Harris campaign is lying about Project 2025

This is my favorite so far:


Fact check: Harris falsely claims Project 2025 blueprint calls for cutting Social Security​

“his extreme Project 2025 agenda,” then said: “Can you believe they put that thing in writing? Read it. It’s 900 pages. But here’s the thing. When you read it, you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Facts First: One of Harris’ claims about Project 2025 is false, while another is at least misleading. The Project 2025 document does not show that Trump intends to cut Social Security; the document barely discusses Social Security at all and does not propose cuts to the program. In addition, contrary to Harris’ suggestion, Project 2025 does not call to “end” the Affordable Care Act or eliminate its protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
And.... The Big Lie....

A Harris campaign official said the campaign has “made a deliberate decision to brand all of Trump’s policies” as “Project 2025,” since they believe “it has stuck with voters.”
Of course they are lying. All the media and Democrats are lying about Project 2025. It is not a policy, not a mandate. It is a proposed agenda to correct many of the problems we have, most caused by the Democrats certainly over the last 20 years. Yes there are some provisions in it that should be reasonably debated and perhaps modified. But there is nothing extreme or radical in it. And most of it is simply a no brainer that of course that is what we should be shooting for.

They couldn't get Trump/us with Russia-Russia-Russia
They couldn't get Trump/us with the bogus collusion with the Ukraine narrative
They couldn't get Trump/us with racism, sexism, whatever phobia. or other ridiculous accusation they could come up with.
They couldn't weaponize the government/courts enough to take Trump/us out.
It was them who most likely tried but couldn't kill him.
They're coup against their nominee and coronation of a new standard bearer isn't working out all that well for them/
So Project 2025 is the new bogyman they hope will gain legs however dishonestly they have to present it through a dishonest propaganda machine called the MSM.
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Of course they are lying. All the media and Democrats are lying about Project 2025. It is not a policy, not a mandate. It is a proposed agenda to correct many of the problems we have, most caused by the Democrats certainly over the last 20 years. Yes there are some provisions in it that should be reasonably debated and perhaps modified. But there is nothing extreme or radical in it. And most of it is simply a no brainer that of course that is what we should be shooting for.

They couldn't get Trump/us with Russia-Russia-Russia
They couldn't get Trump/us with the bogus collusion with the Ukraine narrative
They couldn't get Trump/us with racism, sexism, whatever phobia. or other ridiculous accusation they could come up with.
They couldn't weaponize the government/courts enough to take Trump/us out.
It was them who most likely tried but couldn't kill him.
They're coup against their nominee and coronation of a new standard bearer isn't working out all that well for them/
So Project 2025 is the new bogyman they hope will gain legs however dishonestly they have to present it through a dishonest propaganda machine called the MSM.
One other thing:
I almost never appreciate CNN's mostly dishonest commentary/coverage of anything Trump, MAGA, Republican, Patriot but I have to give them props for this article in which they actually did some good journalism debunking the Biden/Harris administration lies about what JD Vance said about Project 2025 and what Project 2025 actually does say.

A Harris campaign official said the campaign has “made a deliberate decision to brand all of Trump’s policies” as “Project 2025,” since they believe “it has stuck with voters.”

Is that a bad thing? From what I can see of it, all P.2025 is about is turning around the expansive growth of democrat-controlled Big Government and returning our nation back to the standards of limited government, morality, civility and self-actualized people again that made this country great in the first place.

In other words, it is the fix for everything democrats have royally screwed up.
No you are lying about Project 2025. Trump is lying. He and Bush serve the Heritage Foundation. Every Supreme Court Justice is a Heritage Foundation judge who has pledged to ban abortion if given the chance. Put Trump Mike Johnson and Mitch in power and see. On second thought, don't. Because then Project 2025 will be implemented.

We already went undercover and busted one of your Project 2025 Supreme Justices Alito and his wife. Vergogna! If you don't know what that is, look it up. Shame!
Mind readers of the world, unite!
Is that a bad thing? From what I can see of it, all P.2025 is about is turning around the expansive growth of democrat-controlled Big Government and returning our nation back to the standards of limited government, morality, civility and self-actualized people again that made this country great in the first place.
In other words, it is the fix for everything democrats have royally screwed up.
It is.
But the Democrats believe they can lie their way into people thinking P2025 is Trump's extremist agenda -- so, the first thing which needs addresses is their false claim of a connection between P2025 and that agenda.
Whores lie.... it's what they do.

We got a few more weeks of this, while the fake news shows off their new slut and the unemployable simians screech and throw poo at each other in their primitive celebration.... patience.

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two_iron is scared shitless of women so he masks his terror behind belittling insults to make himself feel like he has power over them.
It's known as tiny dick syndrome.
Those are not cuts to SS as falsely claimed by Harris.
Trump has already stated support for raising SS retirement age to 70. Not a part of 2025 but worse because it actually came from him.

It’s far less egregious than the shit Trump has lied about, like claiming Harris supports murdering children after birth.
Trump has already stated support for raising SS retirement age to 70. Not a part of 2025 but worse because it actually came from him.

raising the retirement age has been a mainstream proposal for saving SS for years. The 65 age was set in 1935 when life expectancy for men was 59. Now it's 81
It’s far less egregious than the shit Trump has lied about, like claiming Harris supports murdering children after birth.
Social Security, focus, social security.

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