The Donald Trump rally from Mobile, Alabama

There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico. When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs. In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost. Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour? A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government??? So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!! So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!! How will Trump trump that ?? View attachment 48010
Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.
Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration". Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly... "illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"! After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws. She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States. Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform: 1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border. 2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced. 3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans. Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico. When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs. In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost. Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour? A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government??? So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!! So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!! How will Trump trump that ?? View attachment 48010
Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.
Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration". Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly... "illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"! After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws. She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States. Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform: 1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border. 2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced. 3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans. Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico. When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs. In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost. Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour? A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government??? So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!! So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!! How will Trump trump that ?? View attachment 48010
Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.
Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration". Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly... "illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"! After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws. She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States. Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform: 1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border. 2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced. 3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans. Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico.
When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs.

In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost.
Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist
Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour?
A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing
benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries

Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government???
So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!!

So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!!

How will Trump trump that ??

View attachment 48010

Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.

Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration".
Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly...
"illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"!
After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a
NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws.
She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.

Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By "plan", I mean a plan to pay for all of the things he is promising. How will he pay to make our mitary great and feared? How will he pay for the wall? How will he get Mexico to pay for the wall, how will he pay to deport so many people.

He says the right things but has to plan to pay for it.
"[T]there is a distinct nativist element in this that is finding resonance with racist whites, I have no doubt about this at all."


Trump is appealing to the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to most on the right.
"[T]there is a distinct nativist element in this that is finding resonance with racist whites, I have no doubt about this at all."


Trump is appealing to the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to most on the right.

Nice Strawman you have built there. Have fun beating on it and crowing about your prowess. Moron.
We're two weeks from Labor Day and about 120 days + 2 weeks from the Iowa Caucus.

Labor Day is going to be about the 1/2 way point for The Donald meaning that he'll have been in the race for 3 months with 3 months to go before the 1st contest.

Iowa is famous for voting for substance over style; at least on the GOP side. Santorum actually won it in 2012 and I think we can all agree it wasn't his charisma. So, going forward, we have about 6 more weeks of this. If Trump is going to show flashes of substance, it will likely be after October (why alienate people early?). In October, Iowans are going to want to know if he is for real or not so this is when you'll see retail politics take over; farm subsidies, trade plans, ethanol, etc... Not as sexy or "big picture" as "Make America Great" again.

Everybody likes the guy who speaks in platitudes. Its hard to do that when talking about farm policy.
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico.
When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs.

In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost.
Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist
Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour?
A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing
benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries

Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government???
So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!!

So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!!

How will Trump trump that ??

View attachment 48010

I totally disagree with Trump on tariffs. Cut taxes here

A 35% tariff only adds to the cost of a car paid by American buyers.
What about cutting taxes on car makers equal to their 21% labor costs?
Right now the facts are these:
Payroll taxes i.e. Employers' share of SS/Medicare: $1.070 trillion.
Corporate income taxes paid by businesses: $341.7 billion, or 11% of all tax revenues.
So businesses pay over $1.4 trillion in payroll/income taxes of the 2015, total federal revenues in fiscal year 2015 are expected to be $3.18 trillion.

Federal Revenue: Where Does the Money Come From
Given that over $1.4 trillion in Federal taxes are paid maybe if Trump's plan would be reduce employers' share of SS/Medicare might
offset the $70/hour labor union wage rate. Keep the union leaders happy by having MORE union members paying union dues!
We're two weeks from Labor Day and about 120 days + 2 weeks from the Iowa Caucus.

Labor Day is going to be about the 1/2 way point for The Donald meaning that he'll have been in the race for 3 months with 3 months to go before the 1st contest.

Iowa is famous for voting for substance over style; at least on the GOP side. Santorum actually won it in 2012 and I think we can all agree it wasn't his charisma. So, going forward, we have about 6 more weeks of this. If Trump is going to show flashes of substance, it will likely be after October (why alienate people early?). In October, Iowans are going to want to know if he is for real or not so this is when you'll see retail politics take over; farm subsidies, trade plans, ethanol, etc... Not as sexy or "big picture" as "Make America Great" again.

