Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion.

No, they realized it was a political reality and that the founding document was a political document. In Article I Section 9 they included a sunset provision regarding slavery, in the year 1808.
Sunset for importation, not slavery.

All the conservative types are always talking about a christian nation and christian values, well it turns out that this isn't and never was a christian nation, at least according to the authors of the Tripoli treaty.

It states very clearly that the nation is not in any was founded on the christian religion in the words of John Adams himself.

You would think that this would remove all doubt, but as the short thread on the same subject that was so helpfully closed showed us, there are still plenty of folks who will argue the point.

Tell us, why do you think they would write this if it's not true?

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11 of 13 state Constitutions had a religious oath requirement to hold public office.

That said when people say the US was founded as a Christian Nation they are talking about the principles it was founded on which are undoubtedly Judeo Christian.

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