BREAKING: Trump Reveals Decision About Future Debates

Okay. It blew chunks under Trump. Worst recession since Hoover. Then Trump raised gas prices and bragged about it. High gas prices, Trump did that, and no honest person will try to deny it (so you will).

Biden did a miraculous job cleaning up Trump's mess. Booming economy, incredible job growth, knocked down Trumps skyhigh crime rates, and fixed the inflation without causing a recession, something that has never before been done in US history.

Trump cultists hate Biden for being so good, since they know an economic collapse is necessary for their Stalinist utopia to be achieved.

Tiger laughing.jpg

He should have backed out of this one. Even if they other side had called him chicken he would have been better off. Now they are going to call him chicken to have another debate anyway. I thought maybe if the debate had been unfair, which of course it was, Trump would have called the moderators out. At any time in there he could have blasted them for fact checking him four times and Harris zero and been specific about the lies she told and yet they failed to fact check her. He would have won the debate if he had done that.
He lost the debate when he whined like a bitch about crowd sizes and ranted about Haitians eating pets.

The moderators had absolutely nothing to do with any of that
As soon as the debate was over on Tuesday her campaign was already clamoring for another one.

Something you don't do if you're winning.
No Fuckstain.
She wants to humiliate hime again, this time on his COURT.
Sure, let Jesse and Laura Moderate.
I'd LOVE it.

She won't go on FOX because she's afraid she might be asked a real question.
Trump won't even allow Baier or McCallum.
Trump said, how about Shaun, or Laura, or Jesse.......LOLLOLLLOLLLL
Dear Lord, what a fucking Pussy.......LOLLOLLOLL

Kamala should say "Bring It."
Those fuckstains (Hannity, Laura, and Waters) can only ASK questions, they have NO CONTROL of how trump answers.
Bring it on.

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