Everybody likes the guy who speaks in platitudes. Its hard to do that when talking about farm policy.

NO... Iowa didn't vote "substance over style" with Obama!
As a former Iowan I know that the average Iowan that voted for Obama did so in the caucus strictly because with all the press in Iowa the average Iowan that voted for Obama knew nothing of his "substance"! They only knew if they DIDN"T vote for the black guy they'd be labeled "racist"..."hicks", dumb farmers... by the MSM that wanted Obama.
So don't you ever think that "substance" counted in Iowa in 2008 causus voters!
I mean you literally had to "stand" for your vote. So what inferiority complexed Iowan with media hanging all around wouldn't stand for the black man?
There was a perfect example of "style" over substance!
At least Trump has MADE executive decisions. Billions of dollars in decisions. Thousands of lives decisions. Hiring "you're fired" decisions!
Trump is first and foremost an executive that has tremendous executive experience... 50 years!
So don't worry about "substance" with Trump. He's doing what any good marketeer does... establishing presence!
Case in point. The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now tell me how many times have we seen "The Donald" say "You're Fired"!!!
We're two weeks from Labor Day and about 120 days + 2 weeks from the Iowa Caucus.

Labor Day is going to be about the 1/2 way point for The Donald meaning that he'll have been in the race for 3 months with 3 months to go before the 1st contest.

Iowa is famous for voting for substance over style; at least on the GOP side. Santorum actually won it in 2012 and I think we can all agree it wasn't his charisma. So, going forward, we have about 6 more weeks of this. If Trump is going to show flashes of substance, it will likely be after October (why alienate people early?). In October, Iowans are going to want to know if he is for real or not so this is when you'll see retail politics take over; farm subsidies, trade plans, ethanol, etc... Not as sexy or "big picture" as "Make America Great" again.

Everybody likes the guy who speaks in platitudes. Its hard to do that when talking about farm policy.

NO... Iowa didn't vote "substance over style" with Obama!
As a former Iowan I know that the average Iowan that voted for Obama did so in the caucus strictly because with all the press in Iowa the average Iowan that voted for Obama knew nothing of his "substance"! They only knew if they DIDN"T vote for the black guy they'd be labeled "racist"..."hicks", dumb farmers... by the MSM that wanted Obama.
So don't you ever think that "substance" counted in Iowa in 2008 causus voters!
I mean you literally had to "stand" for your vote. So what inferiority complexed Iowan with media hanging all around wouldn't stand for the black man?
There was a perfect example of "style" over substance!
At least Trump has MADE executive decisions. Billions of dollars in decisions. Thousands of lives decisions. Hiring "you're fired" decisions!
Trump is first and foremost an executive that has tremendous executive experience... 50 years!
So don't worry about "substance" with Trump. He's doing what any good marketeer does... establishing presence!
Case in point. The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now tell me how many times have we seen "The Donald" say "You're Fired"!!!

Re-read my post dipshit.
"[T]there is a distinct nativist element in this that is finding resonance with racist whites, I have no doubt about this at all."


Trump is appealing to the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to most on the right.

Trump is going to stop the illegal invasion of this country by Mexico...which sends its troublemakers, deadbeats, and criminals here...with the positive encouragement of Barack Obama and the rest of the Whoreing-for-Votes Democrats...who put them on the Federal Plantation, give them free stuff at Taxpayer expense...and turn them into reliable Demcratic/Socialist Voters.

Mexico is Smart and Obama is guilty of Treason. Trump, or some other Republican with stones is going to put a stop to it...once and for all.

And we don't need any more Muslims either, thank you.
"[T]there is a distinct nativist element in this that is finding resonance with racist whites, I have no doubt about this at all."


Trump is appealing to the unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to most on the right.
Fear of change,proof positive you are clueless hack,change real change from what we have been offered for so long,is what drives his popularity,repeating your childish talking points over and over ,just reinforces said fact.
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico.
When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs.

