So At the Trump Rally...

Chet Hanx is Tom Hanks kid?

Interesting. . .. and a bit ironic that a leftist commie like IM2 is whining about this song, which had been appropriated by Kirk's people?


The Squandered Promise of Chet Hanks’s White-Boy Summer​

Perhaps, in the end, we weren’t nearly as ready for it as we might have wanted to be.
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". . . I wasn’t glad to hear that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson had fallen ill, but I couldn’t help but find the video funny. There was Chet Hanks’s bold decision to deliver the news while inexplicably shirtless, his body crowded with tattoos (an Eye of Providence on his sternum, a Latin phrase that translates to “Fortune favors the bold” on his upper arm), his bare, well-developed muscles as if threatening to explode out of the camera’s tight frame; his puzzling choice as a white man to speak in Black English; and the fact that this look-alike of Justin Timberlake in “Alpha Dog” was, amazingly, the offspring of one of America’s most beloved actors. In the midst of darkness, he was giving us light. It was all going to be O.K. Tom Hanks’s buff, rapper son had told us it would be.

As we now know, almost nothing turned out to be O.K. But, with the recently accelerated vaccine rollout, we are beginning to see signs of the pandemic’s end, and, as if heeding a clarion call, Chet Hanks has come back to provide. On March 26th, in a short front-facing clip that he posted on Instagram, Hanks presented his predictions for the coming months. “I just got this feeling, man, that this summer is, it’s about to be a white-boy summer,” he began, seated in the driver’s seat of a car, energetically chewing a wad of gum. “I’m not talking about, like, Trump, you know, Nascar-type white. I’m talking about me, Jon B., Jack Harlow-type white-boy summer . . . Let me know if you guys can vibe with that.” In the caption, he urged people to “Tag a REAL vanilla king” in the comments.. . . "

Interesting that in the year 2024, some crackpot is still hunting for commies.
You'll love this billboard. :auiqs.jpg:
It's about time Trump and his supporters got honest about what they stand for. We who are not white have known this for over 40 years. Trump is a racist. Just admit it.

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"White Boy Summer" Flag Unfurled on Stage at Trump's Detroit Rally

Keep voting commie black racist.

black power family color.jpg
Only the racist whites here call me that. Non racist whites know different. And f I wanted to vote commie, I'd vote Republican.

Bullshit. You're a Marxist to the core. BLM, Black Panthers, other other organizations like those are based in Marxism.

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