Democrat. Really, it's because that's how they see the world. Very simple, very black-and-white. Taylor Swift has crappy political views and I will NEVER take her advice on politics, though I admire her musicianship.

IMAGINE THAT Lefties lol

Ah, I'm getting old; time is going by faster than I can keep up with. 34 now eh?

I have nothing against her music either, and more power to her if her fans will pay big bucks to see her. I could care less about celebrities' political babbling; most of them don't know squat about that anyway.

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