Perspective, school shootings vs. other homicides.

Homicides have happened since the first humans walked the earth.

School shootings have exploded exponentially over a relatively short span of time in our country.

Maybe you should take a long and honest look at your real motivations for creating this weak-ass “whatabout-ism” thread

Over the last two years, yes trans, homeO and dark imports have began to target Children in schools. Yes, it’s new and troubling.

Add it in with the troubled kids on pchyce drugs by fag Leftist shrinks and weird Doctors, America has new problems to attack. All known by FBI & local Law who mostly seem to allow it to happen?
Over the last two years, yes trans, homeO and dark imports have began to target Children in schools. Yes, it’s new and troubling.

Add it in with the troubled kids on pchyce drugs by fag Leftist shrinks and weird Doctors, America has new problems to attack. All known by FBI & local Law who mostly seem to allow it to happen?
Most of these messed up little shits very clearly need to be on some heavy duty antipsychotics
Most of these messed up little shits very clearly need to be on some heavy duty antipsychotics

Countries a mess by Deep State design as they get wealthy. Fags and trannies infecting DC nearly 10% of them now. Many in leading Military or other GOVT positions. Tens of thousands DEI Blacks and others from Prince George County commute up into DC paid $100K jobs to do nothing useful in GOVT and growing. Or work from home. Nobody cares, nobody knows. Checks direct deposit.
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Homicides have happened since the first humans walked the earth.

School shootings have exploded exponentially over a relatively short span of time in our country.

Maybe you should take a long and honest look at your real motivations for creating this weak-ass “whatabout-ism” thread
Is that all the deeper you can go? Have you never heard about the 800 pound gorilla that is present in most of these discussions? The nearly 400,000 murders is the gorilla.
Over the last two years, yes trans, homeO and dark imports have began to target Children in schools. Yes, it’s new and troubling.

Add it in with the troubled kids on pchyce drugs by fag Leftist shrinks and weird Doctors, America has new problems to attack. All known by FBI & local Law who mostly seem to allow it to happen?
Zoom out for a wider view and you'll see a world governed by the devil himself; the "god of this world" and "the prince of the power of the air". Most people don't see it because they are his children, "the children of the evil one". :omg: (I had to get this in there.)

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