I can see why you Trump supporters might like him.

Really. How many times when Trump told a lie or said something idiotic did we hear the explanation as being "he was just kidding." He kids a lot.
He does kid a lot. And exaggerates. I can watch him speak and easily discern when he’s doing it. The leftist MSM, however, purposefully misinterprets these things in an attempt to smear him. The “dictator for day one” line he used to convey that he’ll bring back his policies on the border and drilling, for example. Obviously a light-hearted play on words, but the drones have been fed the false narrative that he actually will become a dictator and never leave office.

Dude, he's abandoned the job to spend eight straight days in the woods, with 16 coaches, sixteen, to prepare for a 90 minute debate defending his record. Eight days.
It just shows how far gone he is. Someone on top of their game can just do a debate, because they think clearly and know exactly what their positions are.
This section is too long to paste all of it. I encourage you to read the rest.

Border Stats​

Trump offered some wildly exaggerated statistics on illegal border crossings in his Phoenix remarks.

He claimed that 18 million people had been allowed into the U.S. under Biden. “I think that’s the real number as of now, 18 million people.” There’s no evidence for such a figure. We asked the Trump campaign about this claim, and others cited in this article, but we didn’t receive a response.

According to data from the Office of Homeland Security Statistics, there were 6.5 million apprehensions by Border Patrol of migrants trying to cross the southern border illegally from February 2021, the month after Biden took office, to February of this year. (The figure doesn’t correspond to that same number of people because of repeat crossing attempts by the same people. For example, the recidivism rate was 27% in fiscal year 2021, according to the most recent figures from CBP.)

Over that 2021-2024 time period, there were also 923,000 “inadmissibles” who arrived at legal ports of entry but didn’t have legal permission to enter the U.S. Of those 7.4 million total encounters at the border, 2.9 million were removed by CBP and 3.2 million were released with notices to appear in immigration court or report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the future, or other classifications, such as parole.
Yeah I’ve heard enough from Trump to know the majority of statements he makes are distortions, exaggerations or outright lies. It’s embarrassing to see a man of such low moral character elevated to power by our public.
Wrong. They agree on the big issues. War, taxation, spending, protecting and benefiting Wall Sreet and the 1%, healthcare, homelessness, US hegemony and imperialism, Israel, Ukraine, big government, intel agencies. The border is a slight difference, but Donnie did almost nothing about the border when he was potus.