In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost.
Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist
Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour?
A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing
benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries

Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government???
So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!!

So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!!

How will Trump trump that ??

View attachment 48010

Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.

Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration".
Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly...
"illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"!
After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a
NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws.
She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.

Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By "plan", I mean a plan to pay for all of the things he is promising. How will he pay to make our mitary great and feared? How will he pay for the wall? How will he get Mexico to pay for the wall, how will he pay to deport so many people.

He says the right things but has to plan to pay for it.

I showed you ONE plan for immigration!
Did you read the simple web page?

What was "Obama's " plan at this time? Did YOU know this was what Obama told everyone THAT read his book that THIS WAS HIS PLAN???
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Obama's plan was to "FOOL" people! Play the race card. Obama was actually the FIRST person to play the race card when he said..
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

So please at this early early stage don't bitch and moan about "plans"... The biggest most effective executive actions by Trump is
A) UPHOLD current laws... NO new ones needed!
B) Do away with this idiocy in the military...
In the past it was the superiority of US military that was the major reason for our security...
but with our military having less then 14% approval of Obama, with Obama's rules of engagement stating:
Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
C) STOP the insane attack on healthcare by eliminating the biggest LIE Obama told... that later he admitted was a lie!
Remember when Obama said: "I prefer single payer health system"... he WANTED then 1,400 insurance companies to close, 400,000 people to be unemployed and OVER $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and property taxes to disappear!
Is that the kind of President we want? One who wants Americans to lose money, lose their jobs, lose their businesses?

All Trump need do is what he stated " Make America Great Again!
Stop blaming Americans for all the world's woes!
Start remembering how many trillions of dollars Americans have given, hundreds of thousands of lives to help our fellow man!
Stop blaming American as Obama has done!
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico.
When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs.

In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost.
Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist
Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour?
A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing
benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries

Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government???
So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!!

So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!!

How will Trump trump that ??

View attachment 48010

Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.

Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration".
Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly...
"illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"!
After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a
NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws.
She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.

Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By "plan", I mean a plan to pay for all of the things he is promising. How will he pay to make our mitary great and feared? How will he pay for the wall? How will he get Mexico to pay for the wall, how will he pay to deport so many people.

He says the right things but has to plan to pay for it.

I showed you ONE plan for immigration!
Did you read the simple web page?

What was "Obama's " plan at this time? Did YOU know this was what Obama told everyone THAT read his book that THIS WAS HIS PLAN???
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Obama's plan was to "FOOL" people! Play the race card. Obama was actually the FIRST person to play the race card when he said..
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

So please at this early early stage don't bitch and moan about "plans"... The biggest most effective executive actions by Trump is
A) UPHOLD current laws... NO new ones needed!
B) Do away with this idiocy in the military...
In the past it was the superiority of US military that was the major reason for our security...
but with our military having less then 14% approval of Obama, with Obama's rules of engagement stating:
Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
C) STOP the insane attack on healthcare by eliminating the biggest LIE Obama told... that later he admitted was a lie!
Remember when Obama said: "I prefer single payer health system"... he WANTED then 1,400 insurance companies to close, 400,000 people to be unemployed and OVER $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and property taxes to disappear!
Is that the kind of President we want? One who wants Americans to lose money, lose their jobs, lose their businesses?

All Trump need do is what he stated " Make America Great Again!
Stop blaming Americans for all the world's woes!
Start remembering how many trillions of dollars Americans have given, hundreds of thousands of lives to help our fellow man!
Stop blaming American as Obama has done!

I don't know if you just are not reading my posts at all or what.

Where is the plan to pay for this stuff? You keep showing me plans of what he wants to do but none of them show how he plans to pay for this stuff. Unless you can point out where I missed it because I don't see it anywhere.
Donald Trump's popularity can be explained thus:

He says what Americans haven't heard in a long time. That America is a great country and just needs someone to make it great again. People are tired of being told that we suck. It's a lie, everyone knows it's a lie and they want someone to tell them that he will
Make us great again.

