Trump said I don’t care about you I jus want your vote

You’re In A Cult! and Take Off The Stupid Hat​

Trump was joking after Six people were taken to a hospital, and some two dozen others were treated at the scene for heat-related issues? He was joking?

There was no indication that Trump was joking.

Trump: Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care.
Yes. Joking.

You’re a dipshit.
Yes. Joking.

You’re a dipshit.
Trump as a dictator? Republicans assure us it was a joke. What could go wrong?

In a recent interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, the greatest president who has ever lived suggested that if reelected, he would be a dictator for only "Day One": “I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill. … We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.”

Nobody is funnier that Donald Trump, right?​

Now clearly that was a hysterically funny joke from a man known by many to be a master of standup comedy. To prove he was only kidding, Trump repeated the same thing a few days later during a speech before a New York Republican group: “I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

OH MY GOD, THAT IS SUCH A GOOD ONE! Are you laughing? We are all laughing at that razor-sharp humor for which Trump is so well known!

It’s the classic joke setup originally created by comedians at The Second City in Chicago: say you want to be a dictator; tell people you were just kidding; repeat that you want to be a dictator; allow laughter to ensue.

Lighten up, democracy nerds. We Republicans, known for our fun-loving senses of humor, all know the former president is just joshing.

“It’s entertainment,” said Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas. “You know, we’ve been around him long enough. It’s entertaining.”

I think it was a joke,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Saying you'll be a dictator if elected is a classic form of humor​

See? It’s just a hoot and, quite frankly, we think it’s refreshing to have a presidential candidate who recognizes the inherent humor in suspending the U.S. Constitution, taking full control of the government and giving himself unchecked power. For one day! (Rimshot!)

Fox News host Jesse Watters said: “Trump is going to have so much fun with this dictatorship hoax. Watch him start wearing a crown.”

LOL! That would be great. Who doesn’t love prop comedy!

But with Trump, it's all hoots and hollers. Let's look back on the many other times he has been hilarious. Like remember how he said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it. BAZINGA!

What about Lock her up? Kidding?

Taking our abortion rights away? Just joking?

Retribution for the people who charged him with the crimes he committed? Hard to tell when he's kidding.

Here's the rule. If Trump says anything stupid or bad, he was just kidding

If Trump said it and it sounded bad, trust us, he was just joking​

He’s truly the Bob Hope of our generation. Somebody get that man a Netflix standup special!
Trump as a dictator? Republicans assure us it was a joke. What could go wrong?

In a recent interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, the greatest president who has ever lived suggested that if reelected, he would be a dictator for only "Day One": “I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill. … We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.”

Nobody is funnier that Donald Trump, right?​

Now clearly that was a hysterically funny joke from a man known by many to be a master of standup comedy. To prove he was only kidding, Trump repeated the same thing a few days later during a speech before a New York Republican group: “I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

OH MY GOD, THAT IS SUCH A GOOD ONE! Are you laughing? We are all laughing at that razor-sharp humor for which Trump is so well known!

It’s the classic joke setup originally created by comedians at The Second City in Chicago: say you want to be a dictator; tell people you were just kidding; repeat that you want to be a dictator; allow laughter to ensue.

Lighten up, democracy nerds. We Republicans, known for our fun-loving senses of humor, all know the former president is just joshing.

“It’s entertainment,” said Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas. “You know, we’ve been around him long enough. It’s entertaining.”

I think it was a joke,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Saying you'll be a dictator if elected is a classic form of humor​

See? It’s just a hoot and, quite frankly, we think it’s refreshing to have a presidential candidate who recognizes the inherent humor in suspending the U.S. Constitution, taking full control of the government and giving himself unchecked power. For one day! (Rimshot!)

Fox News host Jesse Watters said: “Trump is going to have so much fun with this dictatorship hoax. Watch him start wearing a crown.”

LOL! That would be great. Who doesn’t love prop comedy!

But with Trump, it's all hoots and hollers. Let's look back on the many other times he has been hilarious. Like remember how he said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it. BAZINGA!

What about Lock her up? Kidding?

Taking our abortion rights away? Just joking?

Retribution for the people who charged him with the crimes he committed? Hard to tell when he's kidding.

