America’s Princess Taylor Swift has spoken

Anyone who votes for K because of her endorsement, is an idiot.

My point is she’s NOT middle aged.
Swifites don't like Trump's positions on GLBT or their rights to control their own bodies. And their views are the majority. If she pulls just 10k, it helps. And Trmp is toting the endorsement by Krazy Kennedy and the lady who opposes all mainstream dems. So don't pretend this is a come to Jesus moment
Swifites don't like Trump's positions on GLBT or their rights to control their own bodies. And their views are the majority. If she pulls just 10k, it helps. And Trmp is toting the endorsement by Krazy Kennedy and the lady who opposes all mainstream dems. So don't pretend this is a come to Jesus moment
What am I pretending?
People pay attention to what Elon Musk says because he's extremely intelligent especially when it comes to business. I'm sorry but writing pop songs and having a "magnetic personality" doesn't lend weight to your opinions on economics! I don't find her songs to have any depth. She's become a middle aged teenager still going through the "angst" of being dumped (for about the tenth time!) by her latest idiot boyfriend! Pardon me for not caring...
Tough. She has more than 300 million followers.
She's 34...that's middle aged...but she still lives like she's 16 and looking for someone to take her to prom.
34 isn’t middle aged. Look it up.

How do you know how she lives?

I don’t like her or her music, but try to be accurate.
Tough. She has more than 300 million followers.
Millions of people watch the Kardashians...that doesn't mean we should take after them! Duh?
34 isn’t middle aged. Look it up.

How do you know how she lives?

I don’t like her or her music, but try to be accurate.
How do I know how she lives? John...we're subjected to every break up the poor little waif has in one album after another! She's the annoying friend that thinks you really want to KNOW why her boy friend left her! After the tenth time NOBODY normal wants to hear about that any more!
Millions of people watch the Kardashians...that doesn't mean we should take after them! Duh?

How do I know how she lives? John...we're subjected to every break up the poor little waif has in one album after another! She's the annoying friend that thinks you really want to KNOW why her boy friend left her! After the tenth time NOBODY normal wants to hear about that any more!
You don't know her, but I realize that hundreds of millions accept her as a modeling artist in affairs of the heart.

It does not change a thing for anyone that you don't get that. It does not matter.
Oh for god's sake, John...don't be such a dullard! I can't stand the Kardashians! I don't understand how that no talent family of drama queens has made millions doing what they do!
It does not matter what you think is the point. It does matter what hundreds of millions think, whether you agree with it or not.
You don't know her, but I realize that hundreds of millions accept her as a modeling artist in affairs of the heart.

It does not change a thing for anyone that you don't get that. It does not matter.
Why would any sane person "model" their affairs of the heart on someone that goes through boy friends like most people go through sheets of toilet paper?
You mean people making up their own minds after looking around them at what's going on? Gosh...can't have THAT, Tumblin! You've got a generation now that's been told what to think from the time they got to school. They're incapable of critical thought!
Preceding generations have been complaining about this stuff from succeeding generations across human existence. Lighten up, Francis. :rolleyes:
So we should listen to Taylor Swift...but not to Elon Musk? Aren't you amusing...
If you listen to celebrity Elon Musk you shouldn’t be posting about people who listen to celebrity Taylor Swift. I dont care who you listen to. You’re the one acting like listening to celebrities is silly then doing it yourself.
Why would any sane person "model" their affairs of the heart on someone that goes through boy friends like most people go through sheets of toilet paper?
Are you kidding? I’ve dated more people than listed for Taylor Swift. What a dozen or so people? That’s less than normal.

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