He doesn't tolerate the foolishness of the left.

He doesn't back down, he can't be intimidated, and he speaks for those who have had their voices taken away.

He's a proven leader of men and women.

Personally (if anyone cares), I'm not ready to vote for him. At least not in the primaries. I would vote for him above anyone on the Democrat Party side, and before Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, or Mike Huckabee.

What makes me hesitate with him is his spending ideas. All of his ideas so far cost a shit ton of money. So far he hasn't said how he will pay for things like building up the military. I need to hear a plan for that.

There you go. Now you are thinking. Good for you.
Just a thought on the Wallace comparison. Wallace gave up his racially charged rhetoric and actively worked to desegregate schools and appoint blacks to state office well ahead of the rest of the southern states. I have no such hope that Trump will see the error of his ways.

George Wallace was a Democrat btw.

George Wallace was a segregationistic Southern Democrat in the mold of the asswhipped Confederacy and he did not run in 1968 as a Democrat. He was the "American Independent Party" candidate.

Almost all segregationists were Democrat. Nature of the racist beast.

And moved right over to the Republican Party in the 60s and 70s, with Nixon's Southern State Strategy.

My how many Righties are really, really dense.
Donald Trump's popularity can be explained thus:

He says what Americans haven't heard in a long time. That America is a great country and just needs someone to make it great again. People are tired of being told that we suck. It's a lie, everyone knows it's a lie and they want someone to tell them that he will
Make us great again.

He doesn't tolerate the foolishness of the left.

He doesn't back down, he can't be intimidated, and he speaks for those who have had their voices taken away.

He's a proven leader of men and women.

Personally (if anyone cares), I'm not ready to vote for him. At least not in the primaries. I would vote for him above anyone on the Democrat Party side, and before Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, or Mike Huckabee.

What makes me hesitate with him is his spending ideas. All of his ideas so far cost a shit ton of money. So far he hasn't said how he will pay for things like building up the military. I need to hear a plan for that.

There you go. Now you are thinking. Good for you.

I'm always thinking.
Just a thought on the Wallace comparison. Wallace gave up his racially charged rhetoric and actively worked to desegregate schools and appoint blacks to state office well ahead of the rest of the southern states. I have no such hope that Trump will see the error of his ways.

George Wallace was a Democrat btw.

George Wallace was a segregationistic Southern Democrat in the mold of the asswhipped Confederacy and he did not run in 1968 as a Democrat. He was the "American Independent Party" candidate.

Almost all segregationists were Democrat. Nature of the racist beast.

And moved right over to the Republican Party in the 60s and 70s, with Nixon's Southern State Strategy.

My how many Righties are really, really dense.


  • image.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 69
There is ONE glaring aspect missing from Trump's thumping of Ford,Nabisco,etc. companies moving plants overseas or to Mexico.
When he described in his speech last night of putting a 35% tariff on Fords coming into USA built in Mexico he totally forgets the number one reason those companies move overseas. Labor costs.

In building a car labor at 21% is the 2nd highest cost.
Raw materials – the biggest cost driver in the auto industry - Market Realist
Mexico average hourly wage: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
MGR - the Mexico Gulf Reporter: Mexican minimum wage in 2014 will be $5 dollars - a day
Q: Do auto workers really make more than $70 per hour?
A: No. That figure is derived from what the auto companies pay in wages, health, retirement and other benefits, and includes the cost of providing
benefits to retirees Auto Worker Salaries

Now of course the totally ignorant FACTCHECK people think that other costs are what paid by the government???
So compare $70/hr times 8 hours or $560/day to $5/day in Mexico.... SEEMS like a no brainer to me!!!

So what drives this $560/day labor costs??? Labor Unions!!!

How will Trump trump that ??

View attachment 48010

Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.

Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration".
Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly...
"illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"!
After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a
NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws.
She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.

Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By "plan", I mean a plan to pay for all of the things he is promising. How will he pay to make our mitary great and feared? How will he pay for the wall? How will he get Mexico to pay for the wall, how will he pay to deport so many people.

