Kamala blames Trump for her disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal

Come on America... she can't ever be the president of the USA... she's a liar and a bad liar and our enemies laugh at her... she will get us into a war we have no business being in just because she is weak and dumb...
Don't be too sure. I thought for sure with Obama's strongly Marxist background and mindset he couldn't be elected but he won handily. Twice. I didn't think Trump with the best record of any President of my lifetime could lose in 2020, especially against a cognitively challenged candidate who couldn't campaign, but the Democrats claimed victory then too. And with a media helping her with every possible lie and fabrication to make her look good and burying anything negative, and keeping her from tripping herself up, and doing everything possible they can do to make cheating easier, don't rule out a Kamala win in November.
The Doha Accords called for a truce right away between the two sides as well as starting talks for a lasting peace. Those conditions were never met before we met the 8,600 troop level by withdrawing 4,000 of them. Then over the course of 2020 we withdrew another 6,000 troops even though the conditions were never met. In fact the only condition they ever fully complied with was the truce between the US and our NATO allies.
That's just not factual. The Doha Accords called for a reduction in operations across the U.S. military and Taliban forces. It was not immediate. You're just making stuff up like Kamala did last night.

In 2020, Trump reduced forces from 13K to 2.5K at the start of the Biden administration, and the Biden administration postponed withdrawal until September 11 for symbolic reasons to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The Biden administration added an additional 3K troops for the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy and to secure Kabul airport in August 2021. Additional troops were deployed by Biden bringing the total to 7K troops. A directive that was frowned upon by military leaders who stated it wasn't a secure evacuation zone. An evacuation that trapped 1K American citizens and visa holders captive to the Taliban, and ended in the deaths of 13 servicemen.
facts matter:

John Bolton Blames Trump for Afghanistan Withdrawal, Warns He’d Exit NATO in 2nd Term: ‘Extremely Erratic’ (Video)​

“He negotiated a deal with the Taliban that Biden later implemented,” Bolton says on NewsNation
Sigh .. the Taliban didn't meet the conditions outlined in the agreement and participated in a Russian 'bounty hunter' operative to kill American soldiers, followed later by Iranian involvement. Strategy and execution of strategy aren't one-and-the-same, and that's what dumbasses keep ignoring.

Biden was president .. delayed the evacuation (which removed restrictions because the U.S. didn't meet it's negotiated timeline) and the Taliban attacked shortly thereafter. Stop making stuff up like Kamala did last night.,
Sigh .. the Taliban didn't meet the conditions outlined in the agreement and participated in a Russian 'bounty hunter' operative to kill American soldiers, followed later by Iranian involvement. Strategy and execution of strategy aren't one-and-the-same, and that's what dumbasses keep ignoring.

Biden was president .. delayed the evacuation (which removed restrictions because the U.S. didn't meet it's negotiated timeline) and the Taliban attacked shortly thereafter. Stop making stuff up like Kamala did last night.,
I'll go with Generals and Advisors to Trump on this. They have every reason to tell the truth. Trump has every reason not to tell the truth.
That's just not factual. The Doha Accords called for a reduction in operations across the U.S. military and Taliban forces. It was not immediate. You're just making stuff up like Kamala did last night.

In 2020, Trump reduced forces from 13K to 2.5K at the start of the Biden administration, and the Biden administration postponed withdrawal until September 11 for symbolic reasons to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The Biden administration added an additional 3K troops for the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy and to secure Kabul airport in August 2021. Additional troops were deployed by Biden bringing the total to 7K troops. A directive that was frowned upon by military leaders who stated it wasn't a secure evacuation zone. An evacuation that trapped 1K American citizens and visa holders captive to the Taliban, and ended in the deaths of 13 servicemen.
Kamala did not make anything up about Trump and his bs FP. Remember, Trump is the guy who brokered Peace Deals to Nations Not at War with each other.
That's just not factual. The Doha Accords called for a reduction in operations across the U.S. military and Taliban forces. It was not immediate. You're just making stuff up like Kamala did last night.