If you stop consuming corporate media, this becomes evident.
War? No. Democrats need war now to prop up the economy. Republicans don't need that because Trump knows how to improve the economy. And, Republicans aren't warmongers like Democrats. They don't agree.
Taxation? You have to be kidding. Democrats always raise taxes including state and local taxes. They believe in Keynesian economics or socialism. It's Republicans who lower taxes as they believe in supply side economics of Reagan. What's the matter with you? They don't agree.
Protecting Wallstreet? It's you Democrat liberals who hate Wallstreet. Your media and talking heads always talk about it. Here's the fact, Republicans believe in capitalism with the markets controlling prices. Democrats believe in socialism with the government controlling prices. Here is an interesting fact" There have been 13 years where where Republicans dominated the government with control of the Presidency, House and Senate. The Average rate of return of the stock market, 14.52%. There have been 34 years where Democrats dominated the government. The average rate of return, 14.52%. Go figure. Two things drive the market, consumer spending and corporate earnings. So, you bleeding heart liberals scream about corporations and the money they make but benefit with corporations too. Socialism doesn't work. They don't agree.
Healthcare? When is the last time you heard Republicans pushing for government healthcare? Never. When have you heard Democrats pushing for controlling the health of every American citizen? All the time! They don't agree.
Homelessness? Yes, both care about fixing the homeless situations. But, disagree on how to do it. Democrats throw money at it, give them needles for their drugs, let them set up camps on the streets of cities and still do nothing for the mental challenges the homeless have. Republicans want to start with the mental challenges and fix the economy so those capable of working can find jobs. Democrats keep raising minimum wage that has caused corporations to find other ways to dispense their products eliminating the workforce for the teenagers, young adults and uneducated adults in places like fast food restaurants. Republicans push for the marketplace to decide wages and cost of items and services. They don't agree.
Hegemony and imperialism? Hegemony, really? Democrats want to control churches and religions except for Islam. They want to tax them and they want to get rid of the Bible so that certain groups like the LGBTQ's and Communists can control the country's morality and destroying the 1st amendment. Republicans want to keep the 1st amendment intact for the freedom of religion and speech. Just look how the Democrat government and their media are trying to silence Trump. You can't deny that, can you? And, who is looking for imperialism by the U.S.? They mostly don't agree.
Israel? What??? Democrats are doing everything they can to support Hamas and destroy Israel. Look at all the money and oil to sell Biden and Obama gave Iran to fund Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups Iran controls. You think there are any Republicans that support that? Not on your life! Especially Christian Republicans. The definitely don't agree!
Ukraine? Republicans believe Biden and Obama bribed Ukraine through Hunter Biden's employment dealings giving money to the Big Guy, Joe Biden and his Klan. Democrats deny this. Same way with China. In fact, many Republicans believe the payback Joe got was to derail Trump in the 2020 election by having China spread the China "Covid" virus. I agree. Covid served both China and Biden. Definately don't agree. Republicans do keep that war going spending money. They mostly don't agree
Intelligence Agencies? Trump did not use any of the agencies to go after Hillary Clinton for a multiple of crimes. Same with Biden and the Ukraine, Russia Hoax and China as mentioned. Trump did not use the government to go after his political opposition. Biden's administration and all the intelligence agencies he controls have gone after Trump and his administration people and continue to do so attempting to interfere in the election. They mostly don't agree.
The Border? Trump had several executive orders what kept illegal aliens from crossing the border and staying in Mexico. He got the Mexico Governor to put Mexican soldiers at their border and keep them in Mexico or sending them back to their countries origins. He got rid of catch and release. He was building a new wall from sea to shining sea. There were many other orders to allow for administration of the current laws of the border and immigration. Biden ignores the laws that are on the books already. He signed executive orders to stop the building of the wall even though there is still money for it available. He stopped the stay in Mexico order. He doesn't allow the border patrol to stop illegal crossings allowing 14 million to have gotten in illegally including tens of thousands from Russia, Iran, China and other enemies of the U.S. We now have many terrorist cells as FBI Director Christopher Wray stated this to Congress. He's part of the problem. The two political parties aren't even close. They don't agree.
War? No. Democrats need war now to prop up the economy. Republicans don't need that because Trump knows how to improve the economy. And, Republicans aren't warmongers like Democrats. They don't agree.
Taxation? You have to be kidding. Democrats always raise taxes including state and local taxes. They believe in Keynesian economics or socialism. It's Republicans who lower taxes as they believe in supply side economics of Reagan. What's the matter with you? They don't agree.
Protecting Wallstreet? It's you Democrat liberals who hate Wallstreet. Your media and talking heads always talk about it. Here's the fact, Republicans believe in capitalism with the markets controlling prices. Democrats believe in socialism with the government controlling prices. Here is an interesting fact" There have been 13 years where where Republicans dominated the government with control of the Presidency, House and Senate. The Average rate of return of the stock market, 14.52%. There have been 34 years where Democrats dominated the government. The average rate of return, 14.52%. Go figure. Two things drive the market, consumer spending and corporate earnings. So, you bleeding heart liberals scream about corporations and the money they make but benefit with corporations too. Socialism doesn't work. They don't agree.
Healthcare? When is the last time you heard Republicans pushing for government healthcare? Never. When have you heard Democrats pushing for controlling the health of every American citizen? All the time! They don't agree.
