Ukranian's view of American presidential debate

lol. Ok. Is there anyone in this thread who’s posted something in opposition to the war in Ukraine you haven’t called a Putin supporter or shill?
Has everyone posted in this thread?

Do you understand that I am not actually reading the very first posts I have ever read, from these posters?
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Democrats have already openly weaponized the justice system.
Can you cite this "open weaponization" please?

Because the only open comments I've ever heard from Biden and his cabinet were about the importance of everything being done by the book in politically sensitive cases and DOJ's independence.

There has never been any testimony that Biden was involved in any high profile cases. For god's sakes, his own son was indicted and has just pled guilty, how can you possibly reconciliate that with your thesis about Biden controlling the DOJ?
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Can you cite this "open weaponization" please?

Because the only open comments I've ever heard from Biden and his cabinet were about the importance of everything being done by the book in politically sensitive cases and DOJ's independence.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, you haven't noticed that every prosecution against Trump is done by only democrats, several of whom made it their campaign promise to "get Trump"?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, you haven't noticed that every prosecution against Trump is done by only democrats, several of whom made it their campaign promise to "get Trump"?

Have you noticed that you didn't say a single word in terms of actual evidence of Biden's involvement? Why would a partisan prosecutor need Biden's blessing to do his damn job and take on a case he thinks he can win?

Anyone saying nonsense like this fundamentally does not understand how American justice system works.

It doesn't matter what prosecutor's political leanings or electoral politics are, if there is no real case all they are doing is soiling their own professional record.

An indctment is subject to Grand Jury recomendation. A conviction takes place in a court of law, before a Judge and jury of peers vetted by defense lawyers.

Trump didn't get indicted and convicted because someone didn't like him, because there was strong evidence he BROKE THE LAW. If he didn't want to be tried and convicted then he shouldn't have commited crimes instead of hoping and wishing for sympathetic prosecutors.

Seems fairly common sense.
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Yes, millions more have been forced to fight for Zelensky’s (really the US State Department’s) war. And they have been dying by the thousands. They won’t even release the casualty numbers because it is so bad.

Hey, if you believe in the war so bad, why don’t you fight in it?

Second that! you are totally correct! :clap2:

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