I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Perhaps he did truly believe the election was stolen, but that doesn’t actually change anything.

He doesn’t get to change the outcome of the election and deprive millions of Americans their right to vote based on what he “believes”.
And yet you allow the Biden administration to break every rule in the book, and then you blatantly ignore them also hiding Hunter and Bidens business dealings with each other, and allegedly while enriching their family in the situations. Then we see Hunter pleading guilty so his daddy can save him with a pardon later on, and therefore it sparing the court cases that would have drug the truth into the light.

I guess you people figure that you can't handle two alleged crooks wanting to rule the country, otherwise because covering for one is enough right ??... lol 😆

So because of your idiocy, it is that you are ready to support a lame duck candidate in Kamala Harris (a second string player), who has nothing but leftist talking points because she has no substance or character worth the office of President.

Trump is totally disrespected by having to lower himself too the level of people that can't even hold a light for him while he works his brain with one side of it tied behind his back.

JD Vance would have destroyed Kamala in that debate, because he is a very calm, cool, collective student of wisdom and intellect, and he has been proven as such when dealing with the vultures of leftist media platforms like CNN and the like

Trump and Vance are a power house team.
Pence didn’t assume anything. He examined the law and made his determination.

There was only one set of certified electors from every state. The fake elector certificates were meaningless.

No case made it before SCOTUS because no one had any case that was actually legitimate.
Pence has the blood of innocents on his hands for supporting or hoisting these knuckleheads into office, because if he was part of the rhino's in the attempt to not follow the constitution, and all because it was Trump that he might have had some sort of anger towards, then to hell with Pence putting dirty politics over the nations well being...

GOD help us all.
Pence is a big boy. He doesn’t need Trump or SCOTUS to tell him what to do.

Pence determined he did not have the authority to do what Trump wanted and therefore he declined to do so.

What are you going to do about it?
Pence should curl up into a fetal position, and beg the good Lords forgiveness for what he has caused.

The lives of those young girls brutally murdered and our nations innocent people being slaughtered and frightened by the illegal immigrants as they cause chaos at the open invitation of Democrats by design is truly despicable....

This wave of chaos by the Biden administration who baited them to breach our southern border for their nefarious long term election solution's that are aimed at the illegals for the Democrat party is truly despicable and blatant.
nfbw 240912 Visdkw02444

Trump never asked Pence to count anything

READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

i. Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection 220525 {post•1355}. BackAgain May’22 Ssotbl: I do deny your asshole contention that Trump attempted to “disenfranchise” any voters at all, especially based on race. bckgn 220524 Ssotbl01353.

ii. Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection 220525 {post•1355 to 1353}. NotfooledbyW May’22 Vsotbl: What does this part of the Eastman memo mean to the voters in the states with the fake electors?

3. At the end, he (Pence) announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” – the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. This reading of the 12th Amendment has also been advanced by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (here). A “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected.​

nfbw 220525 Vsotbl01355

iii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2378}. Cellblock2429 Sep’24 Sisdkw: Trump never asked Pence to count anything. cllblck 240912 Sisdkw02378.

iv. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2444}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw: You are a liar: Trump pressured Pence to do exactly what the Eastman Memo detailing the Jan6 Coup Plan expected Pence to do.

If you read the indented paragraph 3 in paragraph ii. Above you are reading the physical memo lawyer John Eastman wrote telling Donald Trump and the Republican party overturn the 2020 election through Mike Pence..

That is exactly what Mike Pence was supposed to do for Don Trump.

I will copy it here in case you’re too lazy to look up:

3. At the end, he (Pence) announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 States, there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of “electors appointed” – the language of the 12th Amendment -- is 454. This reading of the 12th Amendment has also been advanced by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (here). A “majority of the electors appointed” would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels President Trump as re-elected.

READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

It is racist because the political party attempted to instigate. The memo is a 97% white political. You cannot erase that.

The Democratic Party, on the other hand is a coalition of white, black, brown every color in the rainbow, not only a race, but every religion and non-religion and person of every law abiding culture and lifestyle.
Nine out of 10 black Americans are in this party this coalition That’s why it’s fair to say when the party attempts to deprive the rainbow party of having their votes count, so Donald Trump could stay in power is that its core a racist attack?

READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

nfbw 240912 Visdkw02444
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I am confident you don't know Trump was the only President to give $1.6 million over 4 years of his salary to charities.

And you would be wrong like you always are. Hoover and Kennedy both donated their salaries. And while they earned smaller salaries, they donated far more than Trump when you factor in inflation.

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

That's a lie. I've shown you already that video you're posting is edited. Cutting out Biden’s complete statement, which is that we'll be getting rid of fossil fuels by 2050. NOT that he will get rid of fossil fuels. Not to mention, production is at an all time high, further exposing your lies.
It makes no difference WHEN either 2030 or 2050! HE GUARANTEES to destroy what constitutes the major life blood of our civilization. With electricity today that 60% is generated by fossil fuels! How stupid to guarantee something when
the simple statement he could have made that wouldn't have created a 50% increase in gas prices would be this:
"I Joe Biden believe that fossil fuels are a tremendous necessity to our existence. I also believe that we need to HELP the fossil fuel industry to either figure out how to reduce CO2 emissions or help them migrate to lessen CO2 emissions over time with solar and wind. I do not believe in destroying fossil fuels but to work with the industry."
How less divisive that statement would have been! Whether it was 2030 or 2050 is irrelevant. Today Biden caused
oil companies to RAISE prices out of a defensive posture.
READ the reality of the oil industry!
As a result of Biden's stupid guarantee..
the CEO of Chevron, Mike Wirth's response:
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

So if the oil companies have trouble getting financing to do exploration, refining, etc., WHAT can they do but raise their prices NOW to get the investments, to build the refineries.