He says the right things but has to plan to pay for it.

I showed you ONE plan for immigration!
Did you read the simple web page?

What was "Obama's " plan at this time? Did YOU know this was what Obama told everyone THAT read his book that THIS WAS HIS PLAN???
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Obama's plan was to "FOOL" people! Play the race card. Obama was actually the FIRST person to play the race card when he said..
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

So please at this early early stage don't bitch and moan about "plans"... The biggest most effective executive actions by Trump is
A) UPHOLD current laws... NO new ones needed!
B) Do away with this idiocy in the military...
In the past it was the superiority of US military that was the major reason for our security...
but with our military having less then 14% approval of Obama, with Obama's rules of engagement stating:
Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
C) STOP the insane attack on healthcare by eliminating the biggest LIE Obama told... that later he admitted was a lie!
Remember when Obama said: "I prefer single payer health system"... he WANTED then 1,400 insurance companies to close, 400,000 people to be unemployed and OVER $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and property taxes to disappear!
Is that the kind of President we want? One who wants Americans to lose money, lose their jobs, lose their businesses?

All Trump need do is what he stated " Make America Great Again!
Stop blaming Americans for all the world's woes!
Start remembering how many trillions of dollars Americans have given, hundreds of thousands of lives to help our fellow man!
Stop blaming American as Obama has done!

I don't know if you just are not reading my posts at all or what.

Where is the plan to pay for this stuff? You keep showing me plans of what he wants to do but none of them show how he plans to pay for this stuff. Unless you can point out where I missed it because I don't see it anywhere.

Yepp. Where is the plan to pay for this stuff??

Alone, the costs for a wall 1,954 miles in length on the southern border to Mexico will go into the hundreds of billions of dollars, including construction, personnel and upkeep. That is a very realistic figure. 200 billion is probably a conservative estimate. 600 Miles of fence had a cost of 8 Billion, just for the construction, and a fence is infinitely cheaper to build than a real wall, with watchposts and customs booths and floodlights and motion sensors and all that jazz. In fact, a conservative estimate is that a wall would be about 7 times more expensive than a fence, including the costs of removing the fence that is there and digging a deep enough foundation to keep tunnels from happening. 8 * 7 = 56 BILLION per 600 miles. 56 billion * 3.26 (which would bring us to 1,954 miles) = 182.56 BILLION for an almost 2,000 mile wall. Consider how much the walls in your own house cost, how small that is in relation to just one mile, that the wall is going to need to be far thicker, far, far higher and more weather resistant than your average house wall, and you can see that the costs shoot to heaven pretty damned fast. It's simple math, you know.

For each illegal immigrant who is found and then will be expatriated, the estimate is at 11 thousand per head to find and expel. 11,000 * 12,000,000 = 132 billion. This number does not reflect the massive hit that the housing market and the secret inland economy will take when those 12 million are gone.

So, already, we are easily at almost 315 BILLION.

And then there are the legal costs for attempting to expel children of illegal immigrants, since per 14th amendment, they are US citizens and cannot legally be expelled, especially since they have no other land of origin. To put it simply, there is no other land to repatriate them to. Who knows how many such children are here. But I estimate that the tort costs alone would be between 40-70 billion, over many, many years.

So, now we are at about 360 BILLION.

And then there will be the costs for attempting to alter the 14th amendment per introduction of a new amendment, because, contrary to Trump's fantasies, the only way to undo a constitutional amendment is with a new amendment, where the wording makes part or all of a previous amendment null and void. This will require two things to happen, and the order doesn't really matter:

Constitutional Amendment Process

The process for amending any part of the Constitution has usually taken a number of years to do.
This is not a short-term project. And such an amendment cannot retroactively remove the citizenship of children already born to illegal immigrants here in the USA. For good or for bad, those children are fellow citizens. Many of them only speak English and cannot speak the language or their ancestors. Many have never travelled to the homeland of their parents, who are likely hiding in the shadows, anyway. So, in terms of trying to amend part of the 14th amendment, we are talking about a long process. Were a President "Trump" to decide to go around the 14th amendment, I suspect he would have a major fight on his hands.

