I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

The why would he say.. “You know I don’t think I have the authority to change the outcome.”
If he KNEW as you said... why would he say "I DON"T THINK"??
Very simple.
Because he’s a Midwesterner and he’s being polite about it.

That’s how Midwesterners talk.
Because he’s a Midwesterner and he’s being polite about it.

That’s how Midwesterners talk.
Bullshit! I was born and raised in Iowa! I know when people say something like that which is so important at the time
you don't assume you tell the truth! The simple answer would be, "let's let SCOTUS determine it and will halt the count of the electoral votes for those 7 states"!
Such a simple answer but HE made the decision! Not Trump! Not SCOTUS but RINO Pence!
And now today... did you read this?

Texas removes 1 million people from voter rolls​

These reforms have led to the removal of over one million ineligible people from our voter rolls in the last three years, including noncitizens, deceased voters, and people who moved to another state,” Abbott said.
“Illegal voting in Texas will never be tolerated. We will continue to actively safeguard Texans’ sacred right to vote while also aggressively protecting our elections from illegal voting.

About half of the voters removed have died, requested to be be taken off or are living in another state, based on figures from the governor’s office. Nearly 7,000 were noncitizens who had registered illegally, and about 6,000 were convicted felons unable to vote.

In Virginia, for example, more than 11,000 aliens were initially listed on the state’s voter roll within the past decade.
In New Jersey, at least 616 known aliens ended up in the state’s voter registration system just a few years ago.
Since 2021, nearly 200 aliens were initially on voter rolls in Arizona

As a consequence of "MAIL-Ballots"
within 1 minute tell me which of these set of 3 signatures are valid?
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Bullshit! I was born and raised in Iowa! I know when people say something like that which is so important at the time
you don't assume you tell the truth! The simple answer would be, "let's let SCOTUS determine it and will halt the count of the electoral votes for those 7 states"!
Such a simple answer but HE made the decision! Not Trump! Not SCOTUS but RINO Pence!
Pence is a big boy. He doesn’t need Trump or SCOTUS to tell him what to do.

Pence determined he did not have the authority to do what Trump wanted and therefore he declined to do so.

What are you going to do about it?
According to this source: https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/what-trump-asked-of-pence/
"The Defendant(Trump) did this first by using knowingly false claims of election fraud to convince the Vice President to accept the Defendant’s fraudulent electors, reject legitimate electoral votes, or send legitimate electoral votes to state legislatures for review rather than count them.
NOTE: Factcheck.org drew their OWN conclusions with this totally UNPROVEN statement!
When that failed, the Defendant attempted to use a crowd of supporters that he had gathered in Washington, D.C., to pressure the Vice President to fraudulently alter the election results.”
QUESTION for factcheck.org... where is your proof that use the crowd?
Now this is their proof!
Vice President announce that ‘because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States.'
Pence response to Trump to reject the states with questionable results:
“You know I don’t think I have the authority to change the outcome.”
NOTE!!! It was PENCE's decision to NOT reject the states because of ... I don’t think I have the authority!
HE ASSUMED his authority was not there....WHY????
All of this is proof that the 2020 election should have been more closely determined by the SCOTUS!
AND don't anyone say will all the lower courts said "No STANDING"
Now the state of Colorado for example

The Supreme Court of Colorado held that President Donald J. Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President because he “engaged in insurrection” against the Constitution of the United States — and that he did so after taking an oath “as an officer of the United States” to “support” the Constitution. The state supreme court ruled that the Colorado Secretary of State should not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot or count any write-in votes cast for him. The state supreme court stayed its decision pending United States Supreme Court review.
Think about that! WHAT PROOF did the judges in Colorado have that he “engaged in insurrection”?

Now I'm not going to research the remaining states that said Trump had NO STANDING!!!

After nearly 4 years where I was convinced Trump lost but due to the wasted "MAIL in JUNK voting"!!!


Because no way in hell did the Founders ever want a vice president to have the power to disenfranchise all the voters of the winning candidate and unilaterally give themselves 4 more years even though they lost the election.
Faun, all across these threads you said Biden was mentally fit to be president. Over and over you argued.

Now you claim that you never said Biden was fit.

You fell in line like the perfect trained monkey.

I already showed you I was calling Biden senile since 2020.

You're fucking deranged. Now everyone here sees that. Sucks to be you.
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Oh I agree with your poor childish reasons for not liking Trump... BUT Presidents are called "EXECUTIVES" for a reason!
They make things happen and Trump as an EXECUTIVE doesn't think like a politician who tries to be politically correct!
I am confident you don't know Trump was the only President to give $1.6 million over 4 years of his salary to charities.
You also don't know (primarily because the biased MSM won't report it!) that Trump was the first president in 62 years
to make the USA Energy independent.
Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
And those are just two of hundreds of "EXECUTIVE ORDERS" Trump accomplished while being an asshole!
AGAIN I personally don't like Trump BUT I recognize SUCCESSFUL executives like Trump sometimes ARE assholes!
Oh and by the way Trump NEVER EVER said something so stupid like these two comments that

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

A) Drove gas prices up over 50%

View attachment 1010634

I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

B) Increased illegals by over 666%

View attachment 1010633

I am confident you don't know Trump was the only President to give $1.6 million over 4 years of his salary to charities.

And you would be wrong like you always are. Hoover and Kennedy both donated their salaries. And while they earned smaller salaries, they donated far more than Trump when you factor in inflation.

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

That's a lie. I've shown you already that video you're posting is edited. Cutting out Biden’s complete statement, which is that we'll be getting rid of fossil fuels by 2050. NOT that he will get rid of fossil fuels. Not to mention, production is at an all time high, further exposing your lies.
a lot of Americans believe it too. But you keep being the useful idiot.
A lot, that is true.
The Cult base is Strong, dumb but strong.
Trump knows to feed his base material (mostly LIES) that feeds right back to other cultists.

Pretty sure the "Useful Idiot" is ANY Trump CULT Member, and you are correct,
there are "A Lot"
I am confident you don't know Trump was the only President to give $1.6 million over 4 years of his salary to charities.

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

December 10, 2019​

Trump Ordered to Pay Eight Separate Charities $250,000 Each
Remaining $1.8 Million in Trump Foundation Bank Account Disbursed Among Charities

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:
“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”
As part of a resolution of the lawsuit announced on November 7th, Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Additionally, Trump was forced to reimburse his namesake foundation $11,525 for sports paraphernalia and champagne purchased at a charity gala, which was added to $1,797,598.30 already in the foundation’s bank account. The combined $1,809,123.30 was split evenly and recently transferred to the eight agreed upon charities. Each charity ended up receiving a total of $476,140.41.
Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation, and agreed to restrictions on future charitable service and ongoing reporting to the Office of the Attorney General, in the event he creates a new charity. The settlement also included mandatory training requirements for Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, which the three children have already undergone. Finally, the settlement required the Trump Foundation to shutter its doors last December and dissolve under court supervision.
Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds
A lot, that is true.
The Cult base is Strong, dumb but strong.
Trump knows to feed his base material (mostly LIES) that feeds right back to other cultists.

Pretty sure the "Useful Idiot" is ANY Trump CULT Member, and you are correct,
there are "A Lot"
/—-/ Yeah, anyone smart enough to reject your socialist hellhole nanny state is definitely in a cult.

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