Totally divisive and truly ignorant and even more pathetic are people like you that can't see beyond 1 year!
I am confident you don't know Trump was the only President to give $1.6 million over 4 years of his salary to charities.

And you would be wrong like you always are. Hoover and Kennedy both donated their salaries. And while they earned smaller salaries, they donated far more than Trump when you factor in inflation.

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

That's a lie. I've shown you already that video you're posting is edited. Cutting out Biden’s complete statement, which is that we'll be getting rid of fossil fuels by 2050. NOT that he will get rid of fossil fuels. Not to mention, production is at an all time high, further exposing your lies.
OH I knew it before you did. But again... you didn't READ accurately!

I was very specific! Trump's salary if you'd follow the above link was $1.6 million.
Hoover was $300,000 four years JFK $400,000.
I also know that above.
Pence has the blood of innocents on his hands for supporting or hoisting these knuckleheads into office, because if he was part of the rhino's in the attempt to not follow the constitution, and all because it was Trump that he might have had some sort of anger towards, then to hell with Pence putting dirty politics over the nations well being...

GOD help us all.
For sure! And those knuckleheads who's statement that caused almost 666% more illegals...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Trump's intention was to delay and muck up the vote certification long enough to give his inbred mutant attorneys enough time to figure out their next strategy for stealing the election.
It was a classic coup attempt that, thanks in part to Pence, failed.
So Pence served as a "guardrail" in this example.
This is why convicted felon Trump cannit, under any circumstances, win this election. This next time around the guardrails would be gone.
Curious... what is "cannit"? You meant "cannot"? So why don't you pay attention to details like that?
Because you are just plain lazy.
bvvglvN 240912 Sisdkw02449

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2414}. Marener Sep’24 Visdkw: Pence didn’t assume anything. He examined the law and made his determination.

There was only one set of certified electors from every state. The fake elector certificates were meaningless.

No case made it before SCOTUS because no one had any case that was actually legitimate. mrnr 240912 Viskvw02414

ii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2414}. beagle9 Sep’24 Sidkw: Pence has the blood of innocents on his hands for supporting or hoisting these knuckleheads into office, because if he was part of the rhino's in the attempt to not follow the constitution, bvvglvN 250912 Sisdkw02442

iii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2449}.

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Visdkw: You Saint_Beagle9 are making a legal constitutional case for Pence to declare himself and Don Trump the winner after all fifty states certified that Biden-Harris won the 2020 election.

Where in the Constitution Saint_Beagle9 does it say a VP on a presidential ticket running for a second Term can use the Constitution to throw out the “certified” results of seven states that certified that Pence lost?

Please post the Constitution’s language authorizing Pence to disenfranchise the opposition’s voters simply because the loser at the top of the ticket “thinks” he won by getting less certified votes than the winner did?

Has a legal immigrant skinned, cooked and eaten your dog or cat yet, Christian?

bvvglvN 240912 Sisdkw02449
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bvvglvN 240912 Sisdkw02449

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2414}

Marener Sep’24 Visdkw: Pence didn’t assume anything. He examined the law and made his determination.

There was only one set of certified electors from every state. The fake elector certificates were meaningless.

No case made it before SCOTUS because no one had any case that was actually legitimate. mrnr 240912 Viskvw02414

ii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2414}

beagle9 Sep’24 Sidkw: Pence has the blood of innocents on his hands for supporting or hoisting these knuckleheads into office, because if he was part of the rhino's in the attempt to not follow the constitution, bvvglvN 250912 Sisdkw02442

iii. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240912 {post•2}.

You Saint_Beagle9 are making a legal constitutional case for Pence to declare himself and Don Trump the winner after all fifty states certified that Biden-Harris won the 2020 election.

Where in the Constitution Saint_Beagle9 does it say a VP on a presidential ticket running for a second Term can use the Constitution to throw out the “certified” results of seven states that certified that Pence lost?

Please post the Constitution’s language authorizing Pence to disenfranchise the opposition’s voters simply because the loser at the top of the ticket “thinks” he won by getting less certified votes than the winner did?

Has a legal immigrant skinned, cooked and eaten your dog or cat yet, Christian?

bvvglvN 240912 Sisdkw02449
My link trumps your link, you lose
My link trumps your link, you lose

Your link is a complete fail;

Clinton conceded on November 9. 2016.

Trump is an ass.

This is class;


Hillary Clinton officially conceded the presidential election to Donald Trump, | Getty



Hillary Clinton delivered an emotional address Wednesday, channeling a devastating loss to encourage her supporters to give President-elect Donald Trump a chance to lead and to inspire them to never give up in what likely marked the sunset of her political career.

Clinton privately conceded the election to Trump in a phone call early Wednesday morning

“Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country,” Clinton said later Wednesday in her concession. “I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans.

And she trumpeted her campaign’s mantra — stronger together — even as her run came to an end.

“I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us,” she said, going on to cite a scripture. “So, my friends, let us have faith in each other. Let us not grow weary. Let us not lose heart, for there are more seasons to come, and there is more work to do. I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election.”

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