Who pays tariffs?

I understand that

And its an improvement over Made in China
Mac, seems they just can't comprehend they, corporations, leave for cheaper labor and materials thingy. And, that's it's those countries that provide them those products.
Is raising corporate taxes bad for the consumer? This is what Democrats want.

DE-REGULATING CORPORATIONS Wont help the working or middle class.
Regulations are there to help PROTECT the working & middle class.
COPORATIONS are making RECORD profits.
They do not need any help.
DE-REGULATING CORPORATIONS Wont help the working or middle class.
Regulations are there to help PROTECT the working & middle class.
COPORATIONS are making RECORD profits.
They do not need any help.
who else works for the corporations? Aren't those middle classers?
By “you” I mean the left collectively

And they are all-in for electric cars

And, the chicoms fully intend to dominate that market if we allow them
This ALL OR NOTHING mentality, Not good.
Most of the big un-thought out stuff not good.
Pushing to hard for electric cars same box-- as pushing too hard for un-needed extreme mutable gun sales
PS we have more problems( School murders increase killings)
from guns that over kill on electric cars
Pro gun anti gun nuts.
No it isn’t.

It’s a tax that importers pay. The foreign company doesn’t pay a penny.

LOL do you really think the importer doesnt pass that cost on to the maker of the item?

So they import less or raise the price if they plan on selling what they import which is what happens in most cases now that the tariffs are known in advance. When the blob unleashed the idiotic program of drastic tariffs, corporate budgets (often set for 12-24 months or longer) the importers imported less. Which was not a huge deal until the pandemic hit...then you started seeing shortages in everything, empty shelves, people standing in line... essentially we became Russia living under sanctions. We just imposed them on ourselves with the blob’s electoral college victory.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the topic before commenting.

You took all that time to describe a tax which eventually, regardless of who the government is taxing is passed on to the consumer. Will levying tariffs on all imports solve our spending problem? No, not any more than "taxing the rich" or corporations will. But acting like a tariff is anything other than another tax is just fantasy. Levying a tariff on an item being imported into the US ultimately has the same effect as levying a tax on that item if it's produced here.
LOL do you really think the importer doesnt pass that cost on to the maker of the item?

You took all that time to describe a tax which eventually, regardless of who the government is taxing is passed on to the consumer. Will levying tariffs on all imports solve our spending problem? No, not any more than "taxing the rich" or corporations will. But acting like a tariff is anything other than another tax is just fantasy. Levying a tariff on an item being imported into the US ultimately has the same effect as levying a tax on that item if it's produced here.

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