As for costs, it's hard to say, but each state would have costs to bear for advertisement, discussion, referendum. Considering that any special election costs 2-5 million per state for an average sized state, far more for a state like California, alone the costs of a referendum nationwide would be around 150 MILLION. That is a small amount compared to what I've added together, but it's not far away from the foreign aid that we give to Mexico and according to Don Trump, Mexico will pay for a 183 BILLION dollar wall because they would be scared that we will take away their 500 MILLION per year. This is the moment where I start to laugh out loud...

And then there is the topic of the US Military, which, suddenly, in the eyes of the Right, is so unbelievably weak, in spite of having performed brilliantly in not just one, but two wars. So, without specifying what needs to be improved and how much of this, that and the other is necessary to improve the US Military, there is no way to put an honest price-tag on it. But I have never seen a major change in the US Military that didn't have a price-tag less than many billions of Dollars. I suspect that Trump is talking about changes around the 300-400 BILLION mark.

Put this all together and I bet (and would be willing to eat my hat with this projection) we are, when all is said and done, talking about 700 BILLION dollars or so, just this side of 1 TRILLION dollars.

And you are right: Trump has not said how he will pay for this. Anyone who thinks that Mexico is going to fork over 183 BILLION for a wall on our side of the border is taking LSD or something like that.

Like I said, it's simple math.
Agreed, and this is again, my problem with Trump; all talk and no plan. I like what he says, but let's hear the plan.

Well that is an exaggeration "all talk no plan" at least when it comes to "illegal immigration".
Which by the way is first and foremost NOW what Trump uses when ever asked about the "immigration" problem... he responds and correctly...
"illegal immigration"! Because like Trump I am all for "LEGAL IMMIGRATION"!
After all we ALL are from some other country in our ancestors! BUT legally! I have a daughter-in-law who is a "legal immigrant" and became a
NATURALIZED CITIZEN. One who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States Under the constitution and laws.
She has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.

Here is the "illegal immigration" plan as created by Trump and endorsed by Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change. Here are the three core principles of real immigration reform:

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Now there is more details from this web site: Immigration Reform

Sorry, I should have been more clear. By "plan", I mean a plan to pay for all of the things he is promising. How will he pay to make our mitary great and feared? How will he pay for the wall? How will he get Mexico to pay for the wall, how will he pay to deport so many people.

He says the right things but has to plan to pay for it.

I showed you ONE plan for immigration!
Did you read the simple web page?

What was "Obama's " plan at this time? Did YOU know this was what Obama told everyone THAT read his book that THIS WAS HIS PLAN???
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

Obama's plan was to "FOOL" people! Play the race card. Obama was actually the FIRST person to play the race card when he said..
"They're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced
and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear

So please at this early early stage don't bitch and moan about "plans"... The biggest most effective executive actions by Trump is
A) UPHOLD current laws... NO new ones needed!
B) Do away with this idiocy in the military...
In the past it was the superiority of US military that was the major reason for our security...
but with our military having less then 14% approval of Obama, with Obama's rules of engagement stating:
Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
C) STOP the insane attack on healthcare by eliminating the biggest LIE Obama told... that later he admitted was a lie!
Remember when Obama said: "I prefer single payer health system"... he WANTED then 1,400 insurance companies to close, 400,000 people to be unemployed and OVER $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local and property taxes to disappear!
Is that the kind of President we want? One who wants Americans to lose money, lose their jobs, lose their businesses?

All Trump need do is what he stated " Make America Great Again!
Stop blaming Americans for all the world's woes!
Start remembering how many trillions of dollars Americans have given, hundreds of thousands of lives to help our fellow man!
Stop blaming American as Obama has done!

I don't know if you just are not reading my posts at all or what.

Where is the plan to pay for this stuff? You keep showing me plans of what he wants to do but none of them show how he plans to pay for this stuff. Unless you can point out where I missed it because I don't see it anywhere.

Yepp. Where is the plan to pay for this stuff??

