Study: More than 50% of young leftist women have a mental disorder

Study: More than 50% of young leftist women have a mental disorder​

They had to do a study to determine what is simply obserable?
Its like having a study that shows rain is common during hurricanes.
Here's yet another example of the typically mentally damaged leftist woman:

Here’s another:

Study: More than 50% of young leftist women have a mental disorder​

They had to do a study to determine what is simply obserable?
Its like having a study that shows rain is common during hurricanes.

You'll be happy to know there was no such study.

Study: More than 50% of young leftist women have a mental disorder​

They had to do a study to determine what is simply obserable?
Its like having a study that shows rain is common during hurricanes.

So it turns out you were lying about a study. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you to learn that right wingers are lying about the left.

If you didn’t lie, you’d never post.

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