Who pays tariffs?

A tariff is just a tax on a foreign company.
No it isn’t.

It’s a tax that importers pay. The foreign company doesn’t pay a penny. So they import less or raise the price if they plan on selling what they import which is what happens in most cases now that the tariffs are known in advance. When the blob unleashed the idiotic program of drastic tariffs, corporate budgets (often set for 12-24 months or longer) the importers imported less. Which was not a huge deal until the pandemic hit...then you started seeing shortages in everything, empty shelves, people standing in line... essentially we became Russia living under sanctions. We just imposed them on ourselves with the blob’s electoral college victory.
It operates the same and has the same effect on both companies. Being for one and against the other makes no sense
Perhaps you should educate yourself on the topic before commenting.
What percentage of federal resources do corporations or wealthy employers use? Transportation, communications, trade deals, intellectual properties protections worldwide, the protections of the military?

What percentage of federal resources do corporations or wealthy employers use?

What percentage of federal resources are paid for by taxes on income provided by corporations or wealthy employers?

What percentage of federal resources are paid for by taxes on goods and services provided by corporations or wealthy employers?
Is 4.3T suddenly more than 8.4 now? Yeah, looks like you never passed first grade math.
Your numbers are off again, stupid. He said spending, and clearly Tater set all-time records on that front.

Holy shit you are stupid.

Total Trump spending: $22.355 trillion

Total Tater spending: $24.717 trillion.

And Tater didn't have a pandemic to deal with. And just because you are such a moron, spending in the attached is listed as "outlays".

What percentage of federal resources do corporations or wealthy employers use? Transportation, communications, trade deals, intellectual properties protections worldwide, the protections of the military?
You tell us.

What percent of the total tax bill do the wealthy pay? Top 1%? Top 10%
is the product still being sold in the U.S. ??? seems your theory is all shot to hell
probably not, but in order to get jobs back, it must equal what the cost would be if americans made it. You know that's why they moved to China or Mexico right? Use cheap labor. Kids, no regulation, no UNION!!!!!! Tell me you know this.
No one cares. You won't answer the question. (Hint..corporate taxes wasn't the question :)).

Standard issue denial and deflect post.
Guess I should be used to it by now.
Another pathetic dodge.

Who pays corporate taxes, Simp?
Trumps additions to the debt continue because his tax breaks are still in force and still adding to the debt. Your math sucks.

A large portion of the debt accrued during the Biden administration was due to the Trump tax cuts. Not that I expect you to have any comprehension of economic matters.
Revenues went up after the Trump across the board tax cuts, you KKKanadian halfwit.

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