Here's the rule. If Trump says anything stupid or bad, he was just kidding

If Trump said it and it sounded bad, trust us, he was just joking​

He’s truly the Bob Hope of our generation. Somebody get that man a Netflix standup special!
You’re a great critic. 🙄
Yes. Joking.

You’re a dipshit.

Biden was just joking too when he tripped walking onto airforce one and when he fell off his bike

Remember when Jack rode his bike by Suzanne Somers in a wig and fell?



Like trump he's a stable genius

thats because he was to stiff to can see that when he walks....
Yea, he’s just kidding.

That seems to be republicans excuse every time trump says something stupid.

Drink bleach, drop water on magnets, what else? So many I forgot.
Yea, he’s just kidding.

That seems to be republicans excuse every time trump says something stupid.

Drink bleach, drop water on magnets, what else? So many I forgot.
bobo.....we are talking about biden ...not everything is about fucking donald trump.....
bobo.....we are talking about biden ...not everything is about fucking donald trump.....
The reason I’m a democrat is I care about you Harry. And me yes. But us. If trump wins I’m going to stop caring and just focus on me. Fuck social issues and right and wrong. Fuck bereaking the law and elections. I’ll never vote again. They/you will win. If America can fall into Not See control, fuck it. I guess ll just become a little Eichmann.

I truly believe Biden does care too.

I know trump doesn’t. He even admitted it. This should be a drop mic moment but you’re brainwashed.

Paul Ryan just said trump is unfit to serve. He’s wrong?
The reason I’m a democrat is I care about you Harry. And me yes. But us. If trump wins I’m going to stop caring and just focus on me. Fuck social issues and right and wrong. Fuck bereaking the law and elections. I’ll never vote again. They/you will win. If America can fall into Not See control, fuck it. I guess ll just become a little Eichmann.

I truly believe Biden does care too.

I know trump doesn’t. He even admitted it. This should be a drop mic moment but you’re brainwashed.

Paul Ryan just said trump is unfit to serve. He’s wrong?
bobo why are you such a dipshit?....i can give a flying fuck about trump....why cant you concentrate on the topic?....are you that brainwashed?....
bobo why are you such a dipshit?....i can give a flying fuck about trump....why cant you concentrate on the topic?....are you that brainwashed?....
You don't care about Trump? You should. You should fear a 2nd term. You don't says you're a Not See. Not all Not See's are evil. Some (you) are dumb. Little Eichmanns.
LOL. Democrats have been quietly saying that for decades.
No that's what the right tells you. Back before Reagan and Corporations ruined America in the late 70's, we had a big fat successful middle class. Corporations did well too. But Republicans and corporations hated the big fat well paid middle class. So they waged war on the highest blue collar workers. Unions. In 2000's Bush finished the job and sent all their jobs overseas. Fast forward to today. The uneducated blue collar white workers who lost their jobs, are now living in economic despair. Same people you want to vote for Trump and Republicans. You say you'll bring jobs back? At what wage?

AND, if they fuck and get pregnant, you will force them to have the baby which will cost them between $16,227 and $18,262 a year raising a child born in 2023. So voting Republican could cost you $325,000 over the next 18 years. Something to consider.
No that's what the right tells you. Back before Reagan and Corporations ruined America in the late 70's, we had a big fat successful middle class. Corporations did well too. But Republicans and corporations hated the big fat well paid middle class. So they waged war on the highest blue collar workers. Unions. In 2000's Bush finished the job and sent all their jobs overseas. Fast forward to today. The uneducated blue collar white workers who lost their jobs, are now living in economic despair. Same people you want to vote for Trump and Republicans. You say you'll bring jobs back? At what wage?

AND, if they fuck and get pregnant, you will force them to have the baby which will cost them between $16,227 and $18,262 a year raising a child born in 2023. So voting Republican could cost you $325,000 over the next 18 years. Something to consider.
LOL. The right doesn't tell me anything. Blacks are leaving the party because they're tired of broken promises to get their votes. While the left have been fighting for higher wages and benefits for the middle class, the poorer (AKA blacks) are the ones having to pay the higher prices so that the middle class can earn more money. And, blacks are still waiting for their promised reparations, which even liberal California isn't even paying. But, democrats will keep up with the promises to get the black vote and then the broken promises and then get told that if they don't vote for Biden then they're not really black.

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