ABC Whistleblower Says Kamala Was Given The Questions In Advance

Don't worry little commie,
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Wait, which is it? Was she given the questions in advance or did she fail to answer any of the questions?

You dorks switch crazy conspiracy theories and lies so fast I need a flow chart to keep up.
It is a fact she failed to answer any of the questions.

It remains to be seen if this whistleblower is legit, but if Knee Pads was told she wouldn't be fact checked it stands to reason she wouldn't answer any questions due to the fact if she did it would expose the fact she is a commie and a blithering idiot.

It was perfectly obvious to anyone with an IQ over 5 that Kamala got the questions before the debate and had a coached ready made answer for each question to parrot as if that was "her opinion" when it was given to her as well...
Please see post #40 above.
Can’t you guys just admit that Trump Fucked up?

He was the one coming up with the bizarre answers and who went into a fit of rage

Did ABC News give Harris hints on how to piss off Trump?
Because it was proven they gave Hillary the debate questions when she debated Trump

Why would they not do it again half wit?
Your link

For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong.

Some yes, some no, he never said all were fine people. So shove it commie.

Raise your hand if you think Kumstain could handle anything more complicated than "What color dick do black guys have?"

Yeah, me neither. That was weeks of coaching with the material provided, fully choreographed with stage directions that probably were dominated with "Try to look human for fuck's sake!!"

Trump mopped the floor with her while her 2 support animals barked at him incessantly. He gets extra credit for that. What a fucking disgrace - that's probably the end of the "debate" format, forever. Everything the party of shit touches eventually dies.


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