Trump says he won't debate Harris again

Trump was slapped down by Kamala. Apparently, he did not want to go back for seconds. Wimp ass.
No reputable poll numbers show any such thing.
Perhaps Harris will challenge Trump with NEWSMAX moderating a debate. She can initiate it. They will get directly into the important questions. Again, Trump had to be seen as to not offending independent voters who may lean left in elections. He succeeded.
Well, she’s a lot smarter than He is.
Yet she failed to answer any real questions with real solutions. She spent her time trying to goad Trump as did the moderators. Kamala was playing a part, Trump was being substantive.
Nice to see you have some regret for how horrible Trump is being treated by the Democrat controlled media and the Democrat controlled DOJ. But then, your concern is as fake as Kamala.
He brought it on Himself.

No sympathy here.
He brought it on Himself.

No sympathy here.
No, the Democrats falsely charged him and the debate was rigged. It was 3 against 1 and Kamala had no substance. Most polling shows a draw and polls are Democrat biased. You are blind.
He should offer to do a debate on FOX with a live audience. See how fast she runs in the opposite direction.
That was already offered but she refused to debate with Fox moderators. An honest debate would literally sink her campaign.

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