Alone, the costs for a wall 1,954 miles in length on the southern border to Mexico will go into the hundreds of billions of dollars, including construction, personnel and upkeep. That is a very realistic figure. 200 billion is probably a conservative estimate. 600 Miles of fence had a cost of 8 Billion, just for the construction, and a fence is infinitely cheaper to build than a real wall, with watchposts and customs booths and floodlights and motion sensors and all that jazz. In fact, a conservative estimate is that a wall would be about 7 times more expensive than a fence, including the costs of removing the fence that is there and digging a deep enough foundation to keep tunnels from happening. 8 * 7 = 56 BILLION per 600 miles. 56 billion * 3.26 (which would bring us to 1,954 miles) = 182.56 BILLION for an almost 2,000 mile wall. Consider how much the walls in your own house cost, how small that is in relation to just one mile, that the wall is going to need to be far thicker, far, far higher and more weather resistant than your average house wall, and you can see that the costs shoot to heaven pretty damned fast. It's simple math, you know.

For each illegal immigrant who is found and then will be expatriated, the estimate is at 11 thousand per head to find and expel. 11,000 * 12,000,000 = 132 billion. This number does not reflect the massive hit that the housing market and the secret inland economy will take when those 12 million are gone.

So, already, we are easily at almost 315 BILLION.

And then there are the legal costs for attempting to expel children of illegal immigrants, since per 14th amendment, they are US citizens and cannot legally be expelled, especially since they have no other land of origin. To put it simply, there is no other land to repatriate them to. Who knows how many such children are here. But I estimate that the tort costs alone would be between 40-70 billion, over many, many years.

So, now we are at about 360 BILLION.

And then there will be the costs for attempting to alter the 14th amendment per introduction of a new amendment, because, contrary to Trump's fantasies, the only way to undo a constitutional amendment is with a new amendment, where the wording makes part or all of a previous amendment null and void. This will require two things to happen, and the order doesn't really matter:

Constitutional Amendment Process

The process for amending any part of the Constitution has usually taken a number of years to do.
This is not a short-term project. And such an amendment cannot retroactively remove the citizenship of children already born to illegal immigrants here in the USA. For good or for bad, those children are fellow citizens. Many of them only speak English and cannot speak the language or their ancestors. Many have never travelled to the homeland of their parents, who are likely hiding in the shadows, anyway. So, in terms of trying to amend part of the 14th amendment, we are talking about a long process. Were a President "Trump" to decide to go around the 14th amendment, I suspect he would have a major fight on his hands.

As for costs, it's hard to say, but each state would have costs to bear for advertisement, discussion, referendum. Considering that any special election costs 2-5 million per state for an average sized state, far more for a state like California, alone the costs of a referendum nationwide would be around 150 MILLION. That is a small amount compared to what I've added together, but it's not far away from the foreign aid that we give to Mexico and according to Don Trump, Mexico will pay for a 183 BILLION dollar wall because they would be scared that we will take away their 500 MILLION per year. This is the moment where I start to laugh out loud...

And then there is the topic of the US Military, which, suddenly, in the eyes of the Right, is so unbelievably weak, in spite of having performed brilliantly in not just one, but two wars. So, without specifying what needs to be improved and how much of this, that and the other is necessary to improve the US Military, there is no way to put an honest price-tag on it. But I have never seen a major change in the US Military that didn't have a price-tag less than many billions of Dollars. I suspect that Trump is talking about changes around the 300-400 BILLION mark.

Put this all together and I bet (and would be willing to eat my hat with this projection) we are, when all is said and done, talking about 700 BILLION dollars or so, just this side of 1 TRILLION dollars.

And you are right: Trump has not said how he will pay for this. Anyone who thinks that Mexico is going to fork over 183 BILLION for a wall on our side of the border is taking LSD or something like that.

Like I said, it's simple math.

I have little doubt that he could get Mexico to pay for at least part of it. I just haven't heard it from him yet. Even if we spent all of that money it would be a rare case where the government didn't waste taxpayer dollars.

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