Trump said I don’t care about you I jus want your vote

Trump's going to cause such high inflation

To bring tariff revenues anywhere close to income tax levels would seem to require hefty boosts in tariffs well beyond the 10% Trump initially proposed.
Paul Krugman, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics, gave a quick estimate in a social media post: “I’ll have to write this up in detail, but my first-pass estimate is that this would require an average tariff rate of 133 percent.”

bobo that has nothing to do with the conversation......once again change the topic when you dont have an answer.....
bobo that has nothing to do with the conversation......once again change the topic when you dont have an answer.....

Are you still stuck on that? I answered you a few posts ago. You asked what prescription drugs? and I told you. You came back with some bullshit and I decided to move on and change the subject. Are you hurt that I won't let you control the conversation?

You nit picker. Biden lowered the cost of perscription drugs. Sorry if it's not the drugs you're on. LOL. Viagra.
Of course not silly. The GOP would have to change in order to get my vote. They haven't. Since Reagan, they've been anti middle class.

They GOP has never changed. They are just as shitty as they were in 2008 after destroying our economy, military, standing with the rest of the world and middle class. All they did was complain about Obama for 8 years and even then Trump whipped your asses because the GOP was considering nominating another Bush. Can you believe that? Talk about not learning your lesson. America must have a short memory.

Hell, they even gave the GOP control back of either the House or Senate in 2010. How quickly they forgot that it was the GOP who ruined America in the 2000's.

Our mistake was nominating Hillary. The only reason Trump won.
And the Mulatto Menace is worthy of all the scorn placed on him. But you would cheer any and all Democrat corruption as well as likely killing anyone standing in the way of your diseased agenda. Plus the Democrat party will support any and all sexual freaks, including kiddie diddlers.
Are you still stuck on that? I answered you a few posts ago. You asked what prescription drugs? and I told you. You came back with some bullshit and I decided to move on and change the subject. Are you hurt that I won't let you control the conversation?

You nit picker. Biden lowered the cost of perscription drugs. Sorry if it's not the drugs you're on. LOL. Viagra.
name one that he lowered .....
Because you don't know about all the good he has done. Not bragging like Trump. Not making shit up to win you over. Just doing his job.

Student loan forgiveness. Not very popular but he did it anyways. Because he cares about middle class people.

Perscription drugs.

The fact he's a Democrat means he's pro labor/middle class. If he didn't care about me/the middle class he'd be a Republican. Right?

Because he's not using his position to make his family richer. I can prove Trump only cares about himself. You can't prove that about Biden.

So you prove to me Trump cares about you. Other than your vote. Oh yea, you're not even trying because he told you. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU!

So your response is none of them do? Fuck you Papa. I can prove Trump doesn't care about you. He said it. Oh yea, you don't care. He was kidding. Or none of them do. Very convenient.
First off, I don’t need to prove Trump care, because I already said he doesn’t and he admitted that all he wants is our votes, which he won’t get from me.

Now, student loan forgiveness is popular.
It is a vote buying scheme, that cost us billions when America is already in debt $34 trillion, you think this kind of spending is good for our nation? Not good for our economy, in fact the last President that really cared about what was best for America and Americans is Coolidge who took us out of debt and made us a stronger nation, right now we are in fiscal trouble and Democrats and Republicans continue to spend, giving money away to buy votes and we fall for it. History also shows us they make political moves that are popular and buys votes. What would help us would be massive spending cuts with tax increases on everyone and start shrinking our debt, that would create a healthier nation, a stronger nation but that is a tough but right thing to do, so no politician will do this because they need to buy votes to stay in office and raising taxes and cutting spending would be very hard for America.

Biden appointed Harris the border czar because for four years we heard the left cry about kids in cages that Obama built, and they demanded that Trump fix the issue and Democrats went to the border and cried at the fences and demanded reform, Biden gets elected, he promised to fix the issue and appointed Harris as a border czar, now almost four years later, what has happened? We built more cages, have more kids than ever in cages, yet we hear nothing, not a peep from the Democrats about it getting worse, is that because Biden cares?

Covid hits, $7 trillion spent by Congress and who benefited the most? In the four years since Covid more wealth has been transfer over to the rich. What has Biden done about it? Nothing but you believe he cares? He throws crumbs to you and you think he cares? lol! Under Obama the greatest transfer of wealth to the rich occurred, Covid shows a continuation wealth growth for the rich and what has Biden done? Nothing, except he wants to pay off student debt because it is a popular move among Democrats and Independents.

