I’m curious. Why would Trump say Harris is a Marxist while also saying within the same minute she was copying his policies?

These microbes are just that stupid. He will run from this . They always do, here is the thing, you can't take the definition of Marxist , socialist or communist and show that it exist in this country enough to call someone one of these things , It is good for us readers because it automatically marks these people as stupid
These people are dumb fucks and I have cornered 30 or 40 of these people and I never have gotten one definition for a simple reason , even if they go look it up it shows that they are dumb fucks and have no clue what it even means . This is a easy.
These people think they can fake their way through these forums. back their as into the corner and they shit in their pants.
Have you notice I've asked three times now in this thread alone to people who call everyone they don't like Marxist, check back and see, and then count the people who stepped up and showed me whats what, OH forget it I just realized that none of them could.
While you're patting yourself on the back, Jbander...arguing about what Marxism is...Kamala Harris is busy trying to lie her way into the White House. You're one of the idiots too caught up in your hatred of Trump to realize that you support someone who's totally unsuited to be President.
You have to be some kind of stupid to have someone lie to you like Kamala Harris is and not even realize it because you're so caught up with your "poke poke poke"! Get a clue...she's using you.
While you're patting yourself on the back, Jbander...arguing about what Marxism is...Kamala Harris is busy trying to lie her way into the White House. You're one of the idiots too caught up in your hatred of Trump to realize that you support someone who's totally unsuited to be President.
Look at this this microbe, he is one of the little turds I ask to define what a Marxist is, after he call everyone who doesn't agree with him a Marxist , You think they would have a clue what it even means. They can't say anything because anything that they use as a definition that is true shows we aren't and will never be Marxist. Should I poke these weaklings a bit . The means of production is owned and controlled by the state and the sales of that production is designated to the state. anyone see this anyplace in this country or does any think that it is something that anyone wants in this country, Yup they are that fucking stupid.
You have to be some kind of stupid to have someone lie to you like Kamala Harris is and not even realize it because you're so caught up with your "poke poke poke"! Get a clue...she's using you.
what are you even talking about ,what does Harris have to do with the point that you don't have a clue what a Marxist is.
the templar guy thinks this is a response to me asking him to define Marxist , something that he says people are all the time. Quote "
If you can't tell us what a Marxist isn't, then you can't really lecture us about what one is, now can you?

Now that is a hoot. His answer to me asking him to define what a Marxist is , is to ask me what it isn't/

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