Tonight’s Rallies: Harris pulls 15X’s Trump’s crowd size

You are the one defending Trumps disastrous performance
Yes it was Trump giving those answers
When Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions before that debate, I never saw a debate done by the liberal media as fair again.

He gave what answers he could being attacked from all angles by three people. You are so blighted and blinded by your political biases that you see nothing wrong with the setup of that debate.
Harris has two tonight: Charlotte 9,000 and Greensboro 22,000 person arenas

Trump is in Arizona at a 2,200 seat auditorium.

According to Trump math, Harris should win the election




Maybe Trump should hide in the basement for awhile? He can't do much worse!

Easy, he's speaking to rural and suburban populations in those small auditoriums. Kamala is bussing in her supporters and/or going to places near major population centers for her rallies.

Trump has done one or two outdoor rallies since Butler, but has largely stayed away from them since nearly being assassinated. Kamala faces no such fear. She has the full suite available to her.

Does that help you sleep at night? :itsok:

MAGA always has some story why trump isn't a loser.

Poli science 101: Speak to lots of people.

Harris is speaking to lots of people.

My wedding was bigger than tonight’s Trump rally.

I hear people were walking out of Trumps rally because they were bored

Kamala is a Rock Star


Crowd leaving a Trump rally

Also, OP doesn't take into account that people may be afraid to go to Trump's rallies for fear of violence like that of Butler. This whole fear of reprisal for supporting Trump isn't new, and probably why the polls are so tight right now. People are saying "none of your business" to the pollsters.

Nevermind the article. This is the tidbit the OP readily ignores when it comes to crowd sizes. It is also a tired refrain that liberals repeated during the 2016 election cycle. That turned out to be true, in reverse.

That's political science, citygator

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Harris has two tonight: Charlotte 9,000 and Greensboro 22,000 person arenas

Trump is in Arizona at a 2,200 seat auditorium.

According to Trump math, Harris should win the election




Hypocrite much?

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Trump issues: Crowd size

Real effective

The emperor has no clothes. Amazing speech Mr President! What a wonderful job you did babbling incoherently about crowd size and a dystopian America that doesn’t exist. Mass delirium is a thing.

You a really think taking over the bodily choices of 170M American women is offset by bigotry against a few hundred trans folks? Maybe start there.

You really think normal people look at Trump with his ourtrageous lies about simple things like MLK vs his crowd size and helicopter rides to big things like the election was stolen without scaring the shit out of normies?

Her opponent is talking crowd size, WWIII, and about a dystopian American that doesnt exist. That is who has no message.
Damn, at $50.00 an hour that's gonna cost her.
Maybe Laura Loomer can make up for her low$50.00 hourly rate, with a huge payoff to keep quiet about what they were doing, traveling together. Maybe that is all he could pay now, with donations down.

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