So show proof Biden really cares for you and me, because I am not seeing anything but vote buying.
First off, I don’t need to prove Trump care, because I already said he doesn’t and he admitted that all he wants is our votes, which he won’t get from me.

Now, student loan forgiveness is popular.
It is a vote buying scheme, that cost us billions when America is already in debt $34 trillion, you think this kind of spending is good for our nation? Not good for our economy, in fact the last President that really cared about what was best for America and Americans is Coolidge who took us out of debt and made us a stronger nation, right now we are in fiscal trouble and Democrats and Republicans continue to spend, giving money away to buy votes and we fall for it. History also shows us they make political moves that are popular and buys votes. What would help us would be massive spending cuts with tax increases on everyone and start shrinking our debt, that would create a healthier nation, a stronger nation but that is a tough but right thing to do, so no politician will do this because they need to buy votes to stay in office and raising taxes and cutting spending would be very hard for America.

Biden appointed Harris the border czar because for four years we heard the left cry about kids in cages that Obama built, and they demanded that Trump fix the issue and Democrats went to the border and cried at the fences and demanded reform, Biden gets elected, he promised to fix the issue and appointed Harris as a border czar, now almost four years later, what has happened? We built more cages, have more kids than ever in cages, yet we hear nothing, not a peep from the Democrats about it getting worse, is that because Biden cares?

Covid hits, $7 trillion spent by Congress and who benefited the most? In the four years since Covid more wealth has been transfer over to the rich. What has Biden done about it? Nothing but you believe he cares? He throws crumbs to you and you think he cares? lol! Under Obama the greatest transfer of wealth to the rich occurred, Covid shows a continuation wealth growth for the rich and what has Biden done? Nothing, except he wants to pay off student debt because it is a popular move among Democrats and Independents.

So show proof Biden really cares for you and me, because I am not seeing anything but vote buying.
Harsky, what part of my post is fake news? I can back my claims with mainstream media links, you are just a coward.
name one that he lowered .....
You know what Harry? You do you. I make over $85k a year wand have a boat on a lake. I’ll have plenty enough to retire at 65. I shouldn’t have to wait so long but because of stupid Americans like you, I can start getting social security at 62 but not Medicare?

if not for dopes like you, I’d be retired already. At 47. That’s when America was great Harry. pension after 30 years means retired at 47. I graduated high school early. You idiots! Instead of saying I want that, you said why do they have that when I don’t? And you get some special mailman pension probably. Ungrateful bitch! Hypocrite. Boomer.

Anyways, I’m doing better than most. Only 18% of Americans make $100k. I made that before trump. S am I better off now? Nope. Trump started a trade war oin 2019. And now he’s saying 100% tariffs? Is he just kidding again? Wake up not see.

But I can afford the high groceries. Did you hear grocery prices lower for the 4th month in a row?
First off, I don’t need to prove Trump care, because I already said he doesn’t and he admitted that all he wants is our votes, which he won’t get from me.

Now, student loan forgiveness is popular.
It is a vote buying scheme, that cost us billions when America is already in debt $34 trillion, you think this kind of spending is good for our nation? Not good for our economy, in fact the last President that really cared about what was best for America and Americans is Coolidge who took us out of debt and made us a stronger nation, right now we are in fiscal trouble and Democrats and Republicans continue to spend, giving money away to buy votes and we fall for it. History also shows us they make political moves that are popular and buys votes. What would help us would be massive spending cuts with tax increases on everyone and start shrinking our debt, that would create a healthier nation, a stronger nation but that is a tough but right thing to do, so no politician will do this because they need to buy votes to stay in office and raising taxes and cutting spending would be very hard for America.

Biden appointed Harris the border czar because for four years we heard the left cry about kids in cages that Obama built, and they demanded that Trump fix the issue and Democrats went to the border and cried at the fences and demanded reform, Biden gets elected, he promised to fix the issue and appointed Harris as a border czar, now almost four years later, what has happened? We built more cages, have more kids than ever in cages, yet we hear nothing, not a peep from the Democrats about it getting worse, is that because Biden cares?

Covid hits, $7 trillion spent by Congress and who benefited the most? In the four years since Covid more wealth has been transfer over to the rich. What has Biden done about it? Nothing but you believe he cares? He throws crumbs to you and you think he cares? lol! Under Obama the greatest transfer of wealth to the rich occurred, Covid shows a continuation wealth growth for the rich and what has Biden done? Nothing, except he wants to pay off student debt because it is a popular move among Democrats and Independents.

So show proof Biden really cares for you and me, because I am not seeing anything but vote buying.
I hope student loan forgiveness pays off but I doubt it. Many of those fools will still vote trump. I know ne personally. My neighbor crazy Renee.

