No taxes on over time.

Most of the budget is Medicare, Social Security, Defense and interest on the debt.

There's just not much more to cut after that. We can't cut enough to get rid of the current deficit.
Boom. In a nutshell. The top 5. The rest..inconsequential.

Outside of a corporate tax raise and a massive (bone cutting) spending cut in the top 5 categories..I don't know how to get out of this money death spiral.
but why do you hate poor people??
But why do you continue to talk out of your ass..troll? :)
Admit it, you don't care about policy. Nor do you have any idea of it. Just like your savior. You don't come across as that knowledgeable. Low information. Low IQ.

You just know what your alt-right media master tell you to parrot....Sad. :(
But why do you continue to talk out of your ass..troll? :)
Admit it, you don't care about policy. Nor do you have any idea of it. Just like your savior. You don't come across as that knowledgeable. Low information. Low IQ.

You just know what your alt-right media master tell you to parrot....Sad. :(
orrr I could just be in favor of any tax break for working class people because I dont hate the poor because I am one,,,
But why do you continue to talk out of your ass..troll? :)
Admit it, you don't care about policy. Nor do you have any idea of it. Just like your savior. You don't come across as that knowledgeable. Low information. Low IQ.

You just know what your alt-right media master tell you to parrot....Sad. :(
what are Harris's policies ?
most of them are the upper middle class so already making a better/higher wage,,

this will help the lower middle class more than anyone could know,,
I didn't agree with your comment until I looked it up and you are correct, although I had no idea I had "risen". Probably because shortly after I was finally making some headway in my career & the workplace as a computer programmer, they made our job classification exempt from overtime and I wasn't making middle class money just yet, let alone upper middle class money, and that exemption certain helped slow down my upward mobility. If I recall correctly, I think the first Bush did this (this administration).

These numbers are from 2024:

Where you rank by income​

According to the Census Bureau’s Income in the United States: 2022 report, the median household income is $74,580 (a 2.3% decline from 2021), while household income levels for each class level are as follows:
  • Lower class: less than or equal to $30,000
  • Lower-middle class: $30,001 – $58,020
  • Middle class: $58,021 – $94,000
  • Upper-middle class: $94,001 – $153,000
  • Upper class: greater than $153,000

Where you rank by net worth​

Some finance experts prefer to view classes in terms of net worth because they believe it accounts for people’s financial habits. If you have a high income but spend much of what you make, you may not have much to show for it. Based on U.S. census data from 2021, here’s the median net worth of each class:
  • Lower class: $12,000
  • Lower-middle class: $61,260
  • Middle class: $145,200
  • Upper-middle class: $269,100
  • Upper class: $805,400
The income you need to fall in America's lower, middle and upper classes — find out where you rank and how these social levels are defined
orrr I could just be in favor of any tax break for working class people because I dont hate the poor because I am one,,, could just admit that either party isn't going to give a middle class tax cut because there is no iron will to tax corps or the wealthy and that middle class represents the biggest pool of taxpayers to glean cash from...DUH!! :auiqs.jpg:
I didn't agree with your comment until I looked it up and you are correct, although I had no idea I had "risen". Probably because shortly after I was finally making some headway in my career & the workplace as a computer programmer, they made our job classification exempt from overtime and I wasn't making middle class money just yet, let alone upper middle class money, and that exemption certain helped slow down my upward mobility. If I recall correctly, I think the first Bush did this (this administration).

These numbers are from 2024:

Where you rank by income​

According to the Census Bureau’s Income in the United States: 2022 report, the median household income is $74,580 (a 2.3% decline from 2021), while household income levels for each class level are as follows:
  • Lower class: less than or equal to $30,000
  • Lower-middle class: $30,001 – $58,020
  • Middle class: $58,021 – $94,000
  • Upper-middle class: $94,001 – $153,000
  • Upper class: greater than $153,000

Where you rank by net worth​

Some finance experts prefer to view classes in terms of net worth because they believe it accounts for people’s financial habits. If you have a high income but spend much of what you make, you may not have much to show for it. Based on U.S. census data from 2021, here’s the median net worth of each class:
  • Lower class: $12,000
  • Lower-middle class: $61,260
  • Middle class: $145,200
  • Upper-middle class: $269,100
  • Upper class: $805,400
The income you need to fall in America's lower, middle and upper classes — find out where you rank and how these social levels are defined
}I had the benefit of having a few bosses early in life back in the 70s that burned it into my head to never try and compare your wage to someone elses,,

as long as youre doing your job and feel like youre being paid fairly worrying about what someone else makes only leads to resentment in either direction and problems,,

but having no taxs on overtime is going to be a boom for the working class, I can see an extra 200-500 extra a month in money to go back into the economy,,

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