Trump says no second debate needed

No shit asshole, freedom aint free? I am a Jarhead, moron. I kmow more about freedom and the cost then you will ever know.

What generation are you? The crybaby generation that blames everyone but yourself.

Last I checked we voted in Trump, against incredible odds, obstacles, outright evil tyrants.

Any proof son? Walz was your commanding officer, so he says.
Everyone posting on this forum more than a few times a week qualifies for crybaby status.

(Yeah, that means YOU)

Yet, Trump was there.
And for ALL his bragging about how he would trash Harris in a didn't happen.

If he is dumb enough to walk right into a debate trap, he's too dumb to be president imo.
Your opinion is just that, an opinion. Trump stepped up knowing exactly what would happen and as a leader, he led.

Trump wiped the streets with all three. Period. I saw it, Kamala had nothing.

And you are here, doin what, snivelling, crying, trying to convince people what happened did not happen

Anyone who votes for Kamala is not an American. Go ahead, keep supporting her like a trained monkey

You told us Biden would beat Trump. How could you be so stupid as to not see the man has dementia.

Now we have the first presidential canididate in history that has not won one state primary, in TWO elections.

Democrats are fools, democrats are clever tyrants
nope, our situation today rests squarely on your shoulders

What are you going to do, what have you done.

My generation gave you a great country now it is time for you to step up and do something

Tell us all what you are going to do. It is your turn to sacrafice.

Thanks for proving my point.
Always waiting for someone else to do your fighting for you. Typical.
Yet, it was not a debate.
Nothing the democrats do will ever be done fairly nor honestly because they are not God fearing people. They are God haters, and with that comes all the wicked and evil of Satan that is in them. Expect that from them.
I wouldn't see a problem with a second debate, however, in a second debate, the moderators must be proven to be "independent and impartial, creating questions on the spot, not ones that the Democrats can prepare for.
even an ai could not be trusted to the moderator job.

trump will never step into the ring with harris again. that was the first time he knew he was beaten. and he did not like it.

he might want to
Nothing the democrats do will ever be done fairly nor honestly because they are not God fearing people. They are God haters, and with that comes all the wicked and evil of Satan that is in them. Expect that from them.
We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.
John Adams
I am voting for him.

But this is B.S.

He lost that debate big t ime.
who did Trump so-called lose against?

moderator 1 ???
moderator 2 ???
democrats in Kamala's ear giving her answers ???
Kamala (who is as dumb as they come and knows nothing) ???
who did Trump so-called lose against?

moderator 1 ???
moderator 2 ???
democrats in Kamala's ear giving her answers ???
Kamala (who is as dumb as they come and knows nothing) ???
No matter what Trump did or say, democrats were always going to say that Trump lost.

Trump should challenge Kamala to debate on Mark Levin's show

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