I can see why you Trump supporters might like him.

You are grown up? And still don’t understand.
You may never understand. It’s one of the many problems inherent to the duopoly.

Has it not occurred to you that 300 million plus Americans essentially voting for only two assholes every four years is absurd?
You may never understand. It’s one of the many problems inherent to the duopoly.

Has it not occurred to you that 300 million plus Americans essentially voting for only two assholes every four years is absurd?

It's only you.
It's only occurred to you.

Thank Allah for you, man.

Except the supporting terrorism stuff.
You may never understand. It’s one of the many problems inherent to the duopoly.

Has it not occurred to you that 300 million plus Americans essentially voting for only two assholes every four years is absurd?
First of all, 300 million don't vote every 4 years. At most legally, about 150 million vote. And, to vote for the leader of the free world every 4 years makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is why Senators sit in their offices 6 years at a time. Are they more important than the President? The House has become too short as well. All should be a 4 year cycle. And, there should be limits on how many times they can run for the same office. I think the same as the President, twice and then get lost.

We vote for a team.

You want the country to go one direction, you vote for the team with the D by their name.

You want to go a different direction; you vote for the team with the R by their name.

The President is not on an island.
The President does not operate in a vacuum.
The President gets to fill a lot of positions with teammates.

I get that you are far too intellectual to understand that simple truth.
I get that there are a lot of independents that don't understand.
I get that there are a lot of 3rd, 4th, and 5th party people who don't understand that.

Are there supposed to be brighter shades of difference between the team with the R and the one with the D?
I think so, yes.

Should we work to make the differences brighter?
Again, I think so, yes.

Do protest votes for teams that have no chance of winning, help?
I don't think so, no.

The people that voted for team Biden last time, look at the team of Cabinet Members that your leader picked.
Are those the people that you wanted; do they represent you?
Like most things in life, teamwork is important, teamwork matters.
First of all, 300 million don't vote every 4 years. At most legally, about 150 million vote. And, to vote for the leader of the free world every 4 years makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is why Senators sit in their offices 6 years at a time. Are they more important than the President? The House has become too short as well. All should be a 4 year cycle. And, there should be limits on how many times they can run for the same office. I think the same as the President, twice and then get lost.
You must know the president doesn’t run the country. Billionaires and their corporations do.
We vote for a team.

You want the country to go one direction, you vote for the team with the D by their name.

You want to go a different direction; you vote for the team with the R by their name.

The President is not on an island.
The President does not operate in a vacuum.
The President gets to fill a lot of positions with teammates.

I get that you are far too intellectual to understand that simple truth.
I get that there are a lot of independents that don't understand.
I get that there are a lot of 3rd, 4th, and 5th party people who don't understand that.

Are there supposed to be brighter shades of difference between the team with the R and the one with the D?
I think so, yes.

Should we work to make the differences brighter?
Again, I think so, yes.

Do protest votes for teams that have no chance of winning, help?
I don't think so, no.

The people that voted for team Biden last time, look at the team of Cabinet Members that your leader picked.
Are those the people that you wanted; do they represent you?
Like most things in life, teamwork is important, teamwork matters.
I don’t vote. Why vote when it obviously means nothing?
It is because democrats work hand in hand with the drug cartels,
Show us. Explain yourself.
Prove what you say is true.
As you are no doubt aware......being able to back up one's word is a marker of character and an awareness of one's responsibility.

Batter up, poster
Show us. Explain yourself.
Prove what you say is true.
As you are no doubt aware......being able to back up one's word is a marker of character and an awareness of one's responsibility.

Batter up, poster
Why else open the border and when criminals are caught, let them go as in this case.
Justify your actions that support this rape and murder or denounce the democrats.

who's side you on

Illegal migrants accused of killing 12-year-old girl were recently released into US: ICE
Just a look from the outside I don’t understand how Trump can be considered as a candidate at all, from my point of view, Trump is the same as Putin in Russia. Yes, fortunately for the Americans, you have good protection in the internal political structure of the state from the emergence of a dictator for life, but still, Trump, as president, can greatly harm both America and world relations in general.
"Justify your actions that support this rape and murder or denounce the democrats."
You are deflecting and avoiding your responsibility to vet, prove, or substantiate your own assertion. This one: "It is because democrats work hand in hand with the drug cartels"

Your avatar asserted it. Thus it is up to your avatar to explain and prove such an allegation.

So do it.
It is the responsible adult thing to do.
I am mildly convinced you should know your duty to be able to explain your own words.

Saddle up, Skippy.

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