Kamala blames Trump for her disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal

Harris says stupid shit like that for two reasons. One is because she knows there are stupid people who will believe her. The other is because she's too dumb to come up with something that's actually plausible. MAGA
Still, doesn't let Biden or Harris off the hook for a botched withdrawal.

Admittedly, most students of warfare note that withdrawal while engaged in combat can be a very complicated and tricky undertaking. Often one of the most challenging for any general.

There was a way to do this "Abandon Afghanistan" in a deliberate, measured, and effective way that likely would have seen fewer USA casualties and the bulk of essential gear, material, and weapons removed rather than left for the Taliban. Also one that wouldn't have left thousands of Americans and Afghan allies behind to suffer the revenge of the Taliban.
You know the truth. And from Biden himself he tells us he knows the truth that he was president and he fucked up Afghanistan.
Before the withdrawal outcome, Bagram Air Base was emptied and wasn't part of Trump's plan .. not to mention the withdrawal timeline. Under the advisement of military leaders, Biden / Harris were against using Bagram as a more secure point for withdrawal and instead gave the makeshift base in Kabul the focal point, leading to a bloodbath and the death of 13 servicemen. What a piece of work when she was the last person in the room, which she often boasts about, to lead to this outcome. No regrets .. only blaming.
More bullshit from the lying leftards.

Biden owns Afghanistan. Just like he owns the illegal immigrants situation and the borders.

Democrats are scum, they own 100% of this bullshit.

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