Homelessness? Yes, both care about fixing the homeless situations. But, disagree on how to do it. Democrats throw money at it, give them needles for their drugs, let them set up camps on the streets of cities and still do nothing for the mental challenges the homeless have. Republicans want to start with the mental challenges and fix the economy so those capable of working can find jobs. Democrats keep raising minimum wage that has caused corporations to find other ways to dispense their products eliminating the workforce for the teenagers, young adults and uneducated adults in places like fast food restaurants. Republicans push for the marketplace to decide wages and cost of items and services. They don't agree.
Hegemony and imperialism? Hegemony, really? Democrats want to control churches and religions except for Islam. They want to tax them and they want to get rid of the Bible so that certain groups like the LGBTQ's and Communists can control the country's morality and destroying the 1st amendment. Republicans want to keep the 1st amendment intact for the freedom of religion and speech. Just look how the Democrat government and their media are trying to silence Trump. You can't deny that, can you? And, who is looking for imperialism by the U.S.? They mostly don't agree.
Israel? What??? Democrats are doing everything they can to support Hamas and destroy Israel. Look at all the money and oil to sell Biden and Obama gave Iran to fund Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups Iran controls. You think there are any Republicans that support that? Not on your life! Especially Christian Republicans. The definitely don't agree!
Ukraine? Republicans believe Biden and Obama bribed Ukraine through Hunter Biden's employment dealings giving money to the Big Guy, Joe Biden and his Klan. Democrats deny this. Same way with China. In fact, many Republicans believe the payback Joe got was to derail Trump in the 2020 election by having China spread the China "Covid" virus. I agree. Covid served both China and Biden. Definately don't agree. Republicans do keep that war going spending money. They mostly don't agree
Intelligence Agencies? Trump did not use any of the agencies to go after Hillary Clinton for a multiple of crimes. Same with Biden and the Ukraine, Russia Hoax and China as mentioned. Trump did not use the government to go after his political opposition. Biden's administration and all the intelligence agencies he controls have gone after Trump and his administration people and continue to do so attempting to interfere in the election. They mostly don't agree.
The Border? Trump had several executive orders what kept illegal aliens from crossing the border and staying in Mexico. He got the Mexico Governor to put Mexican soldiers at their border and keep them in Mexico or sending them back to their countries origins. He got rid of catch and release. He was building a new wall from sea to shining sea. There were many other orders to allow for administration of the current laws of the border and immigration. Biden ignores the laws that are on the books already. He signed executive orders to stop the building of the wall even though there is still money for it available. He stopped the stay in Mexico order. He doesn't allow the border patrol to stop illegal crossings allowing 14 million to have gotten in illegally including tens of thousands from Russia, Iran, China and other enemies of the U.S. We now have many terrorist cells as FBI Director Christopher Wray stated this to Congress. He's part of the problem. The two political parties aren't even close. They don't agree.
You’re dreaming. You want to believe they’re different, but they aren’t. This has been true for decades. The two parties nominate two doofuses that are very similar on all major policy issues. So, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, but the 1% always win.
You’re dreaming. You want to believe they’re different, but they aren’t. This has been true for decades. The two parties nominate two doofuses that are very similar on all major policy issues. So, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, but the 1% always win.
I gave you clear differences. You can choose to understand or not. Because only 1% difference in votes isn't because Democrats and Republicans are the same. The Party Platforms are completely polar opposites of each other. What you aren't taking into consideration is that there are other reasons why people vote differently. Some are conservatives while others are liberals. Then you have libertarians, independents, socialists, communists and so on. Many are one issue voters like abortionists. To say there is a 1% difference in winners for the Presidency because Democrats and Republicans are so much alike is illogical and myopic.
Let me help you. Socialists, Communists and liberals mostly vote for Democrats and are listed as Democrats. While Conservatives and Capitalists mostly vote for Republicans. Libertarians usually vote for either Republicans or their own candidates in the Libertarian Party because they believe in very small government. Republicans get closer than Democrats with small government. The Party Platform of the Republican Party states for limited government involvement. So, the Republicans and Democrats essentially end up with the same number of votes. Then, comes the independents. Whoever sways them wins. And, it usually is pretty much evenly divided. And, that is where you get your difference of 1%. Democrats and Republicans, polar opposites.
I gave you clear differences. You can choose to understand or not. Because only 1% difference in votes isn't because Democrats and Republicans are the same. The Party Platforms are completely polar opposites of each other. What you aren't taking into consideration is that there are other reasons why people vote differently. Some are conservatives while others are liberals. Then you have libertarians, independents, socialists, communists and so on. Many are one issue voters like abortionists. To say there is a 1% difference in winners for the Presidency because Democrats and Republicans are so much alike is illogical and myopic.
Let me help you. Socialists, Communists and liberals mostly vote for Democrats and are listed as Democrats. While Conservatives and Capitalists mostly vote for Republicans. Libertarians usually vote for either Republicans or their own candidates in the Libertarian Party because they believe in very small government. Republicans get closer than Democrats with small government. The Party Platform of the Republican Party states for limited government involvement. So, the Republicans and Democrats essentially end up with the same number of votes. Then, comes the independents. Whoever sways them wins. And, it usually is pretty much evenly divided. And, that is where you get your difference of 1%. Democrats and Republicans, polar opposites.
Those differences are either minor or not accurate. It’s undeniable both assholes are very similar. This is the way of the uniparty. It’s been this way for decades.