Think of the person who gets some of their student loan forgiveness. Under $75k, not making enough to pay it back but college educated. Unhappy whites?

How many say this is their number one issue? 1 in 8 say abortion is their number one issue. Either pro choice or life. But in total, 1 in 8. How many are going to vote for Biden for what they already got?
You know what Harry? You do you. I make over $85k a year wand have a boat on a lake. I’ll have plenty enough to retire at 65. I shouldn’t have to wait so long but because of stupid Americans like you, I can start getting social security at 62 but not Medicare?

if not for dopes like you, I’d be retired already. At 47. That’s when America was great Harry. pension after 30 years means retired at 47. I graduated high school early. You idiots! Instead of saying I want that, you said why do they have that when I don’t? And you get some special mailman pension probably. Ungrateful bitch! Hypocrite. Boomer.

Anyways, I’m doing better than most. Only 18% of Americans make $100k. I made that before trump. S am I better off now? Nope. Trump started a trade war oin 2019. And now he’s saying 100% tariffs? Is he just kidding again? Wake up not see.

But I can afford the high groceries. Did you hear grocery prices lower for the 4th month in a row?
cant answer the question? couldnt afford to live in a shitty part of California bobo....85 thou doesnt cut it....
I hope student loan forgiveness pays off but I doubt it. Many of those fools will still vote trump. I know ne personally. My neighbor crazy Renee.

Think of the person who gets some of their student loan forgiveness. Under $75k, not making enough to pay it back but college educated. Unhappy whites?

How many say this is their number one issue? 1 in 8 say abortion is their number one issue. Either pro choice or life. But in total, 1 in 8. How many are going to vote for Biden for what they already got?
Thanks for admitting your post claiming students loans being unpopular as utter bullshit and it was nothing but a vote buying scheme. Like I said, you can’t prove Biden gives a damn about you or I. What does skin color have to do with anything? Are you saying that since the majority of people benefitting from Biden’s end run around Congress were white and Biden paid the loans because he knew it would help mostly white people, so he could count on white Americans voting for him? Not sure how killing babies has anything to do with our discussion, more off topic deflection because I am making point after point how Biden, like Trump doesn’t care about you, just your vote.
Thanks for admitting your post claiming students loans being unpopular as utter bullshit and it was nothing but a vote buying scheme. Like I said, you can’t prove Biden gives a damn about you or I. What does skin color have to do with anything? Are you saying that since the majority of people benefitting from Biden’s end run around Congress were white and Biden paid the loans because he knew it would help mostly white people, so he could count on white Americans voting for him? Not sure how killing babies has anything to do with our discussion, more off topic deflection because I am making point after point how Biden, like Trump doesn’t care about you, just your vote.
Look at Biden's history. First job out of law school was for a corporation. He quit and went and became a public defender, helping poor people.

Compare that to Trump. Trump has zero history that suggests he cares about poor people or the middle class.
Thanks for admitting your post claiming students loans being unpopular as utter bullshit and it was nothing but a vote buying scheme. Like I said, you can’t prove Biden gives a damn about you or I. What does skin color have to do with anything? Are you saying that since the majority of people benefitting from Biden’s end run around Congress were white and Biden paid the loans because he knew it would help mostly white people, so he could count on white Americans voting for him? Not sure how killing babies has anything to do with our discussion, more off topic deflection because I am making point after point how Biden, like Trump doesn’t care about you, just your vote.
“He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and he committed financial fraud,” “This election is between a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself and a president who’s fighting for your family.”

Biden’s campaign said the ad is targeting voters in all battleground states in the month of June, contrasting Trump’s legal troubles with Biden’s legislative accomplishments, including working to lower health care costs and counteract the effects of inflation.
Look at Biden's history. First job out of law school was for a corporation. He quit and went and became a public defender, helping poor people.

Compare that to Trump. Trump has zero history that suggests he cares about poor people or the middle class.
For a very brief time he was a public defender and used that to virtue signal during his 2020 campaign when debating and countering Harris. Nice try though.

Why do you keep comparing him to Trump? I already told you he admits to only wanting your vote, Biden lies about this part.
“He’s been convicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault, and he committed financial fraud,” “This election is between a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself and a president who’s fighting for your family.”

Biden’s campaign said the ad is targeting voters in all battleground states in the month of June, contrasting Trump’s legal troubles with Biden’s legislative accomplishments, including working to lower health care costs and counteract the effects of inflation.
/----/ No one is buying the kangaroo court verdict except you Trump haters.

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