Harris gets no post debate bump...but Trump improves...

Here's a twist for ya... 50% of respondents to this NY Post Poll taken after Tuesday's debate agree that Kamala Harris won the debate...but her new poll numbers were exactly the same as pre-debate.

Who improved?

Donald J. Trump!

Trump gain a percentage point from undecided voters!

Ain't life grand. :D

"In the survey conducted by Leger, half of respondents who watched at least some portion of the ABC News debate said Harris was the winner, while 29% said Trump had gotten the better of the VP and 13% said neither candidate had won the Philadelphia showdown.

However, the poll also shows Trump gained one percentage point of support among likely voters from a pre-debate survey taken following the Democratic National Convention in late August, while Harris held steady."

From what I understand, her national numbers improved after the debate (which is what the left hypes up) but her status in the swing states didn't budge. Also, undecided voters apparently liked Trump's debate performance better than Harris's performance. This could be another 2016 where Kamala Harris racks up great numbers in California and New York but winds up losing the election.

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