You mean to tell me you don’t know this?
But to do so you have to forget about a monumental amount of water that's gone under the bridge. I don't think there's any need to delineate the list.

The other thing that's required is to assume what he says has some basis in truth. I have to say, that appears to be somewhat problematic.

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

  • Trump falsely said that a proclamation by President Joe Biden to limit asylum eligibility “establishes an annual minimum of approximately 2 million illegal alien border crossers.”
  • He distorted how a mobile app for asylum appointments operated, saying it allows “free entry to be released into the United States at the push of a button.” Applicants are screened, and appointments are limited.
  • Trump offered wildly exaggerated border crossing statistics. For instance, he said that in April, “border crossings were up 1,000% compared to the same month last year.” Apprehensions, which are a proxy for illegal crossings, were down by 30%. If Trump meant April 2020 instead of “last year,” that’s misleading. Apprehensions plunged that month due to the pandemic.
  • He distorted reporting by the New York Times to misleadingly claim that “88,000” unaccompanied minors who came to the U.S. illegally and were processed by the Biden administration “are missing” and “many of those children are dead.”
  • Trump claimed that “more drugs are coming into our country right now than at any time in our history.” Federal data for drug seizures by weight are trending down under Biden. As a proxy for drug smuggling, that data suggest that fewer drugs, not more, are coming into the country. Fentanyl seizures, however, have increased significantly under both Trump and Biden.
  • Trump claimed that “300,000 people are dying a year” in the U.S. from drugs, and said the figure is “probably more than that.” A federal agency reported that there were 107,941 drug overdose deaths in 2022, and a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher previously told us that any undercount “should be relatively small.”
  • He falsely claimed that “virtually 100% of the new jobs under Biden have also gone to illegal aliens.” Since Biden became president in January 2021, employment of U.S.-born workers has increased more than employment of foreign-born workers, which includes those in the U.S. legally.

The factual refutation of his claims are written out in great detail. I'm only asking that those who believe Trump is the right guy for the job of prez read through said refutations. See if they make sense to you before discounting them out of hand. Please don't just do the typical......"FactCheck is all garbage."
Trump has my vote no matter what you people say.
The argument is focused on how voters might like Trump. Fair enough but isn't there another side of the coin? Almost nobody really likes old Joe Biden but there is enough hatred generated in the media for Trump so that it makes up for the lack of likeableness of the old dude.
But to do so you have to forget about a monumental amount of water that's gone under the bridge. I don't think there's any need to delineate the list.

The other thing that's required is to assume what he says has some basis in truth. I have to say, that appears to be somewhat problematic.

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

  • Trump falsely said that a proclamation by President Joe Biden to limit asylum eligibility “establishes an annual minimum of approximately 2 million illegal alien border crossers.”
  • He distorted how a mobile app for asylum appointments operated, saying it allows “free entry to be released into the United States at the push of a button.” Applicants are screened, and appointments are limited.
  • Trump offered wildly exaggerated border crossing statistics. For instance, he said that in April, “border crossings were up 1,000% compared to the same month last year.” Apprehensions, which are a proxy for illegal crossings, were down by 30%. If Trump meant April 2020 instead of “last year,” that’s misleading. Apprehensions plunged that month due to the pandemic.
  • He distorted reporting by the New York Times to misleadingly claim that “88,000” unaccompanied minors who came to the U.S. illegally and were processed by the Biden administration “are missing” and “many of those children are dead.”
  • Trump claimed that “more drugs are coming into our country right now than at any time in our history.” Federal data for drug seizures by weight are trending down under Biden. As a proxy for drug smuggling, that data suggest that fewer drugs, not more, are coming into the country. Fentanyl seizures, however, have increased significantly under both Trump and Biden.
  • Trump claimed that “300,000 people are dying a year” in the U.S. from drugs, and said the figure is “probably more than that.” A federal agency reported that there were 107,941 drug overdose deaths in 2022, and a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researcher previously told us that any undercount “should be relatively small.”
  • He falsely claimed that “virtually 100% of the new jobs under Biden have also gone to illegal aliens.” Since Biden became president in January 2021, employment of U.S.-born workers has increased more than employment of foreign-born workers, which includes those in the U.S. legally.

The factual refutation of his claims are written out in great detail. I'm only asking that those who believe Trump is the right guy for the job of prez read through said refutations. See if they make sense to you before discounting them out of hand. Please don't just do the typical......"FactCheck is all garbage."
Biden has forty seven years of the same water under the bridge. Trump still better.
Those differences are either minor or not accurate. It’s undeniable both assholes are very similar. This is the way of the uniparty. It’s been this way for decades.

You mean to tell me you don’t know this?
You made an incorrect assumption that Democrats and Republicans think the same. They are night and day, Ying and Yang. The independents and moderates decide elections.

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