In 2020, Trump reduced forces from 13K to 2.5K at the start of the Biden administration, and the Biden administration postponed withdrawal until September 11 for symbolic reasons to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The Biden administration added an additional 3K troops for the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy and to secure Kabul airport in August 2021. Additional troops were deployed by Biden bringing the total to 7K troops. A directive that was frowned upon by military leaders who stated it wasn't a secure evacuation zone. An evacuation that trapped 1K American citizens and visa holders captive to the Taliban, and ended in the deaths of 13 servicemen.
“The choice I had to make, as your president, was either to follow through on that agreement or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season,” Biden said.


facts matter:

"The Taliban takeover, far swifter than officials from either administration had envisioned, has prompted questions from even some Trump-era officials about whether the terms and conditions of the deal — and the decisions that followed after — did enough to protect Afghanistan once the U.S. military pulled out."

"In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"

Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of Americafor Bringing Peace to Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Government/People were left out by Trump.

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America

February 29, 2020
which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar
and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar
Kamala did not make anything up about Trump and his bs FP. Remember, Trump is the guy who brokered Peace Deals to Nations Not at War with each other.
Kamala spread disinformation last night .. you're an idiot if you don't recognize it.
  • Gun confiscation
  • Unemployment rates during transition
  • Kamala being in the J6 riot
  • Police officers dying on J6 due to riot
  • The 'blood bath' hoax which has been debunked multiple times
  • The 'very fine people' hoax which has been debunked multiple times
  • The 'stand back and stand by' hoax
  • A federal abortion ban
  • and many others ..
Trump was fact-checked in real-time by moderators who don't have that responsibility, while Harris got a free card to spread her disinformation.
“The choice I had to make, as your president, was either to follow through on that agreement or be prepared to go back to fighting the Taliban in the middle of the spring fighting season,” Biden said.


facts matter:

"The Taliban takeover, far swifter than officials from either administration had envisioned, has prompted questions from even some Trump-era officials about whether the terms and conditions of the deal — and the decisions that followed after — did enough to protect Afghanistan once the U.S. military pulled out."

"In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"

Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of Americafor Bringing Peace to Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Government/People were left out by Trump.

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America

February 29, 2020
which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar
and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar
Biden didn't meet the 5/1/2021 deadline and postponed it to 9/11/2021 .. thus breaking the agreement, and the day the Taliban began its offensive.
You mean the generals and advisors that Biden / Harris ignored on guidance to use a different, secured location for withdrawal?
play games. Of course if people want to blame, there's enough to go around.

But even Biden's harshest critic: "In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"
Biden didn't meet the 5/1/2021 deadline and postponed it to 9/11/2021 .. thus breaking the agreement, and the day the Taliban began its offensive.

and again,

"In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"
play games. Of course if people want to blame, there's enough to go around.

But even Biden's harshest critic: "In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"
Then why did Biden and Harris agree to the timeline?
and again,

"In hindsight, though, said Curtis, the U.S. should not have entered the Doha talks “unless we were prepared to represent the Afghan government’s interests. It was an unfair negotiation, because nobody was looking out for the interests of the Afghan government.”"
Then why did Biden and Harris agree and move forward with the timeline (which they missed)?
Procrustes Stretched .. no fake news .. her history, including recently, outlines all these insights as not factual. Perhaps you should do some research before clicking your favorite button with information you disagree about.

Mandatory buybacks is a great example ...

Harris said: "I do believe that we need to do buybacks." Then she described assault weapons as "weapons of war." She vowed if elected to "ban on the importation of assault weapons" and said that the U.S. will have to deal with the assault weapons that are already in the country.

"And, so, a buyback program is a good idea, now we need to do it the right way and part of that has to be buy back and give people their value the financial value of what they have and not just take things from people that have value without compensating them. We need to do it the right way," she said.
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