You Right Wingers Were Told You Would Learn a Hard Lesson

He might still win.
Think about the undeserving candidate that you have. Despite the deck being so heavily stacked against Trump, the fact that he's a convicted criminal, despite his continuing legal problems, the potential prison sentence he could receive, the nastiness and unlikability of Trump, he could still win this election. Why is it close?

This should give you an idea of just how unhappy millions of Americans have been these past four years. This shows you that Kumalla would be WAY behind in the polls if it were practically anyone else than Trump.
If Republicans had not STUPIDLY stuck with Trump, right this very moment we would be ordering up new window blinds for the Oval Office.

Unless there is some massive change, and there very well could be, Kumalla will be a one-term president. 2028 can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He might still win.
Think about the undeserving candidate that you have. Despite the deck being so heavily stacked against Trump, the fact that he's a convicted criminal, despite his continuing legal problems, the potential prison sentence he could receive, the nastiness and unlikability of Trump, he could still win this election. Why is it close?

This should give you an idea of just how unhappy millions of Americans have been these past four years. This shows you that Kumalla would be WAY behind in the polls if it were practically anyone else than Trump.
If Republicans had not STUPIDLY stuck with Trump, right this very moment we would be ordering up new window blinds for the Oval Office.

Unless there is some massive change, and there very well could be, Kumalla will be a one-term president. 2028 can't get here fast enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing is stacked aginst Trump. This should not be cLose, but the disinformation peddLers have done a better job than those with the facts. Trump is the underserving candidate and shouLd Harris win, she will probbly serve 2 terms and end up as the best President in this century.
Nothing is stacked aginst Trump. This should not be cLose, but the disinformation peddLers have done a better job than those with the facts. Trump is the underserving candidate and shouLd Harris win, she will probbly serve 2 terms and end up as the best President in this century.

Ok, now that is funny!!! :laugh: :clap2: :laughing0301:
Another person suffering from psychosis.

You're the one who must be in denial.
Why isn't she ahead of a criminal, serial-liar, fat old man by double-digits?

Anyone other than Trump, would be wiping the floor with her fat ass at this stage of the campaign!

If I were you, I would be embarrassed that your candidate cannot shake off a mean old criminal!
You're the one who must be in denial.
Why isn't she ahead of a criminal, serial-liar, fat old man by double-digits?

Anyone other than Trump, would be wiping the floor with her fat ass at this stage of the campaign!

If I were you, I would be embarrassed that your candidate cannot shake off a mean old criminal!
She has been a candidate less than 2 months and she wiped out a lead that Trump had. It's just going to get worse for you as time goes on.
They say "don't believe the media, the media is lying to you"

Meanwhile they're being told by Russian trolls that immigrants are eating our dogs. And they're believing it.
Says the guy who still believes the elections were stolen.

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